Rigol Drivers¶
Instrument driver for the Rigol DG1062 |
Burst commands for the DG1062. |
Driver for the Rigol DG4000 series arbitrary waveform generator. |
This is the general DP8xx Power Supply driver class that implements shared parameters and functionality among all similar power supply from Rigol. |
This is the qcodes driver for the Rigol DP821(A) Power Supply |
This is the qcodes driver for the Rigol DP831(A) Power Supply |
This is the qcodes driver for the Rigol DP832(A) Power Supply |
The QCoDeS drivers for Oscilloscope Rigol DS1074Z. |
Contains methods and attributes specific to the Rigol oscilloscope channels. |
This is the QCoDeS driver for the Rigol DS4000 series oscilloscopes. |
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDG1062(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]¶
Instrument driver for the Rigol DG1062
The default terminator to use if the terminator is not specified when creating the instrument.
- visa_handle: pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource = visa_handle¶
The VISA resource used by this instrument.
- parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}¶
All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- functions: dict[str, Function] = {}¶
All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}¶
All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via
- instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}¶
All the
of this instrument Usually populated viaadd_submodule()
- log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)¶
- waveforms = ('HARM', 'NOIS', 'RAMP', 'SIN', 'SQU', 'TRI', 'USER', 'PULS', 'DC', 'ARB')¶
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDG1062Burst(parent: RigolDG1062, name: str, channel: int, **kwargs: Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs])[source]¶
Burst commands for the DG1062. We make a separate channel for these to group burst commands together.
Parameter on
Parameter polarity
Parameter period
Parameter mode
Parameter ncycles
Parameter phase
Parameter time_delay
Parameter trigger_slope
Parameter source
Parameter idle
()Send a software trigger to the instrument.
- on: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "on", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS {{}}", vals=vals.Enum(0, 1, "ON", "OFF"), )¶
Parameter on
- polarity: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "polarity", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:GATE:POL?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:GATE:POL {{}}", vals=vals.Enum("NORM", "INV"), )¶
Parameter polarity
- period: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "period", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:INT:PER?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:INT:PER {{}}", vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Numbers(min_value=3e-6, max_value=500), vals.Enum("MIN", "MAX") ), )¶
Parameter period
- mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "mode", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:MODE?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:MODE {{}}", vals=vals.Enum("TRIG", "INF", "GAT"), )¶
Parameter mode
- ncycles: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "ncycles", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:NCYC?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:NCYC {{}}", vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=1, max_value=500000), )¶
Parameter ncycles
- phase: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "phase", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:PHAS?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:PHAS {{}}", vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=360), )¶
Parameter phase
- time_delay: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "time_delay", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TDEL?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TDEL {{}}", vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=0), )¶
Parameter time_delay
- trigger_slope: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_slope", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TRIG:SLOP?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TRIG:SLOP {{}}", vals=vals.Enum("POS", "NEG"), )¶
Parameter trigger_slope
- source: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "source", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TRIG:SOUR?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TRIG:SOUR {{}}", vals=vals.Enum("INT", "EXT", "MAN"), )¶
Parameter source
- idle: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "idle", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURST:IDLE?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURST:IDLE {{}}", vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Enum("FPT", "TOP", "BOTTOM", "CENTER"), vals.Numbers(), # DIY ), )¶
Parameter idle
- trigger() None [source]¶
Send a software trigger to the instrument. This only works if the trigger source is set to manual.
- parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}¶
All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- functions: dict[str, Function] = {}¶
All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}¶
All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via
- instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}¶
All the
of this instrument Usually populated viaadd_submodule()
- log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)¶
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDG1062Channel(parent: RigolDG1062, name: str, channel: int, **kwargs: Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs])[source]¶
- Parameters:
parent – The instrument this channel belongs to
name – Name of the channel.
channel – Number of the channel.
**kwargs – Forwarded to base class.
Parameter waveform
Parameter impedance
Parameter sync
Parameter polarity
Parameter state
This functions reads/sets the duty cycle for a square and pulse wave since these inherit a duty cycle.
(**kwargs)Public interface to apply a waveform on the channel Example: >>> gd = RigolDG1062("gd", "TCPIP0::") >>> gd.channels[0].apply(waveform="SIN", freq=1E3, ampl=1.0, offset=0, phase=0) Valid waveforms are: HARM, NOIS, RAMP, SIN, SQU, TRI, USER, DC, ARB To find the correct arguments of each waveform we can e.g. do: >>> help(gd.channels[0].sin) Notice the lower case when accessing the waveform through convenience functions.
Public interface to get the current waveform
- min_impedance = 1¶
- max_impedance = 10000¶
- waveform_params: ClassVar[dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]] = {'ARB': ('sample_rate', 'ampl', 'offset'), 'DC': ('freq', 'ampl', 'offset'), 'HARM': ('freq', 'ampl', 'offset', 'phase'), 'NOIS': ('freq', 'ampl', 'offset', 'phase'), 'PULS': ('freq', 'ampl', 'offset', 'phase'), 'RAMP': ('freq', 'ampl', 'offset', 'phase'), 'SIN': ('freq', 'ampl', 'offset', 'phase'), 'SQU': ('freq', 'ampl', 'offset', 'phase'), 'TRI': ('freq', 'ampl', 'offset', 'phase'), 'USER': ('freq', 'ampl', 'offset', 'phase')}¶
- waveform_translate: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = {'HARM': 'HARM', 'NOISE': 'NOIS', 'PULSE': 'PULS', 'RAMP': 'RAMP', 'SIN': 'SIN', 'SQU': 'SQU', 'TRI': 'TRI', 'USER': 'USER'}¶
- waveforms: ClassVar[tuple[str, ...]] = ('HARM', 'NOIS', 'RAMP', 'SIN', 'SQU', 'TRI', 'USER', 'PULS', 'DC', 'ARB')¶
- waveform: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "waveform", get_cmd=partial(self._get_waveform_param, "waveform") )¶
Parameter waveform
- impedance: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "impedance", get_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:IMP?", set_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:IMP {{}}", unit="Ohm", vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Ints( min_value=RigolDG1062Channel.min_impedance, max_value=RigolDG1062Channel.max_impedance, ), vals.Enum("INF", "MIN", "MAX", "HighZ"), ), get_parser=( lambda value: "HighZ" if float(value) > RigolDG1062Channel.max_impedance else float(value) ), set_parser=lambda value: "INF" if value == "HighZ" else value, )¶
Parameter impedance
- sync: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "sync", get_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:SYNC?", set_cmd=f"OUTPUT{channel}:SYNC {{}}", vals=vals.Enum(0, 1, "ON", "OFF"), )¶
Parameter sync
- polarity: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "polarity", get_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:GAT:POL?", set_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:GAT:POL {{}}", vals=vals.OnOff(), val_mapping={1: "POSITIVE", 0: "NEGATIVE"}, )¶
Parameter polarity
- parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}¶
All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- functions: dict[str, Function] = {}¶
All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}¶
All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via
- instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}¶
All the
of this instrument Usually populated viaadd_submodule()
- log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)¶
- state: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "state", get_cmd=f"OUTPUT{channel}:STATE?", set_cmd=f"OUTPUT{channel}:STATE {{}}", )¶
Parameter state
- duty_cycle: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "duty_cycle", get_cmd=self._get_duty_cycle, set_cmd=self._set_duty_cycle, unit="%", vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=1, max_value=99), docstring=( "This functions reads/sets the duty " "cycle for a square and pulse wave " "since these inherit a duty cycle.\n" "For other waveforms it will give " "the user an error" ), )¶
This functions reads/sets the duty cycle for a square and pulse wave since these inherit a duty cycle. For other waveforms it will give the user an error
- apply(**kwargs: Any) None [source]¶
Public interface to apply a waveform on the channel Example: >>> gd = RigolDG1062(“gd”, “TCPIP0::”) >>> gd.channels[0].apply(waveform=”SIN”, freq=1E3, ampl=1.0, offset=0, phase=0) Valid waveforms are: HARM, NOIS, RAMP, SIN, SQU, TRI, USER, DC, ARB To find the correct arguments of each waveform we can e.g. do: >>> help(gd.channels[0].sin) Notice the lower case when accessing the waveform through convenience functions. If not kwargs are given a dictionary with the current waveform parameters are returned.
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDG4000(name: str, address: str, reset: bool = False, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]¶
Driver for the Rigol DG4000 series arbitrary waveform generator.
This driver works for all four models (DG4202, DG4162, DG4102, DG4062).
The default terminator to use if the terminator is not specified when creating the instrument.
Parameter counter_attenuation
Parameter counter_coupling
Parameter counter_gate_time
Parameter counter_hf_reject_enabled
Parameter counter_impedance
Parameter counter_trigger_level
Parameter counter_enabled
Parameter counter_trigger_sensitivity
Parameter beeper_enabled
Parameter keyboard_locked
Parameter startup_mode
Parameter reference_clock_source
Parameter scpi_version
- default_terminator: str | None = '\n'¶
The default terminator to use if the terminator is not specified when creating the instrument. None means use the default terminator from PyVisa.
- counter_attenuation: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "counter_attenuation", get_cmd="COUN:ATT?", set_cmd="COUN:ATT {}", val_mapping={1: "1X", 10: "10X"}, )¶
Parameter counter_attenuation
- counter_coupling: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "counter_coupling", get_cmd="COUN:COUP?", set_cmd="COUN:COUP {}", vals=Enum("AC", "DC"), )¶
Parameter counter_coupling
- counter_gate_time: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "counter_gate_time", get_cmd="COUN:GATE?", set_cmd="COUN:GATE {}", unit="s", val_mapping={ "auto": "AUTO", 0.001: "USER1", 0.01: "USER2", 0.1: "USER3", 1: "USER4", 10: "USER5", ">10": "USER6", }, )¶
Parameter counter_gate_time
- counter_hf_reject_enabled: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "counter_hf_reject_enabled", get_cmd="COUN:HF?", set_cmd="COUN:HF {}", val_mapping=on_off_map, )¶
Parameter counter_hf_reject_enabled
- counter_impedance: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "counter_impedance", get_cmd="COUN:IMP?", set_cmd="COUN:IMP {}", unit="Ohm", val_mapping={50: "50", 1e6: "1M"}, )¶
Parameter counter_impedance
- counter_trigger_level: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "counter_trigger_level", get_cmd="COUN:LEVE?", get_parser=float, set_cmd="COUN:LEVE {}", unit="V", vals=Numbers(min_value=-2.5, max_value=2.5), )¶
Parameter counter_trigger_level
- counter_enabled: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "counter_enabled", get_cmd="COUN:STAT?", set_cmd="COUN:STAT {}", val_mapping=on_off_map, )¶
Parameter counter_enabled
- visa_handle: pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource = visa_handle¶
The VISA resource used by this instrument.
- parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}¶
All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- functions: dict[str, Function] = {}¶
All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}¶
All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via
- instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}¶
All the
of this instrument Usually populated viaadd_submodule()
- log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)¶
- counter_trigger_sensitivity: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "counter_trigger_sensitivity", get_cmd="COUN:SENS?", get_parser=float, set_cmd="COUN:SENS {}", unit="%", vals=Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=100), )¶
Parameter counter_trigger_sensitivity
- beeper_enabled: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "beeper_enabled", get_cmd="SYST:BEEP:STAT?", set_cmd="SYST:BEEP:STAT {}", val_mapping=on_off_map, )¶
Parameter beeper_enabled
- keyboard_locked: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "keyboard_locked", get_cmd="SYST:KLOCK?", set_cmd="SYST:KLOCK {}", val_mapping=on_off_map, )¶
Parameter keyboard_locked
- startup_mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "startup_mode", get_cmd="SYST:POWS?", get_parser=str.lower, set_cmd="SYST:POWS {}", vals=Enum("user", "auto"), )¶
Parameter startup_mode
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDP8xxBase(name: str, address: str, channels_ranges: Sequence[tuple[float, float]], ovp_ranges: tuple[Sequence[tuple[float, float]], Sequence[tuple[float, float]]], ocp_ranges: tuple[Sequence[tuple[float, float]], Sequence[tuple[float, float]]], **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]¶
This is the general DP8xx Power Supply driver class that implements shared parameters and functionality among all similar power supply from Rigol.
This driver was written to be inherited from by a specific driver (e.g. RigolDP832). This baseClass should not be instantiated directly.
Return the installed options
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDP821(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]¶
This is the qcodes driver for the Rigol DP821(A) Power Supply
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDP831(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]¶
This is the qcodes driver for the Rigol DP831(A) Power Supply
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDP832(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]¶
This is the qcodes driver for the Rigol DP832(A) Power Supply
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDS1074Z(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]¶
The QCoDeS drivers for Oscilloscope Rigol DS1074Z.
- Parameters:
name – name of the instrument.
address – VISA address of the instrument.
timeout – Seconds to allow for responses.
terminator – terminator for SCPI commands.
The default terminator to use if the terminator is not specified when creating the instrument.
The default timeout in seconds if the timeout is not specified when creating the instrument.
Parameter waveform_xorigin
Parameter waveform_xincrem
Parameter waveform_npoints
Parameter waveform_yorigin
Parameter waveform_yincrem
Parameter waveform_yref
Parameter trigger_mode
Parameter trigger_level
Parameter trigger_edge_source
Parameter trigger_edge_slope
Parameter data_source
Parameter time_axis
- default_terminator: str | None = '\n'¶
The default terminator to use if the terminator is not specified when creating the instrument. None means use the default terminator from PyVisa.
- default_timeout: float | None = 5¶
The default timeout in seconds if the timeout is not specified when creating the instrument. None means no timeout e.g. wait forever.
- waveform_xorigin: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "waveform_xorigin", get_cmd="WAVeform:XORigin?", unit="s", get_parser=float )¶
Parameter waveform_xorigin
- waveform_xincrem: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "waveform_xincrem", get_cmd=":WAVeform:XINCrement?", unit="s", get_parser=float, )¶
Parameter waveform_xincrem
- waveform_npoints: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "waveform_npoints", get_cmd="WAV:POIN?", set_cmd="WAV:POIN {}", unit="s", get_parser=int, )¶
Parameter waveform_npoints
- waveform_yorigin: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "waveform_yorigin", get_cmd="WAVeform:YORigin?", unit="V", get_parser=float )¶
Parameter waveform_yorigin
- waveform_yincrem: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "waveform_yincrem", get_cmd=":WAVeform:YINCrement?", unit="V", get_parser=float, )¶
Parameter waveform_yincrem
- waveform_yref: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "waveform_yref", get_cmd=":WAVeform:YREFerence?", unit="V", get_parser=float )¶
Parameter waveform_yref
- trigger_mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_mode", get_cmd=":TRIGger:MODE?", set_cmd=":TRIGger:MODE {}", unit="V", vals=Enum("edge", "pulse", "video", "pattern"), get_parser=str, )¶
Parameter trigger_mode
- visa_handle: pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource = visa_handle¶
The VISA resource used by this instrument.
- parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}¶
All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- functions: dict[str, Function] = {}¶
All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}¶
All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via
- instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}¶
All the
of this instrument Usually populated viaadd_submodule()
- log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)¶
- trigger_level: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_level", unit="V", get_cmd=self._get_trigger_level, set_cmd=self._set_trigger_level, vals=Numbers(), )¶
Parameter trigger_level
- trigger_edge_source: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_edge_source", label="Source channel for the edge trigger", get_cmd=":TRIGger:EDGE:SOURce?", set_cmd=":TRIGger:EDGE:SOURce {}", val_mapping={ "ch1": "CHAN1", "ch2": "CHAN2", "ch3": "CHAN3", "ch4": "CHAN4", }, )¶
Parameter trigger_edge_source
- trigger_edge_slope: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_edge_slope", label="Slope of the edge trigger", get_cmd=":TRIGger:EDGE:SLOPe?", set_cmd=":TRIGger:EDGE:SLOPe {}", vals=Enum("positive", "negative", "neither"), )¶
Parameter trigger_edge_slope
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDS1074ZChannel(parent: RigolDS1074Z, name: str, channel: int, **kwargs: Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs])[source]¶
Contains methods and attributes specific to the Rigol oscilloscope channels.
The output trace from each channel of the oscilloscope can be obtained using ‘trace’ parameter.
Parameter vertical_scale
Parameter trace
- vertical_scale: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "vertical_scale", get_cmd=f":CHANnel{channel}:SCALe?", set_cmd=":CHANnel{}:SCALe {}".format(channel, "{}"), get_parser=float, )¶
Parameter vertical_scale
- trace: ParameterWithSetpoints = self.add_parameter( "trace", get_cmd=self._get_full_trace, vals=Arrays(shape=(self.parent.waveform_npoints,)), setpoints=(self.parent.time_axis,), unit="V", parameter_class=ParameterWithSetpoints, snapshot_value=False, )¶
Parameter trace
- parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}¶
All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- functions: dict[str, Function] = {}¶
All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}¶
All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via
- instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}¶
All the
of this instrument Usually populated viaadd_submodule()
- log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)¶
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDS4000(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]¶
This is the QCoDeS driver for the Rigol DS4000 series oscilloscopes.
Initialises the DS4000.
- Parameters:
name – Name of the instrument used by QCoDeS
address – Instrument address as used by VISA
**kwargs – kwargs are forwarded to base class.
The default timeout in seconds if the timeout is not specified when creating the instrument.
Parameter trigger_type
Parameter trigger_mode
Parameter time_base
Parameter sample_point_count
Parameter enable_auto_scale
- default_timeout: float | None = 20¶
The default timeout in seconds if the timeout is not specified when creating the instrument. None means no timeout e.g. wait forever.
- trigger_type: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_type", label="Type of the trigger", get_cmd=":TRIGger:MODE?", set_cmd=":TRIGger:MODE {}", vals=vals.Enum( "EDGE", "PULS", "RUNT", "NEDG", "SLOP", "VID", "PATT", "RS232", "IIC", "SPI", "CAN", "FLEX", "USB", ), )¶
Parameter trigger_type
- visa_handle: pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource = visa_handle¶
The VISA resource used by this instrument.
- parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}¶
All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- functions: dict[str, Function] = {}¶
All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}¶
All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via
- instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}¶
All the
of this instrument Usually populated viaadd_submodule()
- log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)¶
- trigger_mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_mode", label="Mode of the trigger", get_cmd=":TRIGger:SWEep?", set_cmd=":TRIGger:SWEep {}", vals=vals.Enum("AUTO", "NORM", "SING"), )¶
Parameter trigger_mode
- time_base: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "time_base", label="Horizontal time base", get_cmd=":TIMebase:MAIN:SCALe?", set_cmd=":TIMebase:MAIN:SCALe {}", get_parser=float, unit="s/div", )¶
Parameter time_base
- class qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.RigolDS4000Channel(parent: RigolDS4000, name: str, channel: int, **kwargs: Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs])[source]¶
Parameter amplitude
Parameter vertical_scale
Parameter curvedata
Parameter curvedata_raw
- amplitude: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "amplitude", get_cmd=f":MEASure:VAMP? chan{channel}", get_parser=float )¶
Parameter amplitude
- vertical_scale: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "vertical_scale", get_cmd=f":CHANnel{channel}:SCALe?", set_cmd=":CHANnel{}:SCALe {}".format(channel, "{}"), get_parser=float, )¶
Parameter vertical_scale
- curvedata: ScopeArray = self.add_parameter( "curvedata", channel=channel, parameter_class=ScopeArray, raw=False )¶
Parameter curvedata
- curvedata_raw: ScopeArray = self.add_parameter( "curvedata_raw", channel=channel, parameter_class=ScopeArray, raw=True )¶
Parameter curvedata_raw
- parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}¶
All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- functions: dict[str, Function] = {}¶
All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via
- submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}¶
All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via
- instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}¶
All the
of this instrument Usually populated viaadd_submodule()
- log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)¶