Manage traces#

Experimental feature

This is an experimental feature, and may change at any time. Learn more.

Prompt flow provides several trace toolkits in promptflow-devkit. This page will introduce how to delete traces in local storage with CLI/SDK.

Local trace management#


Prompt flow provides capability to delete traces in local storage, user can delete traces by collection (a bucket of traces, can be specified with start_trace), time range or prompt flow run with both CLI and SDK:

pf trace delete --collection <collection-name>  # delete specific collection
pf trace delete --collection <collection-name> --started-before '2024-03-01T16:00:00.123456'  # delete traces started before the time in specific collection
pf trace delete --run <run-name>  # delete traces originated from specific prompt flow run
from promptflow.client import PFClient

pf = PFClient()
pf.traces.delete(collection="<collection-name>")  # delete specific collection
pf.traces.delete(collection="<collection-name>", started_before="2024-03-01T16:00:00.123456")  # delete traces started before the time in specific collection
pf.traces.delete(run="<run-name>")  # delete traces originated from specific prompt flow run