Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keithley.Keithley_2450

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, cast

import numpy as np
from typing_extensions import TypedDict, Unpack

from qcodes.instrument import InstrumentChannel, VisaInstrument, VisaInstrumentKWArgs
from qcodes.parameters import (
from qcodes.validators import Arrays, Bool, Enum, Ints, Lists, Numbers

    from types import TracebackType

class _SweepDict(TypedDict):
    start: float
    stop: float
    step_count: int
    delay: float
    sweep_count: int
    range_mode: str
    fail_abort: str
    dual: str
    buffer_name: str

class ParameterWithSetpointsCustomized(ParameterWithSetpoints):
    While the parent class ParameterWithSetpoints only support numerical data
    (in the format of "Arrays"), the newly added "_user_selected_data" will
    include extra fields which may contain string type, in addition to the
    numerical values, which can be obtained by the get_cmd of the parent class.

    This customized class is used for the "sweep" parameter.

    _user_selected_data: list[Any] | None = None

    def get_selected(self) -> list[Any] | None:
        return self._user_selected_data

[docs] class Keithley2450Buffer(InstrumentChannel): """ Treat the reading buffer as a submodule, similar to Sense and Source """ default_buffer: ClassVar[set[str]] = {"defbuffer1", "defbuffer2"} buffer_elements: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = { "date": "DATE", "measurement_formatted": "FORMatted", "fractional_seconds": "FRACtional", "measurement": "READing", "relative_time": "RELative", "seconds": "SEConds", "source_value": "SOURce", "source_value_formatted": "SOURFORMatted", "source_value_status": "SOURSTATus", "source_value_unit": "SOURUNIT", "measurement_status": "STATus", "time": "TIME", "timestamp": "TSTamp", "measurement_unit": "UNIT", } inverted_buffer_elements = invert_val_mapping(buffer_elements) def __init__( self, parent: "Keithley2450", name: str, size: int | None = None, style: str = "", ) -> None: super().__init__(parent, name) self.buffer_name = name self._size = size = style if self.buffer_name not in self.default_buffer: # when making a new buffer, the "size" parameter is required. if size is None: raise TypeError( "buffer() missing 1 required positional argument: 'size'" ) self.write(f":TRACe:MAKE '{self.buffer_name}', {self._size}, {}") elif size is not None: self.log.warning( f"Please use method 'size()' to resize default buffer " f"{self.buffer_name} size to {self._size}." ) self.size: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "size", get_cmd=f":TRACe:POINts? '{self.buffer_name}'", set_cmd=f":TRACe:POINts {{}}, '{self.buffer_name}'", get_parser=int, docstring="The number of readings a buffer can store.", ) """The number of readings a buffer can store.""" self.number_of_readings: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "number_of_readings", get_cmd=f":TRACe:ACTual? '{self.buffer_name}'", get_parser=int, docstring="To get the number of readings in the reading buffer.", ) """To get the number of readings in the reading buffer.""" self.elements: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "elements", get_cmd=None, get_parser=self.from_scpi_to_name, set_cmd=None, set_parser=self.from_name_to_scpi, vals=Lists(Enum(*list(self.buffer_elements.keys()))), docstring="List of buffer elements to read.", ) """List of buffer elements to read."""
[docs] def from_name_to_scpi(self, element_names: list[str]) -> list[str]: return [self.buffer_elements[element] for element in element_names]
[docs] def from_scpi_to_name(self, element_scpis: list[str]) -> list[str]: if element_scpis is None: return [] return [self.inverted_buffer_elements[element] for element in element_scpis]
def __enter__(self) -> "Keithley2450Buffer": return self def __exit__( self, exception_type: type[BaseException] | None, value: BaseException | None, traceback: "TracebackType | None", ) -> None: self.delete() @property def available_elements(self) -> set[str]: return set(self.buffer_elements.keys())
[docs] def get_last_reading(self) -> str: """ This method requests the latest reading from a reading buffer. """ if not self.elements(): return self.ask(f":FETCh? '{self.buffer_name}'") fetch_elements = [self.buffer_elements[element] for element in self.elements()] return self.ask(f":FETCh? '{self.buffer_name}', {','.join(fetch_elements)}")
[docs] def get_data( self, start_idx: int, end_idx: int, readings_only: bool = False ) -> list[Any]: """ This command returns specified data elements from reading buffer. Args: start_idx: beginning index of the buffer to return end_idx: ending index of the buffer to return readings_only: a flag to temporarily disable the elements and output only the numerical readings Returns: data elements from the reading buffer """ if (not self.elements()) or readings_only: raw_data = self.ask( f":TRACe:DATA? {start_idx}, {end_idx}, '{self.buffer_name}'" ) return [float(i) for i in raw_data.split(",")] elements = [self.buffer_elements[element] for element in self.elements()] raw_data_with_extra = self.ask( f":TRACe:DATA? {start_idx}, " f"{end_idx}, " f"'{self.buffer_name}', " f"{','.join(elements)}" ) return raw_data_with_extra.split(",")
[docs] def clear_buffer(self) -> None: """ Clear the data in the buffer """ self.write(f":TRACe:CLEar '{self.buffer_name}'")
[docs] def trigger_start(self) -> None: """ This method makes readings using the active measure function and stores them in a reading buffer. """ self.write(f":TRACe:TRIGger '{self.buffer_name}'")
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: if self.buffer_name not in self.default_buffer: self.parent.submodules.pop(f"_buffer_{self.buffer_name}") self.parent.buffer_name("defbuffer1") self.write(f":TRACe:DELete '{self.buffer_name}'")
class _FunctionMode(TypedDict): name: str unit: str range_vals: Numbers
[docs] class Keithley2450Sense(InstrumentChannel): """ The sense module of the Keithley 2450 SMU. Args: parent name proper_function: This can be one of either "current", "voltage" or "resistance". All parameters and methods in this submodule should only be accessible to the user if self.parent.sense_function.get() == self._proper_function. We ensure this through the 'sense' property on the main driver class which returns the proper submodule for any given function mode """ function_modes: ClassVar[dict[str, _FunctionMode]] = { "current": {"name": '"CURR:DC"', "unit": "A", "range_vals": Numbers(10e-9, 1)}, "resistance": { "name": '"RES"', "unit": "Ohm", "range_vals": Numbers(20, 200e6), }, "voltage": {"name": '"VOLT:DC"', "unit": "V", "range_vals": Numbers(0.02, 200)}, } def __init__(self, parent: "Keithley2450", name: str, proper_function: str) -> None: super().__init__(parent, name) self._proper_function = proper_function range_vals = self.function_modes[self._proper_function]["range_vals"] unit = self.function_modes[self._proper_function]["unit"] self.function = self.parent.sense_function self.four_wire_measurement: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "four_wire_measurement", set_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:RSENse {{}}", get_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:RSENse?", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), ) """Parameter four_wire_measurement""" self.range: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "range", set_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:RANGe {{}}", get_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:RANGe?", vals=range_vals, get_parser=float, unit=unit, ) """Parameter range""" self.auto_range: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "auto_range", set_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:RANGe:AUTO {{}}", get_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:RANGe:AUTO?", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), ) """Parameter auto_range""" self.add_parameter( self._proper_function, get_cmd=self._measure, get_parser=float, unit=unit, snapshot_value=False, ) self.sweep: ParameterWithSetpointsCustomized = self.add_parameter( "sweep", label=self._proper_function, get_cmd=self._measure_sweep, unit=unit, vals=Arrays(shape=(self.parent.npts,)), parameter_class=ParameterWithSetpointsCustomized, ) """Parameter sweep""" self.nplc: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "nplc", get_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:NPLCycles?", set_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:NPLCycles {{}}", vals=Numbers(0.001, 10), ) """Parameter nplc""" self.user_number: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "user_number", get_cmd=None, set_cmd=None, vals=Ints(1, 5) ) """Parameter user_number""" self.user_delay: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "user_delay", get_cmd=self._get_user_delay, set_cmd=self._set_user_delay, get_parser=float, vals=Numbers(0, 1e4), ) """Parameter user_delay""" self.auto_zero_enabled: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "auto_zero_enabled", get_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:AZERo?", set_cmd=f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:AZERo {{}}", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="This command enables or disables automatic updates to " "the internal reference measurements (autozero) of the " "instrument.", ) """This command enables or disables automatic updates to the internal reference measurements (autozero) of the instrument.""" self.count: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "count", get_cmd=":SENSe:COUNt?", set_cmd=":SENSe:COUNt {}", docstring="The number of measurements to make when a measurement " "is requested.", ) """The number of measurements to make when a measurement is requested.""" def _measure(self) -> float | str: if not self.parent.output_enabled(): raise RuntimeError("Output needs to be on for a measurement") buffer_name = self.parent.buffer_name() return float(self.ask(f":MEASure? '{buffer_name}'")) def _measure_sweep(self) -> np.ndarray: source = cast(Keithley2450Source, self.parent.source) source.sweep_start() buffer_name = self.parent.buffer_name() buffer = cast( Keithley2450Buffer, self.parent.submodules[f"_buffer_{buffer_name}"] ) end_idx = self.parent.npts() raw_data = buffer.get_data(1, end_idx, readings_only=True) raw_data_with_extra = buffer.get_data(1, end_idx) self.parent.sense.sweep._user_selected_data = raw_data_with_extra # Clear the trace so we can be assured that a subsequent measurement # will not be contaminated with data from this run. buffer.clear_buffer() return np.array([float(i) for i in raw_data])
[docs] def auto_zero_once(self) -> None: """ This command causes the instrument to refresh the reference and zero measurements once. """ self.write(":SENSe:AZERo:ONCE")
[docs] def clear_trace(self, buffer_name: str = "defbuffer1") -> None: """ Clear the data buffer """ self.write(f":TRACe:CLEar '{buffer_name}'")
def _get_user_delay(self) -> str: get_cmd = f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:DELay:USER{self.user_number()}?" return self.ask(get_cmd) def _set_user_delay(self, value: float) -> None: set_cmd = ( f":SENSe:{self._proper_function}:DELay:USER{self.user_number()} {value}" ) self.write(set_cmd)
[docs] class Keithley2450Source(InstrumentChannel): """ The source module of the Keithley 2450 SMU. Args: parent name proper_function: This can be one of either "current" or "voltage" All parameters and methods in this submodule should only be accessible to the user if self.parent.source_function.get() == self._proper_function. We ensure this through the 'source' property on the main driver class which returns the proper submodule for any given function mode """ function_modes: ClassVar[dict[str, _FunctionMode]] = { "current": {"name": "CURR", "unit": "A", "range_vals": Numbers(-1, 1)}, "voltage": {"name": "VOLT", "unit": "V", "range_vals": Numbers(-200, 200)}, } def __init__(self, parent: "Keithley2450", name: str, proper_function: str) -> None: super().__init__(parent, name) self._proper_function = proper_function range_vals = self.function_modes[self._proper_function]["range_vals"] unit = self.function_modes[self._proper_function]["unit"] self.function = self.parent.source_function self._sweep_arguments: _SweepDict | None = None self.range: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "range", set_cmd=f":SOUR:{self._proper_function}:RANGe {{}}", get_cmd=f":SOUR:{self._proper_function}:RANGe?", vals=range_vals, get_parser=float, unit=unit, ) """Parameter range""" self.auto_range: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "auto_range", set_cmd=f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:RANGe:AUTO {{}}", get_cmd=f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:RANGe:AUTO?", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), ) """Parameter auto_range""" limit_cmd = {"current": "VLIM", "voltage": "ILIM"}[self._proper_function] self.limit: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "limit", set_cmd=f"SOUR:{self._proper_function}:{limit_cmd} {{}}", get_cmd=f"SOUR:{self._proper_function}:{limit_cmd}?", get_parser=float, unit=unit, ) """Parameter limit""" self.limit_tripped: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "limit_tripped", get_cmd=f":SOUR:{self._proper_function}:{limit_cmd}:TRIPped?", val_mapping={True: 1, False: 0}, ) """Parameter limit_tripped""" self.add_parameter( self._proper_function, set_cmd=self._set_proper_function, get_cmd=f"SOUR:{self._proper_function}?", get_parser=float, unit=unit, snapshot_value=False, ) self.sweep_axis: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "sweep_axis", label=self._proper_function, get_cmd=self.get_sweep_axis, vals=Arrays(shape=(self.parent.npts,)), unit=unit, ) """Parameter sweep_axis""" self.delay: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "delay", get_cmd=f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:DELay?", set_cmd=f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:DELay {{}}", vals=Numbers(0, 1e4), ) """Parameter delay""" self.user_number: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "user_number", get_cmd=None, set_cmd=None, vals=Ints(1, 5) ) """Parameter user_number""" self.user_delay: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "user_delay", get_cmd=self._get_user_delay, set_cmd=self._set_user_delay, vals=Numbers(0, 1e4), ) """Parameter user_delay""" self.auto_delay: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "auto_delay", get_cmd=f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:DELay:AUTO?", set_cmd=f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:DELay:AUTO {{}}", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), ) """Parameter auto_delay""" self.read_back_enabled: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "read_back_enabled", get_cmd=f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:READ:BACK?", set_cmd=f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:READ:BACK {{}}", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), docstring="This command determines if the instrument records the " "measured source value or the configured source value " "when making a measurement.", ) """This command determines if the instrument records the measured source value or the configured source value when making a measurement.""" self.block_during_ramp: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "block_during_ramp", initial_value=False, get_cmd=None, set_cmd=None, vals=Bool(), docstring="Setting the source output level alone cannot block the " "execution of subsequent code. This parameter allows _proper_function" "to either block or not.", ) """Setting the source output level alone cannot block the execution of subsequent code. This parameter allows _proper_functionto either block or not.""" def _set_proper_function(self, value: float) -> None: self.write(f"SOUR:{self._proper_function} {value}") if self.block_during_ramp(): self.ask("*OPC?")
[docs] def get_sweep_axis(self) -> np.ndarray: if self._sweep_arguments is None: raise ValueError( "Please setup the sweep before getting values of this parameter" ) return np.linspace( start=self._sweep_arguments["start"], stop=self._sweep_arguments["stop"], num=int(self._sweep_arguments["step_count"]), )
[docs] def sweep_setup( self, start: float, stop: float, step_count: int, delay: float = 0, sweep_count: int = 1, range_mode: str = "AUTO", fail_abort: str = "ON", dual: str = "OFF", buffer_name: str = "defbuffer1", ) -> None: self._sweep_arguments = _SweepDict( start=start, stop=stop, step_count=step_count, delay=delay, sweep_count=sweep_count, range_mode=range_mode, fail_abort=fail_abort, dual=dual, buffer_name=buffer_name, )
[docs] def sweep_start(self) -> None: """ Start a sweep and return when the sweep has finished. Note: This call is blocking """ if self._sweep_arguments is None: raise ValueError("Please call `sweep_setup` before starting a sweep.") cmd_args = dict(self._sweep_arguments) cmd_args["function"] = self._proper_function cmd = ( ":SOURce:SWEep:{function}:LINear {start},{stop}," "{step_count},{delay},{sweep_count},{range_mode}," "{fail_abort},{dual},'{buffer_name}'".format(**cmd_args) ) self.write(cmd) self.write(":INITiate") self.write("*WAI")
[docs] def sweep_reset(self) -> None: self._sweep_arguments = None
def _get_user_delay(self) -> float: get_cmd = f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:DELay:USER{self.user_number()}?" return float(self.ask(get_cmd)) def _set_user_delay(self, value: float) -> None: set_cmd = ( f":SOURce:{self._proper_function}:DELay:USER" f"{self.user_number()} {value}" ) self.write(set_cmd)
[docs] class Keithley2450(VisaInstrument): """ The QCoDeS driver for the Keithley 2450 SMU """ default_terminator = "\n" def __init__( self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs] ) -> None: super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) if not self._has_correct_language_mode(): self.log.warning( "The instrument is in an unsupported language mode. " "Please run `instrument.set_correct_language()` and try to " "initialize the driver again after an instrument power cycle. " "No parameters/sub modules will be available on this driver " "instance" ) return self.source_function: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "source_function", set_cmd=self._set_source_function, get_cmd=":SOUR:FUNC?", val_mapping={ key: value["name"] for key, value in Keithley2450Source.function_modes.items() }, ) """Parameter source_function""" self.sense_function: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "sense_function", set_cmd=self._set_sense_function, get_cmd=":SENS:FUNC?", val_mapping={ key: value["name"] for key, value in Keithley2450Sense.function_modes.items() }, ) """Parameter sense_function""" self.terminals: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "terminals", set_cmd="ROUTe:TERMinals {}", get_cmd="ROUTe:TERMinals?", vals=Enum("rear", "front"), ) """Parameter terminals""" self.output_enabled: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "output_enabled", set_cmd=":OUTP {}", get_cmd=":OUTP?", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), ) """Parameter output_enabled""" self.line_frequency: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "line_frequency", get_cmd=":SYSTem:LFRequency?", unit="Hz", docstring="returns the power line frequency setting that is used " "for NPLC calculations", ) """returns the power line frequency setting that is used for NPLC calculations""" self.buffer_name: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "buffer_name", get_cmd=None, set_cmd=None, docstring="name of the reading buffer in using", ) """name of the reading buffer in using""" # Make a source module for every source function ('current' and 'voltage') for proper_source_function in Keithley2450Source.function_modes: self.add_submodule( f"_source_{proper_source_function}", Keithley2450Source(self, "source", proper_source_function), ) # Make a sense module for every sense function ('current', voltage' and 'resistance') for proper_sense_function in Keithley2450Sense.function_modes: self.add_submodule( f"_sense_{proper_sense_function}", Keithley2450Sense(self, "sense", proper_sense_function), ) self.buffer_name("defbuffer1") self.buffer(name=self.buffer_name()) self.connect_message() def _set_sense_function(self, value: str) -> None: """ Change the sense function. The property 'sense' will return the sense module appropriate for this function setting. We need to ensure that the setpoints of the sweep parameter in the active sense module is correctly set. Normally we would do that with 'self.sense.sweep.setpoints = (self.source.sweep_axis,)' However, we cannot call the property 'self.sense', because that property will call `get_latest` on the parameter for which this function (that is '_set_sense_function') is the setter """ self.write( f":SENS:FUNC {value}", ) assert self.sense_function.inverse_val_mapping is not None sense_function = self.sense_function.inverse_val_mapping[value] sense = self.submodules[f"_sense_{sense_function}"] if not isinstance(sense, Keithley2450Sense): raise RuntimeError( f"Expect Sense Module to be of type " f"Keithley2450Sense got {type(sense)}" ) sense.sweep.setpoints = (self.source.sweep_axis,) def _set_source_function(self, value: str) -> None: """ Change the source function. The property 'source' will return the source module appropriate for this function setting. We need to ensure that the setpoints of the sweep parameter in the active sense module reflects the change in the source module. Normally we would do that with 'self.sense.sweep.setpoints = (self.source.sweep_axis,)' However, we cannot call the property 'self.source', because that property will call `get_latest` on the parameter for which this function (that is '_set_source_function') is the setter """ if self.sense_function() == "resistance": raise RuntimeError( "Cannot change the source function while sense function is in 'resistance' mode" ) self.write(f":SOUR:FUNC {value}") assert self.source_function.inverse_val_mapping is not None source_function = self.source_function.inverse_val_mapping[value] source = cast(Keithley2450Source, self.submodules[f"_source_{source_function}"]) self.sense.sweep.setpoints = (source.sweep_axis,) if not isinstance(source, Keithley2450Source): raise RuntimeError( f"Expect Source Module to be of type " f"Keithley2450Source got {type(source)}" ) # Once the source function has changed, # we cannot trust the sweep setup anymore source.sweep_reset() @property def source(self) -> Keithley2450Source: """ We have different source modules depending on the source function, which can be 'current' or 'voltage' Return the correct source module based on the source function """ source_function = self.source_function.get_latest() or self.source_function() submodule = self.submodules[f"_source_{source_function}"] return cast(Keithley2450Source, submodule) @property def sense(self) -> Keithley2450Sense: """ We have different sense modules depending on the sense function, which can be 'current', 'voltage' or 'resistance' Return the correct source module based on the sense function """ sense_function = self.sense_function.get_latest() or self.sense_function() submodule = self.submodules[f"_sense_{sense_function}"] return cast(Keithley2450Sense, submodule)
[docs] def buffer( self, name: str, size: int | None = None, style: str = "" ) -> Keithley2450Buffer: self.buffer_name(name) if f"_buffer_{name}" in self.submodules: return cast(Keithley2450Buffer, self.submodules[f"_buffer_{name}"]) new_buffer = Keithley2450Buffer(parent=self, name=name, size=size, style=style) self.add_submodule(f"_buffer_{name}", new_buffer) return new_buffer
[docs] def npts(self) -> int: """ Get the number of points in the sweep axis """ return len(self.source.get_sweep_axis())
[docs] def set_correct_language(self) -> None: """ The correct communication protocol is SCPI, make sure this is set """ self.write("*LANG SCPI") self.log.warning( "Please power cycle the instrument to make the change take effect" ) # We want the user to be able to instantiate a driver with the same name self.close()
def _has_correct_language_mode(self) -> bool: """ Query if we have the correct language mode """ return self.ask("*LANG?") == "SCPI"
[docs] def abort(self) -> None: """ This command stops all trigger model commands on the instrument. """ self.write(":ABORt")
[docs] def initiate(self) -> None: """ This command starts the trigger model. """ self.write(":INITiate")
[docs] def wait(self) -> None: """ This command postpones the execution of subsequent commands until all previous overlapped commands are finished. """ self.write("*WAI")
[docs] def clear_event_register(self) -> None: """ This function clears event registers. """ self.write(":STATus:CLEar")
[docs] def clear_event_log(self) -> None: """ This command clears the event log. """ self.write(":SYSTem:CLEar")
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Returns instrument to default settings, cancels all pending commands. """ self.write("*RST")