This page was generated from docs/examples/Parameters/Scaled_Parameter.ipynb. Interactive online version: Binder badge.


Sometimes the values that we set/get on the computer are not the physical value that reach/originate from the sample. The ScaledParameter can be used to convert quantities with a simple linear relationship without offset.

from qcodes.parameters import ManualParameter, ScaledParameter
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dac0 = ManualParameter("dac0", unit="V")
dac1 = ManualParameter("dac1", unit="V")
amplitude = ManualParameter("amplitude", initial_value=3.14, unit="V")

Resistive voltage divider

The simplest case is a resistive divider, where the set voltage is divided by a fixed amount.

vd = ScaledParameter(dac0, division=10)
print("Vd =", vd(), vd.unit, ", real setted value =", dac0(), dac0.unit)
Vd = 10.0 V , real setted value = 100 V

Voltage multiplier

If the voltage is amplified, we can specify a gain value instead of division.

vb = ScaledParameter(dac1, gain=30, name="Vb")
print("Vb =", vd(), vb.unit, ", Original_value =", dac1(), dac1.unit)
Vb = 10.0 V , Original_value = 0.16666666666666666 V

Transimpedance amplifier

The ScaledParameter can be used also for quantities that are read, like a current read by a transimpedance amplifier, digitized by a multimeter. We can also specify a different unit from the wrapped parameter. The semantic of gain/division is inverted compared to the previous cases, since it is a value that we read.

Id = ScaledParameter(amplitude, division=1e6, name="Id", unit="A")
print("Id =", Id(), Id.unit, ", Read_value =", amplitude(), amplitude.unit)
Id = 3.14e-06 A , Read_value = 3.14 V

The gain can be manually changed at any time

Id.division = 1e8
print("Id =", Id(), Id.unit, ", Read_value =", amplitude(), amplitude.unit)
Id = 3.14e-08 A , Read_value = 3.14 V

The gain/division can be itself a Qcodes paramter, for example if is a gain set by a remote instrument

remote_gain = ManualParameter("remote_gain", initial_value=1e6, unit="V/A")
Id.division = remote_gain
print("Id =", Id(), Id.unit, ", Read_value =", amplitude(), amplitude.unit)
Id = 3.14e-06 A , Read_value = 3.14 V
print("Id =", Id(), Id.unit, ", Read_value =", amplitude(), amplitude.unit)
Id = 3.14e-08 A , Read_value = 3.14 V