Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.rigol.Rigol_DG1062

import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, cast

from qcodes import validators as vals
from qcodes.instrument import (
from qcodes.utils import partial_with_docstring

    from typing_extensions import Unpack

    from qcodes.parameters import Parameter

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RigolDG1062Burst(InstrumentChannel): """ Burst commands for the DG1062. We make a separate channel for these to group burst commands together. """ def __init__( self, parent: "RigolDG1062", name: str, channel: int, **kwargs: "Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs]", ): super().__init__(parent, name, **kwargs) = channel self.on: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "on", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS {{}}", vals=vals.Enum(0, 1, "ON", "OFF"), ) """Parameter on""" self.polarity: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "polarity", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:GATE:POL?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:GATE:POL {{}}", vals=vals.Enum("NORM", "INV"), ) """Parameter polarity""" self.period: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "period", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:INT:PER?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:INT:PER {{}}", vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Numbers(min_value=3e-6, max_value=500), vals.Enum("MIN", "MAX") ), ) """Parameter period""" self.mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "mode", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:MODE?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:MODE {{}}", vals=vals.Enum("TRIG", "INF", "GAT"), ) """Parameter mode""" self.ncycles: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "ncycles", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:NCYC?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:NCYC {{}}", vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=1, max_value=500000), ) """Parameter ncycles""" self.phase: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "phase", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:PHAS?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:PHAS {{}}", vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=360), ) """Parameter phase""" self.time_delay: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "time_delay", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TDEL?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TDEL {{}}", vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=0), ) """Parameter time_delay""" self.trigger_slope: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_slope", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TRIG:SLOP?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TRIG:SLOP {{}}", vals=vals.Enum("POS", "NEG"), ) """Parameter trigger_slope""" self.source: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "source", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TRIG:SOUR?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURS:TRIG:SOUR {{}}", vals=vals.Enum("INT", "EXT", "MAN"), ) """Parameter source""" self.idle: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "idle", get_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURST:IDLE?", set_cmd=f":SOUR{channel}:BURST:IDLE {{}}", vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Enum("FPT", "TOP", "BOTTOM", "CENTER"), vals.Numbers(), # DIY ), ) """Parameter idle"""
[docs] def trigger(self) -> None: """ Send a software trigger to the instrument. This only works if the trigger source is set to manual. """ self.parent.write_raw(f":SOUR{}:BURS:TRIG")
[docs] class RigolDG1062Channel(InstrumentChannel): min_impedance = 1 max_impedance = 10000 waveform_params: ClassVar[dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]] = { waveform: ("freq", "ampl", "offset", "phase") for waveform in ["HARM", "NOIS", "RAMP", "SIN", "SQU", "TRI", "USER", "PULS"] } waveform_params["DC"] = ("freq", "ampl", "offset") waveform_params["ARB"] = ("sample_rate", "ampl", "offset") """ Responses from the machine don't always match the name to set the function, hence a translater """ waveform_translate: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = { "HARM": "HARM", "NOISE": "NOIS", "RAMP": "RAMP", "SIN": "SIN", "SQU": "SQU", "TRI": "TRI", "USER": "USER", "PULSE": "PULS", } waveforms: ClassVar[tuple[str, ...]] = tuple(waveform_params.keys()) def __init__( self, parent: "RigolDG1062", name: str, channel: int, **kwargs: "Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs]", ): """ Args: parent: The instrument this channel belongs to name: Name of the channel. channel: Number of the channel. **kwargs: Forwarded to base class. """ super().__init__(parent, name, **kwargs) = channel for param, unit in [ ("freq", "Hz"), ("ampl", "V"), ("offset", "V"), ("phase", "deg"), ("sample_rate", "1/s"), ]: self.add_parameter( param, unit=unit, get_cmd=partial(self._get_waveform_param, param), set_cmd=partial(self._set_waveform_param, param), ) self.waveform: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "waveform", get_cmd=partial(self._get_waveform_param, "waveform") ) """Parameter waveform""" self.impedance: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "impedance", get_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:IMP?", set_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:IMP {{}}", unit="Ohm", vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Ints( min_value=RigolDG1062Channel.min_impedance, max_value=RigolDG1062Channel.max_impedance, ), vals.Enum("INF", "MIN", "MAX", "HighZ"), ), get_parser=( lambda value: "HighZ" if float(value) > RigolDG1062Channel.max_impedance else float(value) ), set_parser=lambda value: "INF" if value == "HighZ" else value, ) """Parameter impedance""" self.sync: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "sync", get_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:SYNC?", set_cmd=f"OUTPUT{channel}:SYNC {{}}", vals=vals.Enum(0, 1, "ON", "OFF"), ) """Parameter sync""" self.polarity: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "polarity", get_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:GAT:POL?", set_cmd=f":OUTPUT{channel}:GAT:POL {{}}", vals=vals.OnOff(), val_mapping={1: "POSITIVE", 0: "NEGATIVE"}, ) """Parameter polarity""" self.state: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "state", get_cmd=f"OUTPUT{channel}:STATE?", set_cmd=f"OUTPUT{channel}:STATE {{}}", ) """Parameter state""" self.duty_cycle: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "duty_cycle", get_cmd=self._get_duty_cycle, set_cmd=self._set_duty_cycle, unit="%", vals=vals.Numbers(min_value=1, max_value=99), docstring=( "This functions reads/sets the duty " "cycle for a square and pulse wave " "since these inherit a duty cycle.\n" "For other waveforms it will give " "the user an error" ), ) """ This functions reads/sets the duty cycle for a square and pulse wave since these inherit a duty cycle. For other waveforms it will give the user an error """ burst = RigolDG1062Burst(cast(RigolDG1062, self.parent), "burst", self.add_submodule("burst", burst) # We want to be able to do the following: # >>> help(gd.channels[0].sin) # >>> gd.channels[0].sin(freq=2E3, ampl=1.0, offset=0, phase=0) # We do not use add_function as it is more cumbersome to use. for waveform in self.waveforms: f = partial_with_docstring( self.apply, docstring="Args: " + ", ".join(self.waveform_params[waveform]), waveform=waveform, ) setattr(self, waveform.lower(), f) # Retrieve current waveform from device self.waveform()
[docs] def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Public interface to apply a waveform on the channel Example: >>> gd = RigolDG1062("gd", "TCPIP0::") >>> gd.channels[0].apply(waveform="SIN", freq=1E3, ampl=1.0, offset=0, phase=0) Valid waveforms are: HARM, NOIS, RAMP, SIN, SQU, TRI, USER, DC, ARB To find the correct arguments of each waveform we can e.g. do: >>> help(gd.channels[0].sin) Notice the lower case when accessing the waveform through convenience functions. If not kwargs are given a dictionary with the current waveform parameters are returned. """ self._set_waveform_params(**kwargs)
[docs] def current_waveform(self) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Public interface to get the current waveform""" return self._get_waveform_params()
def _get_waveform_param(self, param: str) -> float: """ Get a parameter of the current waveform. Valid param names are dependent on the waveform type (e.g. "DC" does not have a "phase") """ params_dict = self._get_waveform_params() return params_dict.get(param, None) def _get_waveform_params(self) -> dict[Any, Any]: """ Get all the parameters of the current waveform and """ def to_float(string: str) -> float | str: try: return float(string) except ValueError: return string waveform_str = self.parent.ask_raw(f":SOUR{}:APPL?") parts = waveform_str.strip('"').split(",") current_waveform = self.waveform_translate[parts[0]] param_vals: list[str | float] = [current_waveform] param_vals += [to_float(i) for i in parts[1:]] param_names = ["waveform"] + list(self.waveform_params[current_waveform]) params_dict = dict(zip(param_names, param_vals)) return params_dict def _set_waveform_param(self, param: str, value: float) -> None: """ Set a particular waveform param to the given value. """ params_dict = self._get_waveform_params() if param in params_dict: params_dict[param] = value else: log.warning(f"Warning, unable to set '{param}' for the current waveform") return return self._set_waveform_params(**params_dict) def _set_waveform_params(self, **params_dict: int | float) -> None: """ Apply a waveform with values given in a dictionary. """ if "waveform" not in params_dict: raise ValueError("At least 'waveform' argument needed") waveform = str(params_dict["waveform"]) if waveform not in self.waveform_params: raise ValueError( f"Unknown waveform '{waveform}'. Options are " f"{self.waveform_params.keys()}" ) param_names = self.waveform_params[waveform] if not set(param_names).issubset(params_dict.keys()): raise ValueError( f"Waveform {waveform} needs at least parameters {param_names}" ) string = f":SOUR{}:APPL:{waveform} " values = [f"{params_dict[param]:7e}" for param in param_names] string += ",".join(values) self.parent.write_raw(string) def _get_duty_cycle(self) -> float: """ Reads the duty cycle after checking waveform """ wf = self.waveform() if wf in ["PULS", "SQU"]: duty_cycle = self.parent.ask_raw(f":SOUR{}:FUNC:{wf}:DCYC?") else: raise ValueError( f"Current function does not contain duty cycle. Current function: {wf}" ) return duty_cycle def _set_duty_cycle(self, duty_cycle: float) -> None: """ Sets the duty cycle after checking waveform """ wf = self.waveform() if wf in ["PULS", "SQU"]: self.parent.write_raw(f":SOUR{}:FUNC:{wf}:DCYC {duty_cycle}") else: raise ValueError( f"Current function does not have duty cycle" f" hence can not set. Current function: {wf}" )
[docs] class RigolDG1062(VisaInstrument): """ Instrument driver for the Rigol DG1062 """ waveforms = RigolDG1062Channel.waveforms default_terminator = "\n" def __init__( self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs: "Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs]" ): super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) channels = ChannelList(self, "channel", RigolDG1062Channel, snapshotable=False) for ch_num in [1, 2]: ch_name = f"ch{ch_num}" channel = RigolDG1062Channel(self, ch_name, ch_num) channels.append(channel) self.add_submodule(ch_name, channel) self.add_submodule("channels", channels.to_channel_tuple()) self.connect_message()