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docs/examples/driver_examples/Qcodes+broadbean example with Tektronix AWG5208.ipynb.
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QCoDeS+Broadbean Example with Tektronix AWG5208¶
%matplotlib notebook
import broadbean as bb
from qcodes.instrument_drivers.tektronix import TektronixAWG5208
ramp = bb.PulseAtoms.ramp
sine = bb.PulseAtoms.sine
Part 1: Make a complicated sequence¶
Keeping in mind that no waveform can be shorter than 2400 points (hardware limitation).
We have an element corresponding to a measurement that we’d like to repeat N times followed by a “reset” element. The master sequence should then repeat that whole thing with different measurement frequencies. We therefore make the measurement into a subsequence.
# First we form the measurement sequence
SR = 1e9
N = 3 # the number of times we repeat the first part
measurement_freqs = [5e4, 1e5, 2e5]
meas_bp_ch1 = bb.BluePrint()
meas_bp_ch1.insertSegment(0, sine, (1e5, 0.1, 0, 0), dur=200e-6)
meas_bp_ch1.insertSegment(-1, ramp, (0, 0), dur=40e-6)
meas_bp_ch2 = bb.BluePrint()
meas_bp_ch2.insertSegment(0, ramp, (0, 0), dur=200e-6)
meas_bp_ch2.insertSegment(-1, ramp, (0.1, 0.1), dur=20e-6)
meas_bp_ch2.insertSegment(-1, ramp, (0, 0), dur=20e-6)
meas_elem = bb.Element()
meas_elem.addBluePrint("signal_channel", meas_bp_ch1)
meas_elem.addBluePrint("trigger_channel", meas_bp_ch2)
reset_bp = bb.BluePrint()
reset_bp.insertSegment(0, ramp, (0, 0.05), dur=120e-6)
reset_bp.insertSegment(1, ramp, (0.05, 0), dur=120e-6)
reset_elem = bb.Element()
reset_elem.addBluePrint("signal_channel", reset_bp)
reset_elem.addBluePrint("trigger_channel", reset_bp)
measureseq = bb.Sequence()
measureseq.addElement(1, meas_elem)
measureseq.addElement(2, reset_elem)
measureseq.setSequencingNumberOfRepetitions(1, N)
# And then we turn that into a master sequence
mainseq = bb.Sequence()
for pos, freq in enumerate(measurement_freqs):
subseq = measureseq.copy()
subseq.element(1).changeArg("signal_channel", "sine", "freq", freq)
mainseq.addSubSequence(pos + 1, subseq)
# The visualisation is not terribly helpful in this case, but
# we see that three subsequences are present
Part 2: Get the sequence onto the instrument¶
# Connect
awg = TektronixAWG5208("awg", "TCPIP0::")
Connected to: TEKTRONIX AWG5208 (serial:B020203, firmware:FV:6.0.0242.0) in 0.30s
# forge the sequence
fs = mainseq.forge()
# send it to the instrument
seqname = "mytestseq"
amplitudes = [ch.awg_amplitude() for ch in awg.channels][:2]
channel_mapping = {"trigger_channel": 2, "signal_channel": 1}
seqx_file = TektronixAWG5208.makeSEQXFileFromForgedSequence(
fs, amplitudes=amplitudes, seqname=seqname, channel_mapping=channel_mapping
# load it and assign its tracks to the channels
filename = "mainplussub.seqx"
awg.sendSEQXFile(seqx_file, filename=filename)
awg.ch1.setSequenceTrack(seqname, 1)
awg.ch2.setSequenceTrack(seqname, 2)
Part 3: Play it and capture it on a scope¶
Pending… Manually verified.