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Dataset Benchmarking¶
This notebook is a behind-the-scenes benchmarking notebook, mainly for use by developers. The recommended way for users to interact with the dataset is via the Measurement
object and its associated context manager. See the corresponding notebook for a comprehensive toturial on how to use those.
%matplotlib inline
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import qcodes as qc
from qcodes.dataset import (
Path.cwd().parent / "example_output" / "benchmarking.db"
exp = load_or_create_experiment("benchmarking", sample_name="the sample is a lie")
benchmarking#the sample is a lie#1@/home/runner/work/Qcodes/Qcodes/docs/examples/example_output/benchmarking.db
Now we can create a dataset. Note two things:
- if we don't specfiy a exp_id, but we have an experiment in the experiment container the dataset will go into that one.
- dataset can be created from the experiment object
dataSet = new_data_set("benchmark_data", exp_id=exp.exp_id)
benchmarking#the sample is a lie#1@/home/runner/work/Qcodes/Qcodes/docs/examples/example_output/benchmarking.db
In this benchmark we will assueme that we are doing a 2D loop and investigate the performance implications of writing to the dataset
x_shape = 100
y_shape = 100
Baseline: Generate data¶
for x in range(x_shape):
for y in range(y_shape):
z = np.random.random_sample(1)
CPU times: user 8.2 ms, sys: 3.03 ms, total: 11.2 ms
Wall time: 11.1 ms
and store in memory
x_data = np.zeros((x_shape, y_shape))
y_data = np.zeros((x_shape, y_shape))
z_data = np.zeros((x_shape, y_shape))
for x in range(x_shape):
for y in range(y_shape):
x_data[x, y] = x
y_data[x, y] = y
z_data[x, y] = np.random.random_sample()
CPU times: user 8.2 ms, sys: 24 μs, total: 8.22 ms
Wall time: 8.36 ms
Add to dataset inside double loop¶
double_dataset = new_data_set(
ParamSpec("x", "numeric"),
ParamSpec("y", "numeric"),
ParamSpec("z", "numeric"),
Note that this is so slow that we are only doing a 10th of the computation
for x in range(x_shape // 10):
for y in range(y_shape):
double_dataset.add_results([{"x": x, "y": y, "z": np.random.random_sample()}])
CPU times: user 171 ms, sys: 72.9 ms, total: 243 ms
Wall time: 554 ms
Add the data in outer loop and store as np array¶
single_dataset = new_data_set(
specs=[ParamSpec("x", "array"), ParamSpec("y", "array"), ParamSpec("z", "array")],
x_data = np.zeros(y_shape)
y_data = np.zeros(y_shape)
z_data = np.zeros(y_shape)
for x in range(x_shape):
for y in range(y_shape):
x_data[y] = x
y_data[y] = y
z_data[y] = np.random.random_sample(1)
single_dataset.add_results([{"x": x_data, "y": y_data, "z": z_data}])
CPU times: user 50.9 ms, sys: 4.77 ms, total: 55.7 ms
Wall time: 98.3 ms
<timed exec>:5: DeprecationWarning: Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future. Ensure you extract a single element from your array before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.)
Save once after loop¶
zero_dataset = new_data_set(
specs=[ParamSpec("x", "array"), ParamSpec("y", "array"), ParamSpec("z", "array")],
x_data = np.zeros((x_shape, y_shape))
y_data = np.zeros((x_shape, y_shape))
z_data = np.zeros((x_shape, y_shape))
for x in range(x_shape):
for y in range(y_shape):
x_data[x, y] = x
y_data[x, y] = y
z_data[x, y] = np.random.random_sample(1)
zero_dataset.add_results([{"x": x_data, "y": y_data, "z": z_data}])
CPU times: user 38.9 ms, sys: 829 μs, total: 39.7 ms
Wall time: 39.7 ms
<timed exec>:5: DeprecationWarning: Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future. Ensure you extract a single element from your array before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.)
Array parameter¶
array1D_dataset = new_data_set(
specs=[ParamSpec("x", "array"), ParamSpec("y", "array"), ParamSpec("z", "array")],
y_setpoints = np.arange(y_shape)
for x in range(x_shape):
x_data[x, :] = x
[{"x": x_data[x, :], "y": y_setpoints, "z": np.random.random_sample(y_shape)}]
39.2 ms ± 1.75 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
x_data = np.zeros((x_shape, y_shape))
y_data = np.zeros((x_shape, y_shape))
z_data = np.zeros((x_shape, y_shape))
y_setpoints = np.arange(y_shape)
array0D_dataset = new_data_set(
specs=[ParamSpec("x", "array"), ParamSpec("y", "array"), ParamSpec("z", "array")],
for x in range(x_shape):
x_data[x, :] = x
y_data[x, :] = y_setpoints
z_data[x, :] = np.random.random_sample(y_shape)
array0D_dataset.add_results([{"x": x_data, "y": y_data, "z": z_data}])
1.87 ms ± 51.2 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)
Insert many¶
data = []
for i in range(100):
for j in range(100):
data.append({"x": i, "y": j, "z": np.random.random_sample()})
many_Data = new_data_set(
ParamSpec("x", "numeric"),
ParamSpec("y", "numeric"),
ParamSpec("z", "numeric"),
18.4 ms ± 179 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)