Getting viewport properties

Step by step guide how to build React-based Custom Visual

  1. Our component has fixed width and height.

    circleCard 200px diameter circle

    At this step we’re going to make it responsive. To do that, we will get current size of the Custom Visual viewport from options object. Let’s start with importing of IViewport interface at src/visual.ts and adding the viewport property to visual class.

     import IViewport = powerbi.IViewport;
     export class Visual implements IVisual {
         private viewport: IViewport;
  2. Extend update method of the visual:

       if (options.dataViews && options.dataViews[0]) {
           const dataView: DataView = options.dataViews[0];
           this.viewport = options.viewport;
           const { width, height } = this.viewport;
           const size = Math.min(width, height);
  3. Add new properties to State interface in src/component.tsx:

     export interface State {
         size: number
     const initialState: State = {
         size: 200
  4. Make the following changes in render method:

         render() {
             const { textLabel, textValue, size } = this.state;
             const style: React.CSSProperties = { width: size, height: size };
             return (
                 <div className="circleCard" style={style}>
                     {/* ... */}
  5. Replace width and height rules in style/visual.less

         min-width: 200px;
         min-height: 200px;

Now you can resize the viewport and circle diameter will correspond to minimal size (width or height). The next step of this tutorial describes how to make a custom visual customizable.