Source code for qcodes.dataset.measurements

The measurement module provides a context manager for registering parameters
to measure and storing results. The user is expected to mainly interact with it
using the :class:`.Measurement` class.

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import io
import logging
import traceback as tb_module
import warnings
from import Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Sequence
from contextlib import ExitStack
from copy import deepcopy
from inspect import signature
from numbers import Number
from time import perf_counter
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypeVar, cast

import numpy as np
from opentelemetry import trace

import qcodes as qc
import qcodes.validators as vals
from qcodes.dataset.data_set import DataSet, load_by_guid
from qcodes.dataset.data_set_in_memory import DataSetInMem
from qcodes.dataset.data_set_protocol import (
from qcodes.dataset.descriptions.dependencies import (
from qcodes.dataset.descriptions.param_spec import ParamSpec, ParamSpecBase
from qcodes.dataset.export_config import get_data_export_automatic
from qcodes.parameters import (
from qcodes.station import Station
from qcodes.utils import DelayedKeyboardInterrupt

    from types import TracebackType

    from qcodes.dataset.descriptions.versioning.rundescribertypes import Shapes
    from qcodes.dataset.experiment_container import Experiment
    from qcodes.dataset.sqlite.connection import ConnectionPlus
    from qcodes.dataset.sqlite.query_helpers import VALUE

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TRACER = trace.get_tracer(__name__)

ActionType = tuple[Callable[..., Any], Sequence[Any]]
SubscriberType = tuple[
    Callable[..., Any], MutableSequence[Any] | MutableMapping[Any, Any]

class ParameterTypeError(Exception):

class DataSaver:
    The class used by the :class:`Runner` context manager to handle the
    datasaving to the database.

    default_callback: dict[Any, Any] | None = None

    def __init__(
        dataset: DataSetProtocol,
        write_period: float,
        interdeps: InterDependencies_,
        span: trace.Span | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._span = span
        self._dataset = dataset
        if (
            DataSaver.default_callback is not None
            and "run_tables_subscription_callback" in DataSaver.default_callback
            callback = DataSaver.default_callback["run_tables_subscription_callback"]
            min_wait = DataSaver.default_callback["run_tables_subscription_min_wait"]
            min_count = DataSaver.default_callback["run_tables_subscription_min_count"]
            snapshot = dataset.metadata["snapshot"]
            if isinstance(self._dataset, DataSet):
                        "run_id": self._dataset.run_id,
                        "snapshot": snapshot,
        if isinstance(self._dataset, DataSet):
            default_subscribers = qc.config.subscription.default_subscribers
            for subscriber in default_subscribers:

        self._interdeps = interdeps
        self.write_period = float(write_period)
        # self._results will be filled by add_result
        self._results: list[dict[str, VALUE]] = []
        self._last_save_time = perf_counter()
        self._known_dependencies: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
        self.parent_datasets: list[DataSetProtocol] = []

        for link in self._dataset.parent_dataset_links:

    def add_result(self, *res_tuple: res_type) -> None:
        Add a result to the measurement results. Represents a measurement
        point in the space of measurement parameters, e.g. in an experiment
        varying two voltages and measuring two currents, a measurement point
        is four dimensional (v1, v2, c1, c2). The corresponding call
        to this function would be

            >>> datasaver.add_result((v1, 0.1), (v2, 0.2), (c1, 5), (c2, -2.1))

        For better performance, this function does not immediately write to
        the database, but keeps the results in memory. Writing happens every
        ``write_period`` seconds and during the ``__exit__`` method
        of this class.

            res_tuple: A tuple with the first element being the parameter name
                and the second element is the corresponding value(s) at this
                measurement point. The function takes as many tuples as there
                are results.

            ValueError: If a parameter name is not registered in the parent
                Measurement object.
            ValueError: If the shapes of parameters do not match, i.e. if a
                parameter gets values of a different shape than its setpoints
                (the exception being that setpoints can always be scalar)
            ValueError: If multiple results are given for the same parameter.
            ParameterTypeError: If a parameter is given a value not matching
                its type.


        # we iterate through the input twice. First we find any array and
        # multiparameters that need to be unbundled and collect the names
        # of all parameters. This also allows users to call
        # add_result with the arguments in any particular order, i.e. NOT
        # enforcing that setpoints come before dependent variables.
        results_dict: dict[ParamSpecBase, np.ndarray] = {}

        parameter_names = tuple(
            if isinstance(partial_result[0], ParameterBase)
            else partial_result[0]
            for partial_result in res_tuple
        if len(set(parameter_names)) != len(parameter_names):
            non_unique = [
                for item, count in collections.Counter(parameter_names).items()
                if count > 1
            raise ValueError(
                f"Not all parameter names are unique. "
                f"Got multiple values for {non_unique}"

        for partial_result in res_tuple:
            parameter = partial_result[0]
            data = partial_result[1]

            if isinstance(parameter, ParameterBase) and isinstance(
                parameter.vals, vals.Arrays
                if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                    raise TypeError(
                        f"Expected data for Parameter with Array validator "
                        f"to be a numpy array but got: {type(data)}"

                if (
                    parameter.vals.shape is not None
                    and data.shape != parameter.vals.shape
                    raise TypeError(
                        f"Expected data with shape {parameter.vals.shape}, "
                        f"but got {data.shape} for parameter: {parameter.full_name}"

            if isinstance(parameter, ArrayParameter):
            elif isinstance(parameter, MultiParameter):
            elif isinstance(parameter, ParameterWithSetpoints):
                        data, parameter, parameter_names, partial_result



        if perf_counter() - self._last_save_time > self.write_period:
            self._last_save_time = perf_counter()

    def _conditionally_expand_parameter_with_setpoints(
        data: values_type,
        parameter: ParameterWithSetpoints,
        parameter_names: Sequence[str],
        partial_result: res_type,
    ) -> dict[ParamSpecBase, np.ndarray]:
        local_results = {}
        setpoint_names = tuple(
            setpoint.register_name for setpoint in parameter.setpoints
        expanded = tuple(
            setpoint_name in parameter_names for setpoint_name in setpoint_names
        if all(expanded):
        elif any(expanded):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Some of the setpoints of {parameter.full_name} "
                "were explicitly given but others were not. "
                "Either supply all of them or none of them."
            expanded_partial_result = expand_setpoints_helper(parameter, data)
            for res in expanded_partial_result:
        return local_results

    def _unpack_partial_result(
        self, partial_result: res_type
    ) -> dict[ParamSpecBase, np.ndarray]:
        Unpack a partial result (not containing :class:`ArrayParameters` or
        class:`MultiParameters`) into a standard results dict form and return
        that dict
        param, values = partial_result
            parameter = self._interdeps._id_to_paramspec[str_or_register_name(param)]
        except KeyError:
            if str_or_register_name(param) == str(param):
                err_msg = (
                    "Can not add result for parameter "
                    f"{param}, no such parameter registered "
                    "with this measurement."
                err_msg = (
                    "Can not add result for parameter "
                    f"{param!s} or {str_or_register_name(param)},"
                    "no such parameter registered "
                    "with this measurement."
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
        return {parameter: np.array(values)}

    def _unpack_arrayparameter(
        self, partial_result: res_type
    ) -> dict[ParamSpecBase, np.ndarray]:
        Unpack a partial result containing an :class:`Arrayparameter` into a
        standard results dict form and return that dict
        array_param, values_array = partial_result
        array_param = cast(ArrayParameter, array_param)

        if array_param.setpoints is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{array_param.full_name} is an "
                f"{type(array_param)} "
                f"without setpoints. Cannot handle this."
            main_parameter = self._interdeps._id_to_paramspec[str(array_param)]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Can not add result for parameter "
                f"{array_param}, no such parameter registered "
                "with this measurement."

        res_dict = {main_parameter: np.array(values_array)}

        sp_names = array_param.setpoint_full_names
        fallback_sp_name = f"{array_param.full_name}_setpoint"

                array_param, array_param.setpoints, sp_names, fallback_sp_name

        return res_dict

    def _unpack_multiparameter(
        self, partial_result: res_type
    ) -> dict[ParamSpecBase, np.ndarray]:
        Unpack the `subarrays` and `setpoints` from a :class:`MultiParameter`
        and into a standard results dict form and return that dict


        parameter, data = partial_result
        parameter = cast(MultiParameter, parameter)

        result_dict = {}

        if parameter.setpoints is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{parameter.full_name} is an "
                f"{type(parameter)} "
                f"without setpoints. Cannot handle this."
        for i in range(len(parameter.shapes)):
            # if this loop runs, then 'data' is a Sequence
            data = cast(Sequence[str | int | float | Any], data)

            shape = parameter.shapes[i]

                paramspec = self._interdeps._id_to_paramspec[parameter.full_names[i]]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can not add result for parameter "
                    f"{parameter.names[i]}, "
                    "no such parameter registered "
                    "with this measurement."

            result_dict.update({paramspec: np.array(data[i])})
            if shape != ():
                # array parameter like part of the multiparameter
                # need to find setpoints too
                fallback_sp_name = f"{parameter.full_names[i]}_setpoint"

                sp_names: Sequence[str] | None
                if (
                    parameter.setpoint_full_names is not None
                    and parameter.setpoint_full_names[i] is not None
                    sp_names = parameter.setpoint_full_names[i]
                    sp_names = None

                        parameter, parameter.setpoints[i], sp_names, fallback_sp_name

        return result_dict

    def _unpack_setpoints_from_parameter(
        parameter: ParameterBase,
        setpoints: Sequence[Any],
        sp_names: Sequence[str] | None,
        fallback_sp_name: str,
    ) -> dict[ParamSpecBase, np.ndarray]:
        Unpack the `setpoints` and their values from a
        :class:`ArrayParameter` or :class:`MultiParameter`
        into a standard results dict form and return that dict
        setpoint_axes = []
        setpoint_parameters: list[ParamSpecBase] = []

        for i, sps in enumerate(setpoints):
            if sp_names is not None:
                spname = sp_names[i]
                spname = f"{fallback_sp_name}_{i}"

                setpoint_parameter = self._interdeps[spname]
            except KeyError:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "No setpoints registered for "
                    f"{type(parameter)} {parameter.full_name}!"
            sps = np.array(sps)
            while sps.ndim > 1:
                # The outermost setpoint axis or an nD param is nD
                # but the innermost is 1D. In all cases we just need
                # the axis along one dim, the innermost one.
                sps = sps[0]


        output_grids = np.meshgrid(*setpoint_axes, indexing="ij")
        result_dict = {}
        for grid, param in zip(output_grids, setpoint_parameters):
            result_dict.update({param: grid})

        return result_dict

    def _validate_result_deps(
        self, results_dict: Mapping[ParamSpecBase, values_type]
    ) -> None:
        Validate that the dependencies of the ``results_dict`` are met,
        meaning that (some) values for all required setpoints and inferences
        are present
        except (DependencyError, InferenceError) as err:
            raise ValueError(
                "Can not add result, some required parameters are missing."
            ) from err

    def _validate_result_shapes(
        self, results_dict: Mapping[ParamSpecBase, values_type]
    ) -> None:
        Validate that all sizes of the ``results_dict`` are consistent.
        This means that array-values of parameters and their setpoints are
        of the same size, whereas parameters with no setpoint relation to
        each other can have different sizes.
        toplevel_params = set(self._interdeps.dependencies).intersection(
        for toplevel_param in toplevel_params:
            required_shape = np.shape(np.array(results_dict[toplevel_param]))
            for setpoint in self._interdeps.dependencies[toplevel_param]:
                # a setpoint is allowed to be a scalar; shape is then ()
                setpoint_shape = np.shape(np.array(results_dict[setpoint]))
                if setpoint_shape not in [(), required_shape]:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Incompatible shapes. Parameter "
                        f"{} has shape "
                        f"{required_shape}, but its setpoint "
                        f"{} has shape "

    def _validate_result_types(
        results_dict: Mapping[ParamSpecBase, np.ndarray],
    ) -> None:
        Validate the type of the results

        allowed_kinds = {
            "numeric": "iuf",
            "text": "SU",
            "array": "iufcSUmM",
            "complex": "c",

        for ps, values in results_dict.items():
            if values.dtype.kind not in allowed_kinds[ps.type]:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Parameter {} is of type "
                    f'"{ps.type}", but got a result of '
                    f"type {values.dtype} ({values})."

    def flush_data_to_database(self, block: bool = False) -> None:
        Write the in-memory results to the database.

            block: If writing using a background thread block until the
                background thread has written all data to disc. The
                argument has no effect if not using a background thread.


    def export_data(self) -> None:
        """Export data at end of measurement as per export_type
        specification in "dataset" section of qcodes config

    def run_id(self) -> int:
        return self._dataset.run_id

    def points_written(self) -> int:
        return self._dataset.number_of_results

    def dataset(self) -> DataSetProtocol:
        return self._dataset

class Runner:
    Context manager for the measurement.

    Lives inside a :class:`Measurement` and should never be instantiated
    outside a Measurement.

    This context manager handles all the dirty business of writing data
    to the database. Additionally, it may perform experiment bootstrapping
    and clean-up after a measurement.

    def __init__(
        enteractions: Sequence[ActionType],
        exitactions: Sequence[ActionType],
        experiment: Experiment | None = None,
        station: Station | None = None,
        write_period: float | None = None,
        interdeps: InterDependencies_ = InterDependencies_(),
        name: str = "",
        subscribers: Sequence[SubscriberType] | None = None,
        parent_datasets: Sequence[Mapping[Any, Any]] = (),
        extra_log_info: str = "",
        write_in_background: bool = False,
        shapes: Shapes | None = None,
        in_memory_cache: bool | None = None,
        dataset_class: DataSetType = DataSetType.DataSet,
        parent_span: trace.Span | None = None,
        registered_parameters: Sequence[ParameterBase] | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        if in_memory_cache is None:
            in_memory_cache = qc.config.dataset.in_memory_cache
            in_memory_cache = cast(bool, in_memory_cache)

        self._dataset_class = dataset_class
        self.write_period = self._calculate_write_period(
            write_in_background, write_period

        self.enteractions = enteractions
        self.exitactions = exitactions
        self.subscribers: Sequence[SubscriberType]
        if subscribers is None:
            self.subscribers = []
            self.subscribers = subscribers
        self.experiment = experiment
        self.station = station
        self._interdependencies = interdeps
        self._shapes: Shapes | None = shapes = name if name else "results"
        self._parent_datasets = parent_datasets
        self._extra_log_info = extra_log_info
        self._write_in_background = write_in_background
        self._in_memory_cache = in_memory_cache
        self._parent_span = parent_span
        self.ds: DataSetProtocol
        self._registered_parameters = registered_parameters

    def _calculate_write_period(
        write_in_background: bool, write_period: float | None
    ) -> float:
        write_period_changed_from_default = (
            write_period is not None
            and write_period != qc.config.defaults.dataset.write_period
        if write_in_background and write_period_changed_from_default:
                f"The specified write period of {write_period} s "
                "will be ignored, since write_in_background==True"
        if write_in_background:
            return 0.0
        if write_period is None:
            write_period = cast(float, qc.config.dataset.write_period)
        return float(write_period)

    def __enter__(self) -> DataSaver:
        # multiple runners can be active at the same time.
        # If we just activate them in order the first one
        # would be the parent of the next one but that is wrong
        # since they are siblings that should coexist with the
        # same parent.
        if self._parent_span is not None:
            context = trace.set_span_in_context(self._parent_span)
            context = None
        # We want to enter the opentelemetry span here
        # and end it in the `__exit__` of this context manger
        # so here we capture it in a exitstack that we keep around.
        self._span = TRACER.start_span(
            "", context=context
        with ExitStack() as stack:
            stack.enter_context(trace.use_span(self._span, end_on_exit=True))

            self._exit_stack = stack.pop_all()

        # TODO: should user actions really precede the dataset?
        # first do whatever bootstrapping the user specified
        for func, args in self.enteractions:

        # next set up the "datasaver"
        if self.experiment is not None:
            exp_id: int | None = self.experiment.exp_id
            path_to_db: str | None = self.experiment.path_to_db
            conn: ConnectionPlus | None = self.experiment.conn
            exp_id = None
            path_to_db = None
            conn = None

        if self._dataset_class is DataSetType.DataSet:
            self.ds = DataSet(
        elif self._dataset_class is DataSetType.DataSetInMem:
            if self._in_memory_cache is False:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Cannot disable the in memory cache for a "
                    "dataset that is only in memory."
            self.ds = DataSetInMem._create_new_run(
            raise RuntimeError("Does not support any other dataset classes")

        # .. and give the dataset a snapshot as metadata
        if self.station is None:
            station = Station.default
            station = self.station

        if station is not None:
            snapshot = {"station": station.snapshot()}
            snapshot = {}
        if self._registered_parameters is not None:
            parameter_snapshot = {
                param.short_name: param.snapshot()
                for param in self._registered_parameters
            snapshot["parameters"] = parameter_snapshot


        # register all subscribers
        if isinstance(self.ds, DataSet):
            for callble, state in self.subscribers:
                # We register with minimal waiting time.
                # That should make all subscribers be called when data is flushed
                # to the database
                log.debug(f"Subscribing callable {callble} with state {state}")
                self.ds.subscribe(callble, min_wait=0, min_count=1, state=state)
                "qcodes_guid": self.ds.guid,
                "run_id": self.ds.run_id,
                "exp_name": self.ds.exp_name,
                "SN": self.ds.sample_name,
                "write_in_background": self._write_in_background,
                "extra_log_info": self._extra_log_info,
            f"Starting experimental run with id: {self.ds.captured_run_id}."
            f" {self._extra_log_info}"
            f"Starting measurement with guid: {self.ds.guid}, "
            f'sample_name: "{self.ds.sample_name}", '
            f'exp_name: "{self.ds.exp_name}", '
            f'ds_name: "{}". '
        )"Using background writing: {self._write_in_background}")

        self.datasaver = DataSaver(

        return self.datasaver

    def __exit__(
        exception_type: type[BaseException] | None,
        exception_value: BaseException | None,
        traceback: TracebackType | None,
    ) -> None:
        with DelayedKeyboardInterrupt(
            context={"reason": "qcodes measurement exit", "qcodes_guid": self.ds.guid}

            # perform the "teardown" events
            for func, args in self.exitactions:

            if exception_type:
                # if an exception happened during the measurement,
                # log the exception
                stream = io.StringIO()
                    exception_type, exception_value, traceback, file=stream
                exception_string = stream.getvalue()
                    "An exception occurred in measurement with guid: %s;"
                if isinstance(exception_value, Exception):
                self.ds.add_metadata("measurement_exception", exception_string)

            # and finally mark the dataset as closed, thus
            # finishing the measurement
            # Note that the completion of a dataset entails waiting for the
            # write thread to terminate (iff the write thread has been started)
            if get_data_export_automatic():
                f"Finished measurement with guid: {self.ds.guid}. "
            if isinstance(self.ds, DataSet):

T = TypeVar("T", bound="Measurement")

[docs] class Measurement: """ Measurement procedure container. Note that multiple measurement instances cannot be nested. Args: exp: Specify the experiment to use. If not given the default one is used. The default experiment is the latest one created. station: The QCoDeS station to snapshot. If not given, the default one is used. name: Name of the measurement. This will be passed down to the dataset produced by the measurement. If not given, a default value of 'results' is used for the dataset. """ def __init__( self, exp: Experiment | None = None, station: Station | None = None, name: str = "", ) -> None: self.exitactions: list[ActionType] = [] self.enteractions: list[ActionType] = [] self.subscribers: list[SubscriberType] = [] self.experiment = exp self.station = station = name self.write_period = qc.config.dataset.write_period self._interdeps = InterDependencies_() self._shapes: Shapes | None = None self._parent_datasets: list[dict[str, str]] = [] self._extra_log_info: str = "" self._registered_parameters: list[ParameterBase] = [] @property def parameters(self) -> dict[str, ParamSpecBase]: return deepcopy(self._interdeps._id_to_paramspec) @property def write_period(self) -> float: return self._write_period @write_period.setter def write_period(self, wp: float) -> None: if not isinstance(wp, Number): raise ValueError("The write period must be a number (of seconds).") wp_float = float(wp) if wp_float < 1e-3: raise ValueError("The write period must be at least 1 ms.") self._write_period = wp_float def _paramspecbase_from_strings( self, name: str, setpoints: Sequence[str] | None = None, basis: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> tuple[tuple[ParamSpecBase, ...], tuple[ParamSpecBase, ...]]: """ Helper function to look up and get ParamSpecBases and to give a nice error message if the user tries to register a parameter with reference (setpoints, basis) to a parameter not registered with this measurement Called by _register_parameter only. Args: name: Name of the parameter to register setpoints: name(s) of the setpoint parameter(s) basis: name(s) of the parameter(s) that this parameter is inferred from """ idps = self._interdeps # now handle setpoints depends_on = [] if setpoints: for sp in setpoints: try: sp_psb = idps._id_to_paramspec[sp] depends_on.append(sp_psb) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Unknown setpoint: {sp}." " Please register that parameter first." ) # now handle inferred parameters inf_from = [] if basis: for inff in basis: try: inff_psb = idps._id_to_paramspec[inff] inf_from.append(inff_psb) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Unknown basis parameter: {inff}." " Please register that parameter first." ) return tuple(depends_on), tuple(inf_from)
[docs] def register_parent( self: T, parent: DataSetProtocol, link_type: str, description: str = "" ) -> T: """ Register a parent for the outcome of this measurement Args: parent: The parent dataset link_type: A name for the type of parent-child link description: A free-text description of the relationship """ # we save the information in a way that is very compatible with the # Link object we will eventually make out of this information. We # cannot create a Link object just yet, because the DataSet of this # Measurement has not been given a GUID yet parent_dict = { "tail": parent.guid, "edge_type": link_type, "description": description, } self._parent_datasets.append(parent_dict) return self
[docs] def register_parameter( self: T, parameter: ParameterBase, setpoints: setpoints_type | None = None, basis: setpoints_type | None = None, paramtype: str | None = None, ) -> T: """ Add QCoDeS Parameter to the dataset produced by running this measurement. Args: parameter: The parameter to add setpoints: The Parameter representing the setpoints for this parameter. If this parameter is a setpoint, it should be left blank basis: The parameters that this parameter is inferred from. If this parameter is not inferred from any other parameters, this should be left blank. paramtype: Type of the parameter, i.e. the SQL storage class, If None the paramtype will be inferred from the parameter type and the validator of the supplied parameter. """ if not isinstance(parameter, ParameterBase): raise ValueError( f"Can not register object of type {type(parameter)}. Can only " "register a QCoDeS Parameter." ) paramtype = self._infer_paramtype(parameter, paramtype) # default to numeric if paramtype is None: paramtype = "numeric" # now the parameter type must be valid if paramtype not in ParamSpec.allowed_types: raise RuntimeError( "Trying to register a parameter with type " f"{paramtype}. However, only " f"{ParamSpec.allowed_types} are supported." ) if setpoints is not None: self._check_setpoints_type(setpoints, "setpoints") if basis is not None: self._check_setpoints_type(basis, "basis") if isinstance(parameter, ArrayParameter): self._register_arrayparameter(parameter, setpoints, basis, paramtype) elif isinstance(parameter, ParameterWithSetpoints): self._register_parameter_with_setpoints( parameter, setpoints, basis, paramtype ) elif isinstance(parameter, MultiParameter): self._register_multiparameter( parameter, setpoints, basis, paramtype, ) elif isinstance(parameter, Parameter): self._register_parameter( parameter.register_name, parameter.label, parameter.unit, setpoints, basis, paramtype, ) elif isinstance(parameter, GroupedParameter): self._register_parameter( parameter.register_name, parameter.label, parameter.unit, setpoints, basis, paramtype, ) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Does not know how to register a parameter of type {type(parameter)}" ) self._registered_parameters.append(parameter) return self
@staticmethod def _check_setpoints_type(arg: setpoints_type, name: str) -> None: if ( not isinstance(arg, Sequence) or isinstance(arg, str) or any(not isinstance(a, (str, ParameterBase)) for a in arg) ): raise TypeError( f"{name} should be a sequence of str or ParameterBase, not " f"{type(arg)}" ) @staticmethod def _infer_paramtype(parameter: ParameterBase, paramtype: str | None) -> str | None: """ Infer the best parameter type to store the parameter supplied. Args: parameter: The parameter to to infer the type for paramtype: The initial supplied parameter type or None Returns: The inferred parameter type. If a not None parameter type is supplied this will be preferred over any inferred type. Returns None if a parameter type could not be inferred """ if paramtype is not None: return paramtype if isinstance(parameter.vals, vals.Arrays): paramtype = "array" elif isinstance(parameter, ArrayParameter): paramtype = "array" elif isinstance(parameter.vals, vals.Strings): paramtype = "text" elif isinstance(parameter.vals, vals.ComplexNumbers): paramtype = "complex" # TODO should we try to figure out if parts of a multiparameter are # arrays or something else? return paramtype def _register_parameter( self: T, name: str, label: str | None, unit: str | None, setpoints: setpoints_type | None, basis: setpoints_type | None, paramtype: str, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> T: """ Update the interdependencies object with a new group """ parameter: ParamSpecBase | None try: parameter = self._interdeps[name] except KeyError: parameter = None paramspec = ParamSpecBase( name=name, paramtype=paramtype, label=label, unit=unit ) # We want to allow the registration of the exact same parameter twice, # the reason being that e.g. two ArrayParameters could share the same # setpoint parameter, which would then be registered along with each # dependent (array)parameter if parameter is not None and parameter != paramspec: raise ValueError("Parameter already registered in this Measurement.") if setpoints is not None: sp_strings = [str_or_register_name(sp) for sp in setpoints] else: sp_strings = [] if basis is not None: bs_strings = [str_or_register_name(bs) for bs in basis] else: bs_strings = [] # get the ParamSpecBases depends_on, inf_from = self._paramspecbase_from_strings( name, sp_strings, bs_strings ) if depends_on: self._interdeps = self._interdeps.extend( dependencies={paramspec: depends_on} ) if inf_from: self._interdeps = self._interdeps.extend(inferences={paramspec: inf_from}) if not (depends_on or inf_from): self._interdeps = self._interdeps.extend(standalones=(paramspec,))"Registered {name} in the Measurement.") return self def _register_arrayparameter( self, parameter: ArrayParameter, setpoints: setpoints_type | None, basis: setpoints_type | None, paramtype: str, ) -> None: """ Register an ArrayParameter and the setpoints belonging to that ArrayParameter """ my_setpoints = list(setpoints) if setpoints else [] for i in range(len(parameter.shape)): if ( parameter.setpoint_full_names is not None and parameter.setpoint_full_names[i] is not None ): spname = parameter.setpoint_full_names[i] else: spname = f"{parameter.register_name}_setpoint_{i}" if parameter.setpoint_labels: splabel = parameter.setpoint_labels[i] else: splabel = "" if parameter.setpoint_units: spunit = parameter.setpoint_units[i] else: spunit = "" self._register_parameter( name=spname, paramtype=paramtype, label=splabel, unit=spunit, setpoints=None, basis=None, ) my_setpoints += [spname] self._register_parameter( parameter.register_name, parameter.label, parameter.unit, my_setpoints, basis, paramtype, ) def _register_parameter_with_setpoints( self, parameter: ParameterWithSetpoints, setpoints: setpoints_type | None, basis: setpoints_type | None, paramtype: str, ) -> None: """ Register an ParameterWithSetpoints and the setpoints belonging to the Parameter """ my_setpoints = list(setpoints) if setpoints else [] for sp in parameter.setpoints: if not isinstance(sp, Parameter): raise RuntimeError( "The setpoints of a " "ParameterWithSetpoints " "must be a Parameter" ) spname = sp.register_name splabel = sp.label spunit = sp.unit self._register_parameter( name=spname, paramtype=paramtype, label=splabel, unit=spunit, setpoints=None, basis=None, ) my_setpoints.append(spname) self._register_parameter( parameter.register_name, parameter.label, parameter.unit, my_setpoints, basis, paramtype, ) def _register_multiparameter( self, multiparameter: MultiParameter, setpoints: setpoints_type | None, basis: setpoints_type | None, paramtype: str, ) -> None: """ Find the individual multiparameter components and their setpoints and register those as individual parameters """ setpoints_lists = [] for i in range(len(multiparameter.shapes)): shape = multiparameter.shapes[i] name = multiparameter.full_names[i] if shape == (): my_setpoints = setpoints else: my_setpoints = list(setpoints) if setpoints else [] for j in range(len(shape)): if ( multiparameter.setpoint_full_names is not None and multiparameter.setpoint_full_names[i] is not None ): spname = multiparameter.setpoint_full_names[i][j] else: spname = f"{name}_setpoint_{j}" if ( multiparameter.setpoint_labels is not None and multiparameter.setpoint_labels[i] is not None ): splabel = multiparameter.setpoint_labels[i][j] else: splabel = "" if ( multiparameter.setpoint_units is not None and multiparameter.setpoint_units[i] is not None ): spunit = multiparameter.setpoint_units[i][j] else: spunit = "" self._register_parameter( name=spname, paramtype=paramtype, label=splabel, unit=spunit, setpoints=None, basis=None, ) my_setpoints += [spname] setpoints_lists.append(my_setpoints) for i, expanded_setpoints in enumerate(setpoints_lists): self._register_parameter( multiparameter.full_names[i], multiparameter.labels[i], multiparameter.units[i], expanded_setpoints, basis, paramtype, )
[docs] def register_custom_parameter( self: T, name: str, label: str | None = None, unit: str | None = None, basis: setpoints_type | None = None, setpoints: setpoints_type | None = None, paramtype: str = "numeric", ) -> T: """ Register a custom parameter with this measurement Args: name: The name that this parameter will have in the dataset. Must be unique (will overwrite an existing parameter with the same name!) label: The label unit: The unit basis: A list of either QCoDeS Parameters or the names of parameters already registered in the measurement that this parameter is inferred from setpoints: A list of either QCoDeS Parameters or the names of of parameters already registered in the measurement that are the setpoints of this parameter paramtype: Type of the parameter, i.e. the SQL storage class """ return self._register_parameter(name, label, unit, setpoints, basis, paramtype)
[docs] def unregister_parameter(self, parameter: setpoints_type) -> None: """ Remove a custom/QCoDeS parameter from the dataset produced by running this measurement """ if isinstance(parameter, ParameterBase): param_name = str_or_register_name(parameter) elif isinstance(parameter, str): param_name = parameter else: raise ValueError( "Wrong input type. Must be a QCoDeS parameter or" " the name (a string) of a parameter." ) try: paramspec: ParamSpecBase = self._interdeps[param_name] except KeyError: return self._interdeps = self._interdeps.remove(paramspec) # Must follow interdeps removal, because interdeps removal may error if isinstance(parameter, ParameterBase): try: self._registered_parameters.remove(parameter) except ValueError: return elif isinstance(parameter, str): with_parameters_removed = [ param for param in self._registered_parameters if parameter not in (, param.register_name) ] self._registered_parameters = with_parameters_removed"Removed {param_name} from Measurement.")
[docs] def add_before_run(self: T, func: Callable[..., Any], args: Sequence[Any]) -> T: """ Add an action to be performed before the measurement. Args: func: Function to be performed args: The arguments to said function """ # some tentative cheap checking nargs = len(signature(func).parameters) if len(args) != nargs: raise ValueError( "Mismatch between function call signature and " "the provided arguments." ) self.enteractions.append((func, args)) return self
[docs] def add_after_run(self: T, func: Callable[..., Any], args: Sequence[Any]) -> T: """ Add an action to be performed after the measurement. Args: func: Function to be performed args: The arguments to said function """ # some tentative cheap checking nargs = len(signature(func).parameters) if len(args) != nargs: raise ValueError( "Mismatch between function call signature and " "the provided arguments." ) self.exitactions.append((func, args)) return self
[docs] def add_subscriber( self: T, func: Callable[..., Any], state: MutableSequence[Any] | MutableMapping[Any, Any], ) -> T: """ Add a subscriber to the dataset of the measurement. Args: func: A function taking three positional arguments: a list of tuples of parameter values, an integer, a mutable variable (list or dict) to hold state/writes updates to. state: The variable to hold the state. """ self.subscribers.append((func, state)) return self
[docs] def set_shapes(self, shapes: Shapes | None) -> None: """ Set the shapes of the data to be recorded in this measurement. Args: shapes: Dictionary from names of dependent parameters to a tuple of integers describing the shape of the measurement. """ self._shapes = shapes
[docs] def run( self, write_in_background: bool | None = None, in_memory_cache: bool | None = True, dataset_class: DataSetType = DataSetType.DataSet, parent_span: trace.Span | None = None, ) -> Runner: """ Returns the context manager for the experimental run Args: write_in_background: if True, results that will be added within the context manager with ``DataSaver.add_result`` will be stored in background, without blocking the main thread that is executing the context manager. By default the setting for write in background will be read from the ``qcodesrc.json`` config file. in_memory_cache: Should measured data be keep in memory and available as part of the `dataset.cache` object. dataset_class: Enum representing the Class used to store data with. parent_span: An optional opentelemetry span that this should be registered a a child of if using opentelemetry. """ if write_in_background is None: write_in_background = cast(bool, qc.config.dataset.write_in_background) return Runner( self.enteractions, self.exitactions, self.experiment, station=self.station, write_period=self._write_period, interdeps=self._interdeps,, subscribers=self.subscribers, parent_datasets=self._parent_datasets, extra_log_info=self._extra_log_info, write_in_background=write_in_background, shapes=self._shapes, in_memory_cache=in_memory_cache, dataset_class=dataset_class, parent_span=parent_span, registered_parameters=self._registered_parameters, )
def str_or_register_name(sp: str | ParameterBase) -> str: """Returns either the str passed or the register_name of the Parameter""" if isinstance(sp, str): return sp else: return sp.register_name