AimTTi Drivers


AimTTi(name, address, **kwargs)

Base class for Aim TTi PL-P series power supply.

AimTTiChannel(parent, name, channel, **kwargs)

This is the class that holds the output channels of AimTTi power supply.

AimTTiPL068P(name, address, **kwargs)

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL068-P series power supply.

AimTTiPL155P(name, address, **kwargs)

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL155-P series power supply.

AimTTiPL303P(name, address, **kwargs)

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL303-P series power supply.

AimTTiPL303QMDP(name, address, **kwargs)

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL303QMD-P series power supply.

AimTTiPL303QMTP(name, address, **kwargs)

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL303QMT-P series power supply.

AimTTiPL601(name, address, **kwargs)

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL601-P series power supply.

AimTTiQL355TP(name, address, **kwargs)

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi QL355TP series power supply.



An Error thrown when connecting to an unknown Aim TTi model

class qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.AimTTi(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]

Bases: VisaInstrument

Base class for Aim TTi PL-P series power supply. This class should not be instantiated directly, but rather one of the subclasses corresponding to the specific model of the power supply should be used.

  • name – Name to use internally in QCoDeS.

  • address – VISA resource address

  • **kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.



The default terminator to use if the terminator is not specified when creating the instrument.



Returns the instrument identification including vendor, model, serial number and the firmware.


Returns the bus address.


Returns the IP address of the LAN interface, if the connection exists.


Returns the netmask of the LAN interface, if the connection exists.


Returns the means by which an IP address is acquired, i.e., DHCP, AUTO or STATIC.


Go to local mode until the next remote command is recieved.


Returns '1' if the interface lock is owned by the requesting instance, '0' if there is no active lock and '-1' if the lock is unavailable.


Requests instrument interface lock.


Requests the release of instrument interface lock.

default_terminator: str | None = '\n'

The default terminator to use if the terminator is not specified when creating the instrument. None means use the default terminator from PyVisa.

get_idn() dict[str, str | None][source]

Returns the instrument identification including vendor, model, serial number and the firmware.

get_address() int[source]

Returns the bus address.

get_IP() str[source]

Returns the IP address of the LAN interface, if the connection exists. If there is a pre-configured static IP and the instrument is not connected to a LAN interface, that static IP will be returned. Otherwise, the return value is ‘’.

get_netMask() str[source]

Returns the netmask of the LAN interface, if the connection exists.

visabackend: str = visabackend
visa_handle: pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource = visa_handle

The VISA resource used by this instrument.

visalib: str | None = visalib
parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}

All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via add_parameter().

functions: dict[str, Function] = {}

All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via add_function().

submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}

All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via add_submodule().

instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}

All the InstrumentModule of this instrument Usually populated via add_submodule().

log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)
metadata: dict[str, Any] = {}
get_netConfig() str[source]

Returns the means by which an IP address is acquired, i.e., DHCP, AUTO or STATIC.

local_mode() None[source]

Go to local mode until the next remote command is recieved. This function does not release any active interface lock.

is_interface_locked() int[source]

Returns ‘1’ if the interface lock is owned by the requesting instance, ‘0’ if there is no active lock and ‘-1’ if the lock is unavailable.

lock_interface() int[source]

Requests instrument interface lock. Returns ‘1’ if successful and ‘-1’ if the lock is unavailable.

unlock_interface() int[source]

Requests the release of instrument interface lock. Returns ‘0’ if successful and ‘-1’ if unsuccessful.

class qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.AimTTiChannel(parent: Instrument, name: str, channel: int, **kwargs: Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs])[source]

Bases: InstrumentChannel

This is the class that holds the output channels of AimTTi power supply.

  • parent – The Instrument instance to which the channel is to be attached.

  • name – The ‘colloquial’ name of the channel.

  • channel – The name used by the AimTTi.

  • **kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.



Parameter volt


Parameter volt_step_size


Parameter curr


Set the current range of the output.


Parameter curr_step_size


Parameter output



A bound method that increases the voltage output of the corresponding channel by an amount the step size set by the user via volt_step_size parameter.


A bound method that decreases the voltage output of the corresponding channel by an amount the step size set by the user via volt_step_size parameter.


A bound method that increases the current output of the corresponding channel by an amount the step size set by the user via curr_step_size parameter.


A bound method that decreases the current output of the corresponding channel by an amount the step size set by the user via curr_step_size parameter.


A bound function that saves the output setup to the internal store specified by the numbers 0-9.


A bound function that loads the output setup from the internal store specified by the numbers 0-9.


Sets the current meter measurement averaging on and off.

volt: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "volt", get_cmd=self._get_voltage_value, get_parser=float, set_cmd=f"V{channel} {{}}", label="Voltage", unit="V", )

Parameter volt

volt_step_size: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "volt_step_size", get_cmd=self._get_voltage_step_size, get_parser=float, set_cmd=f"DELTAV{channel} {{}}", label="Voltage Step Size", unit="V", )

Parameter volt_step_size

curr: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "curr", get_cmd=self._get_current_value, get_parser=float, set_cmd=f"I{channel} {{}}", label="Current", unit="A", )

Parameter curr

curr_range: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "curr_range", get_cmd=f"IRANGE{channel}?", get_parser=int, set_cmd=self._set_current_range, label="Current Range", unit="A", vals=vals.Numbers(1, 2), docstring="Set the current range of the output. " "Here, the integer 1 is for the Low range, " "and integer 2 is for the High range.", )

Set the current range of the output. Here, the integer 1 is for the Low range, and integer 2 is for the High range.

curr_step_size: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "curr_step_size", get_cmd=self._get_current_step_size, get_parser=float, set_cmd=f"DELTAI{channel} {{}}", label="Current Step Size", unit="A", )

Parameter curr_step_size

output: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "output", get_cmd=f"OP{channel}?", get_parser=float, set_cmd=f"OP{channel} {{}}", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val=1, off_val=0), )

Parameter output

increment_volt_by_step_size() None[source]

A bound method that increases the voltage output of the corresponding channel by an amount the step size set by the user via volt_step_size parameter.

decrement_volt_by_step_size() None[source]

A bound method that decreases the voltage output of the corresponding channel by an amount the step size set by the user via volt_step_size parameter.

increment_curr_by_step_size() None[source]

A bound method that increases the current output of the corresponding channel by an amount the step size set by the user via curr_step_size parameter.

decrement_curr_by_step_size() None[source]

A bound method that decreases the current output of the corresponding channel by an amount the step size set by the user via curr_step_size parameter.

save_setup(slot: int) None[source]

A bound function that saves the output setup to the internal store specified by the numbers 0-9.

load_setup(slot: int) None[source]

A bound function that loads the output setup from the internal store specified by the numbers 0-9.

set_damping(val: int) None[source]

Sets the current meter measurement averaging on and off.

parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}

All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via add_parameter().

functions: dict[str, Function] = {}

All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via add_function().

submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}

All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via add_submodule().

instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}

All the InstrumentModule of this instrument Usually populated via add_submodule().

log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)
metadata: dict[str, Any] = {}
class qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.AimTTiPL068P(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]

Bases: AimTTi

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL068-P series power supply.

  • name – Name to use internally in QCoDeS.

  • address – VISA resource address

  • **kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.

class qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.AimTTiPL155P(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]

Bases: AimTTi

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL155-P series power supply.

  • name – Name to use internally in QCoDeS.

  • address – VISA resource address

  • **kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.

class qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.AimTTiPL303P(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]

Bases: AimTTi

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL303-P series power supply.

  • name – Name to use internally in QCoDeS.

  • address – VISA resource address

  • **kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.

class qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.AimTTiPL303QMDP(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]

Bases: AimTTi

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL303QMD-P series power supply.

  • name – Name to use internally in QCoDeS.

  • address – VISA resource address

  • **kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.

class qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.AimTTiPL303QMTP(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]

Bases: AimTTi

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL303QMT-P series power supply.

  • name – Name to use internally in QCoDeS.

  • address – VISA resource address

  • **kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.

class qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.AimTTiPL601(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]

Bases: AimTTi

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi PL601-P series power supply.

  • name – Name to use internally in QCoDeS.

  • address – VISA resource address

  • **kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.

class qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.AimTTiQL355TP(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]

Bases: AimTTi

This is the QCoDeS driver for the Aim TTi QL355TP series power supply.

  • name – Name to use internally in QCoDeS.

  • address – VISA resource address

  • **kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.

exception qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi.NotKnownModel[source]

Bases: Exception

An Error thrown when connecting to an unknown Aim TTi model