Source code for qcodes.dataset.guid_helpers

from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import gc
from pathlib import Path
from sqlite3 import DatabaseError
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast

from qcodes.dataset.data_set import get_guids_by_run_spec
from qcodes.dataset.guids import validate_guid_format
from qcodes.dataset.sqlite.database import connect

    from import Iterable

[docs] def guids_from_dbs( db_paths: Iterable[Path], ) -> tuple[dict[Path, list[str]], dict[str, Path]]: """ Extract all guids from the supplied database paths. Args: db_paths: Path or str or directory where to search Returns: Tuple of Dictionary mapping paths to lists of guids as strings and Dictionary mapping guids to db paths. """ dbdict = {} for p in db_paths: conn = None try: conn = connect(str(p)) dbdict[p] = get_guids_by_run_spec(conn=conn) except (RuntimeError, DatabaseError) as e: print(e) finally: if conn is not None: conn.close() gc.collect() guiddict = {} for dbpath, guids in dbdict.items(): guiddict.update({guid: dbpath for guid in guids}) return dbdict, guiddict
[docs] def guids_from_dir( basepath: Path | str, ) -> tuple[dict[Path, list[str]], dict[str, Path]]: """ Recursively find all db files under basepath and extract guids. Args: basepath: Path or str or directory where to search Returns: Tuple of Dictionary mapping paths to lists of guids as strings and Dictionary mapping guids to db paths. """ return guids_from_dbs(Path(basepath).glob("**/*.db"))
[docs] def guids_from_list_str(s: str) -> tuple[str, ...] | None: """ Get tuple of guids from a python/json string representation of a list. Extracts the guids from a string representation of a list, tuple, or set of guids or a single guid. Args: s: input string Returns: Extracted guids as a tuple of strings. If a provided string does not match the format, `None` will be returned. For an empty list/tuple/set or empty string an empty tuple is returned. Examples: >>> guids_from_str( "['07fd7195-c51e-44d6-a085-fa8274cf00d6', \ '070d7195-c51e-44d6-a085-fa8274cf00d6']") will return ('07fd7195-c51e-44d6-a085-fa8274cf00d6', '070d7195-c51e-44d6-a085-fa8274cf00d6') """ if s == "": return tuple() try: validate_guid_format(s) return (s,) except ValueError: pass try: parsed_expression = ast.parse(s, mode="eval") except SyntaxError: return None if not hasattr(parsed_expression, "body"): return None parsed = parsed_expression.body if isinstance(parsed, ast.Constant): if len(parsed.value) > 0: return (parsed.value,) else: return tuple() if not isinstance(parsed, (ast.List, ast.Tuple, ast.Set)): return None if not all(isinstance(e, ast.Constant) for e in parsed.elts): return None str_elts = cast(tuple[ast.Constant, ...], tuple(parsed.elts)) return tuple(s.value for s in str_elts)