QCoDeS config system |
Wrapper dict that allows to get dotted attributes |
- class qcodes.configuration.Config(path: str | None = None)[source]¶
QCoDeS config system
Start with sane defaults, which you can’t change, and then customize your experience using files that update the configuration.
- Parameters:
path – Optional path to directory containing a qcodesrc.json config file
Name of config file
Name of schema file
Filename of default config
Path of the last loaded config file
Filename of default schema
Filename of home config
Filename of home schema
Filename of env config
Filename of env schema
Filename of cwd config
Filename of cwd schema
Validators and descriptions of config values
Valid config values
The default configuration
The default schema
([path])Load defaults updates with cwd, env, home and the path specified and validates.
([json_config, schema, ...])Validate configuration; if no arguments are passed, the default config is validated against the default schema.
(key, value[, value_type, description, ...])Add custom config value in place
(path)Load a config JSON file
(path)Save current config to file at given path.
(path)Save current schema to file at given path.
Save config and schema to files in home dir
Save config and schema to files in path specified in env variable
Save config and schema to files in current working dir
(name)Describe a configuration entry
- config_file_name = 'qcodesrc.json'¶
Name of config file
- schema_file_name = 'qcodesrc_schema.json'¶
Name of schema file
- default_file_name = '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.11/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/qcodes/configuration/qcodesrc.json'¶
Filename of default config
- current_config_path = '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.11/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/qcodes/configuration/qcodesrc.json'¶
Path of the last loaded config file
- schema_default_file_name = '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.11/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/qcodes/configuration/qcodesrc_schema.json'¶
Filename of default schema
- home_file_name = '/home/runner/qcodesrc.json'¶
Filename of home config
- schema_home_file_name = '/home/runner/qcodesrc_schema.json'¶
Filename of home schema
- env_file_name = ''¶
Filename of env config
- schema_env_file_name = ''¶
Filename of env schema
- cwd_file_name = '/home/runner/work/Qcodes/Qcodes/docs/qcodesrc.json'¶
Filename of cwd config
- schema_cwd_file_name = '/home/runner/work/Qcodes/Qcodes/docs/qcodesrc_schema.json'¶
Filename of cwd schema
- update_config(path: str | None = None) dict[str, Any] [source]¶
Load defaults updates with cwd, env, home and the path specified and validates. A configuration file must be called qcodesrc.json A schema file must be called qcodesrc_schema.json Configuration files (and their schema) are loaded and updated from the directories in the following order:
default json config file from the repository
user json config in user home directory
user json config in $QCODES_CONFIG
user json config in current working directory
user json file in the path specified
If a key/value is not specified in the user configuration the default is used. Key/value pairs loaded later will take preference over those loaded earlier. Configs are validated after every update. Validation is also performed against a user provided schema if it’s found in the directory.
- Parameters:
path – Optional path to directory containing a qcodesrc.json config file
- validate(json_config: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, schema: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, extra_schema_path: str | None = None) None [source]¶
Validate configuration; if no arguments are passed, the default config is validated against the default schema. If either
is passed the corresponding default is not used.- Parameters:
json_config – json dictionary to validate
schema – schema dictionary
extra_schema_path – schema path that contains extra validators to be added to schema dictionary
- add(key: str, value: Any, value_type: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, default: Any | None = None) None [source]¶
Add custom config value in place
with optionalvalue_type
to user config and schema. Ifvalue_type
is specified then the new value is validated.- Parameters:
key – key to be added under user config
value – value to add to config
value_type – type of value, allowed are string, boolean, integer
description – description of key to add to schema
default – default value, stored only in the schema
>>> defaults.add("trace_color", "blue", "string", "description")
will update the config:
... "user": { "trace_color": "blue"} ...
and the schema:
... "user":{ "type" : "object", "description": "controls user settings of qcodes" "properties" : { "trace_color": { "description" : "description", "type": "string" } } } ...
Add enum support for value_type
finish _diffing
- static load_config(path: str) DotDict [source]¶
Load a config JSON file
- Parameters:
path – path to the config file
- Returns:
a dot accessible dictionary config object
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – if config is missing
- save_config(path: str) None [source]¶
Save current config to file at given path.
- Parameters:
path – path of new file
- class qcodes.configuration.DotDict(value: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None)[source]¶
Wrapper dict that allows to get dotted attributes
Requires keys to be strings.
(iterable[, value])Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
(key[, default])Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
(k[,d])If the key is not found, return the default if given; otherwise, raise a KeyError.
()Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
(key[, default])Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.
([E, ]**F)If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
to provide dot access__setattr__
(key, value)Overwrite
to provide dot access- clear() None. Remove all items from D. ¶
- copy() a shallow copy of D ¶
- classmethod fromkeys(iterable, value=None, /)¶
Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
- get(key, default=None, /)¶
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items ¶
- keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys ¶
- pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. ¶
If the key is not found, return the default if given; otherwise, raise a KeyError.
- popitem()¶
Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order. Raises KeyError if the dict is empty.
- setdefault(key, default=None, /)¶
Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. ¶
If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- values() an object providing a view on D's values ¶
qcodes default configuration¶
The following table contains the default configuration of qcodes.
schema for a qcodes config file |
type |
object |
properties |
controls core settings of qcodes |
type |
object |
properties |
default location formatter used for the legacy dataset |
type |
string |
default |
data/{date}/#{counter}_{name}_{time} |
deprecated - use logger.console_level |
type |
string |
enum |
default |
deprecated - use logger.file_level |
type |
string |
enum |
default |
Register QCoDeS magic when in IPython. Can be set to True, False, or a list of magic commands to be registered |
default |
False |
anyOf |
type |
boolean |
type |
array |
Import the legacy api in main qcodes namespace |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Use debugging mode in sqlite |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
location of the database |
type |
string |
default |
./experiments.db |
controls all settings related to the logging module qcodes.utils.logger. |
type |
object |
properties |
whether to call start_all_logging on qcodes import time. Valid values are ‘always’, ‘never’, ‘if_telemetry_set_up’. |
type |
string |
enum |
always, never, if_telemetry_set_up |
default |
if_telemetry_set_up |
control logging level of console output |
type |
string |
enum |
default |
control logging level of file output. |
type |
string |
enum |
default |
type |
object |
default |
pyvisa |
additionalProperties |
type |
string |
Controls how subscriptions to the dataset, for e.g. live plotting, are handled. Here subscribers can be registered so that they will be available through DataSet.subscribe_from_config. Additionally default subscribers for every DataSet that is generated by the Measurement object can be defined. |
type |
object |
properties |
List of available pre-configured subscribers. The names of the subscriber entries are available as arguments of the DataSet.subscribe_from_config method and can be used in this conifg in the subscription.default_subscribers property. |
type |
object |
controls legacy gui of qcodes |
type |
object |
properties |
Use notebook frontend |
type |
boolean |
default |
True |
Plotting library set to null to run without plotting |
type |
string / null |
enum |
QT, matplotlib, all, None |
default |
null |
Maximum number of PyQtPlots to automatically keep in memory |
type |
integer |
default |
100 |
controls plotting functions i.e. plot_dataset |
type |
object |
properties |
Default colormap to use for plot_dataset. |
type |
string |
default |
viridis |
Scatter plots and heatmaps with more than this number of points will have their data rasterized by default when saved in vector format |
type |
integer |
default |
5000 |
Control of a auto color scale, that scales such that potential outliers of the data will not be included in the min/max range. |
type |
object |
properties |
Enable automatic color scaling |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Upper and lower percentage of datapoints that may maximally be discarded by the auto color scale. For example for [1,1] the auto color scale will in a set of 10 0000 points not clip more than the 100 points of lowest and highest value. |
type |
array |
default |
0.5 |
0.5 |
items |
type |
number |
type |
number |
Matplotlib color representing the datapoints clipped by the upper limit |
default |
white |
Matplotlib color representing the datapoints clipped by the lower limit |
default |
grey |
Optional feature for qdev-wrappers package: controls user settings of qcodes |
type |
object |
properties |
Location of scripts for general experiments |
type |
string |
default |
/ |
Location of experiments |
type |
string |
default |
Settings for QCoDeS Station. |
type |
object |
properties |
If set to true, on instantiation of an existing instrument from station configuration, the existing instrument instance will be closed. |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Default folder where to look for a YAML station configuration file |
type |
string / null |
default |
null |
Default file name, specifying a YAML station configuration file to load, when none is specified. The path can be absolute, relative to the current folder or relative to the default folder as specified in the qcodes config. |
type |
string / null |
default |
null |
Update the monitor based on the monitor attribute specified in the instruments section of the station config yaml file. |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Identifiers for creating a GUID per run in the dataset database. |
type |
object |
properties |
Type of GUID to use. Currently possible to chose between an explicitly assigned ‘Sample identification code’ and a random string as the first part of the GUID. |
type |
string |
enum |
explicit_sample, random_sample |
default |
random_sample |
Geographical location code |
type |
integer |
default |
0 |
Work station identification code |
type |
integer |
default |
0 |
Sample identification code |
type |
integer |
default |
0 |
Settings related to the DataSet and Measurement Context manager |
type |
object |
properties |
Should the data be written from a background thread |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
How often should data be written to disk (s) |
type |
number |
default |
5.0 |
Should instruments be addresesed in parallel for process_params_meas() in doNd measurement |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Should dond functions automatically open a plot after the measurement completes |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Should dond functions show a progress bar during the measurement |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
If user wants to callback a function while loading data, the callback is done every callback_percent |
type |
number |
default |
5.0 |
Should the data be exported automatically when a measurement is completed? If this is set ‘export_type’ must be set to a non null value. |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Data export type for exporting datasets to disk after a measurement finishes. Does not export if set to null (default). Currently supported type(s): netcdf, csv |
type |
string / null |
enum |
netcdf, csv, None |
default |
null |
Data export path for exporting datasets to disk after a measurement finishes. Only activated if export_type is set. {db_location} is a directory in the same folder as the .db file with a matching name i.e. for ~experiments.db will netcdf files will be exported to ~experiments_db |
type |
string |
default |
{db_location} |
Prefix to add to filename for exporting datasets to disk after a measurement finishes. Only activated if export_type is set |
type |
string |
default |
qcodes_ |
Elements to use in export file name, elements are dataset properties. Names will be formatted like ‘{export_prefix}_{export_name_elements[0]}_{…}.file_extension}’ respecting the order of the elements |
type |
array |
default |
captured_run_id |
guid |
items |
type |
string |
enum |
captured_run_id, guid, exp_name, sample_name, name, captured_counter |
Should large dataset be exported to netcdf in chuncks and then recombined into one file. This reduces the memory requirements for exporting the dataset but may be slower and fail in some corner cases |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Estimated size in MB above which the dataset will be exported in chuncks and recombined. |
type |
integer |
default |
1000 |
Flag to load metadata and raw data from exported file of type specified in export_type. If set to true, qcodes will try to import from file first, if it exists. |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Should the data be cached in memory as it is measured. Useful to disable for large datasets to save on memory consumption. |
type |
boolean |
default |
True |
type |
object |
properties |
Whether or not to enable sending telemetry data to the developers of QCoDeS (or elsewhere) |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
A valid Azure Application Insights instrumentation key |
type |
string |
default |
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |