Source code for qcodes.dataset.dond.sweeps

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, TypeVar

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

    from import Iterable, Sequence

    from qcodes.dataset.dond.do_nd_utils import ActionsT
    from qcodes.parameters import ParameterBase

T = TypeVar("T", bound=np.generic)

[docs] class AbstractSweep(ABC, Generic[T]): """ Abstract sweep class that defines an interface for concrete sweep classes. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_setpoints(self) -> npt.NDArray[T]: """ Returns an array of setpoint values for this sweep. """ pass
@property @abstractmethod def param(self) -> ParameterBase: """ Returns the Qcodes sweep parameter. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def delay(self) -> float: """ Delay between two consecutive sweep points. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def num_points(self) -> int: """ Number of sweep points. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def post_actions(self) -> ActionsT: """ Actions to be performed after setting param to its setpoint. """ pass @property def get_after_set(self) -> bool: """ Should we perform a call to get on the parameter after setting it and store that rather than the setpoint value in the dataset? This defaults to False for backwards compatibility but subclasses should overwrite this to implement if correctly. """ return False
[docs] class LinSweep(AbstractSweep[np.floating]): """ Linear sweep. Args: param: Qcodes parameter to sweep. start: Sweep start value. stop: Sweep end value. num_points: Number of sweep points. delay: Time in seconds between two consecutive sweep points. post_actions: Actions to do after each sweep point. get_after_set: Should we perform a get on the parameter after setting it and store the value returned by get rather than the set value in the dataset. """ def __init__( self, param: ParameterBase, start: float, stop: float, num_points: int, delay: float = 0, post_actions: ActionsT = (), get_after_set: bool = False, ): self._param = param self._start = start self._stop = stop self._num_points = num_points self._delay = delay self._post_actions = post_actions self._get_after_set = get_after_set
[docs] def get_setpoints(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating]: """ Linear (evenly spaced) numpy array for supplied start, stop and num_points. """ return np.linspace(self._start, self._stop, self._num_points)
@property def param(self) -> ParameterBase: return self._param @property def delay(self) -> float: return self._delay @property def num_points(self) -> int: return self._num_points @property def post_actions(self) -> ActionsT: return self._post_actions @property def get_after_set(self) -> bool: return self._get_after_set
[docs] class LogSweep(AbstractSweep[np.floating]): """ Logarithmic sweep. Args: param: Qcodes parameter for sweep. start: Sweep start value. stop: Sweep end value. num_points: Number of sweep points. delay: Time in seconds between two consecutive sweep points. post_actions: Actions to do after each sweep point. get_after_set: Should we perform a get on the parameter after setting it and store the value returned by get rather than the set value in the dataset. """ def __init__( self, param: ParameterBase, start: float, stop: float, num_points: int, delay: float = 0, post_actions: ActionsT = (), get_after_set: bool = False, ): self._param = param self._start = start self._stop = stop self._num_points = num_points self._delay = delay self._post_actions = post_actions self._get_after_set = get_after_set
[docs] def get_setpoints(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating]: """ Logarithmically spaced numpy array for supplied start, stop and num_points. """ return np.logspace(self._start, self._stop, self._num_points)
@property def param(self) -> ParameterBase: return self._param @property def delay(self) -> float: return self._delay @property def num_points(self) -> int: return self._num_points @property def post_actions(self) -> ActionsT: return self._post_actions @property def get_after_set(self) -> bool: return self._get_after_set
[docs] class ArraySweep(AbstractSweep, Generic[T]): """ Sweep the values of a given array. Args: param: Qcodes parameter for sweep. array: array with values to sweep. delay: Time in seconds between two consecutive sweep points. post_actions: Actions to do after each sweep point. get_after_set: Should we perform a get on the parameter after setting it and store the value returned by get rather than the set value in the dataset. """ def __init__( self, param: ParameterBase, array: Sequence[Any] | npt.NDArray[T], delay: float = 0, post_actions: ActionsT = (), get_after_set: bool = False, ): self._param = param self._array = np.array(array) self._delay = delay self._post_actions = post_actions self._get_after_set = get_after_set
[docs] def get_setpoints(self) -> npt.NDArray[T]: return self._array
@property def param(self) -> ParameterBase: return self._param @property def delay(self) -> float: return self._delay @property def num_points(self) -> int: return len(self._array) @property def post_actions(self) -> ActionsT: return self._post_actions @property def get_after_set(self) -> bool: return self._get_after_set
[docs] class TogetherSweep: """ A combination of Multiple sweeps that are to be performed in parallel such that all parameters in the `TogetherSweep` are set to the next value before a parameter is read. """ def __init__(self, *sweeps: AbstractSweep): if len(sweeps) == 0: raise ValueError("A TogetherSweep must contain at least one sweep.") len_0 = sweeps[0].num_points for sweep in sweeps: if sweep.num_points != len_0: raise ValueError( f"All Sweeps in a TogetherSweep must have the same length." f"Sweep of {sweep.param} had {sweep.num_points} but the " f"first one had {len_0}." ) self._sweeps = tuple(sweeps) @property def sweeps(self) -> tuple[AbstractSweep, ...]: return self._sweeps
[docs] def get_setpoints(self) -> Iterable: return zip(*(sweep.get_setpoints() for sweep in self.sweeps))
@property def num_points(self) -> int: return self.sweeps[0].num_points