Adding Context-Menu to the Bar Chart

Step by step guide how to build simple Bar Chart Visual

Adding Context-Menu to the Bar Chart

As of API 2.2.0, you can use selectionManager.showContextMenu() with the parameters selectionId and a position (as an {x:, y:} object) to have Power BI disply a context menu for your visual. Typically this is added as a right-click event (or long-press for touch devices) Context-Menu was added to the sample BarChart for reference:

    public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
        //handle context menu
        this.svg.on('contextmenu', () => {
            const mouseEvent: MouseEvent = d3.event as MouseEvent;
            const eventTarget: EventTarget =;
            let dataPoint =;
            this.selectionManager.showContextMenu(dataPoint? dataPoint.selectionId : {}, {
                x: mouseEvent.clientX,
                y: mouseEvent.clientY

See commit for what was added at this step.