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Write data to cacheΒΆ
This notebook is meant to be used together with Read data from cache to demonstate the use of the datasets cache.
First we setup a simple experiment. This is copied from another notebook and can be ignored in this context.
%matplotlib notebook
import time
import numpy as np
import qcodes as qc
from qcodes.dataset import Measurement, initialise_database, load_or_create_experiment
from qcodes.instrument_drivers.mock_instruments import (
# preparatory mocking of physical setup
dac = DummyInstrument("dac", gates=["ch1", "ch2"])
dmm = DummyInstrumentWithMeasurement("dmm", setter_instr=dac)
station = qc.Station(dmm, dac)
exp = load_or_create_experiment(
experiment_name="dataset_cache_test", sample_name="no sample"
Now we are ready to run an experiment. Once this experiment is running, take note of the id of the run (also accessible via dataset.captured_run_id
) created and open the Read data from cache notebook and use there this id. After 20 sec this notebook will start writing actual data to the dataset.
# And then run an experiment
meas = Measurement(exp=exp)
meas.register_parameter(dac.ch1) # register the first independent parameter
meas.register_parameter(dmm.v1, setpoints=(dac.ch1,)) # now register the dependent oone
meas.write_period = 2
with as datasaver:
# While sleeping here start loader. From load_cached_notebook.ipynb
# this is done by loading this new run via ``captured_run_id`` printed when the measurement starts
print("done sleeping")
for set_v in np.linspace(0, 25, 100):
get_v = dmm.v1.get()
datasaver.add_result((dac.ch1, set_v), (dmm.v1, get_v))
# flush so this always works
dataset = datasaver.dataset # convenient to have for plotting
Starting experimental run with id: 1.
done sleeping
[ ]: