import logging
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from qcodes import validators
from .keysight_34980a_submodules import Keysight34980ASwitchMatrixSubModule
from import Callable
from typing_extensions import Unpack
from qcodes.instrument import (
from qcodes.parameters import Parameter
class Keysight34934A(Keysight34980ASwitchMatrixSubModule):
InstrumentModule that represents the Keysight34934A module
parent: the system which the module is installed on
name: user defined name for the module
slot: the slot the module is installed
def __init__(
parent: "VisaInstrument | InstrumentChannel",
name: str,
slot: int,
**kwargs: "Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs]",
) -> None:
super().__init__(parent, name, slot, **kwargs)
self.protection_mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter(
vals=validators.Enum("AUTO100", "AUTO0", "FIX", "ISO"),
docstring="get and set the relay protection mode. "
"The fastest switching speeds for relays "
"in a given signal path are achieved using "
"the FIXed or ISOlated modes, followed "
"by the AUTO100 and AUTO0 modes. "
"There may be a maximum of 200 Ohm of "
"resistance, which can only be bypassed "
"by 'AUTO0' mode. See manual and "
"programmer's reference for detail.",
get and set the relay protection mode. The fastest switching speeds
for relays in a given signal path are achieved using the FIXed
or ISOlated modes, followed by the AUTO100 and AUTO0 modes.
There may be a maximum of 200 Ohm of resistance, which can only
be bypassed by "AUTO0" mode. See manual and programmer's reference
for detail."""
layout = self.ask(f"SYSTEM:MODule:TERMinal:TYPE? {self.slot}")
self._is_locked = layout == "NONE"
if self._is_locked:
f"For slot {slot}, no configuration module"
f"connected, or safety interlock jumper removed. "
"Making any connection is not allowed"
config = self.ask(f"SYST:CTYP? {slot}").strip('"').split(",")[1]
layout = config.split("-")[1]
self.row, self.column = (int(num) for num in re.findall(r"\d+", layout))
def write(self, cmd: str) -> None:
When the module is safety interlocked, users can not make any
connections. There will be no effect when try to connect any channels.
if self._is_locked:
"Warning: no configuration module connected, "
"or safety interlock enabled. "
"Making any connection is not allowed"
return self.parent.write(cmd)
def validate_value(self, row: int, column: int) -> None:
To check if the row and column number is within the range of the
module layout.
row: row value
column: column value
if (row > self.row) or (column > self.column):
raise ValueError("row/column value out of range")
def _get_relay_protection_mode(self) -> str:
return self.ask(f"SYSTem:MODule:ROW:PROTection? {self.slot}")
def _set_relay_protection_mode(self, mode: str) -> None:
self.write(f"SYSTem:MODule:ROW:PROTection {self.slot}, {mode}")
def to_channel_list(
self, paths: list[tuple[int, int]], wiring_config: str | None = ""
) -> str:
Convert the (row, column) pair to a 4-digit channel number 'sxxx', where
s is the slot number, xxx is generated from the numbering function.
paths: list of channels to connect [(r1, c1), (r2, c2), (r3, c3)]
wiring_config: for 1-wire matrices, values are 'MH', 'ML';
for 2-wire matrices, values are 'M1H', 'M2H',
'M1L', 'M2L'
in the format of '(@sxxx, sxxx, sxxx, sxxx)', where sxxx is a
4-digit channel number
numbering_function = self.get_numbering_function(
self.row, self.column, wiring_config
channels = []
for row, column in paths:
channel = f"{self.slot}{numbering_function(row, column)}"
channel_list = f"(@{','.join(channels)})"
return channel_list
def get_numbering_function(
rows: int, columns: int, wiring_config: str | None = ""
) -> "Callable[[int, int], str]":
To select the correct numbering function based on the matrix layout.
On P168 of the user's guide for Agilent 34934A High Density Matrix
there are eleven equations. This function here simplifies them to one.
rows: the total row number of the matrix module
columns: the total column number of the matrix module
wiring_config: wiring configuration for 1 or 2 wired matrices
The numbering function to convert row and column in to a 3-digit
layout = f"{rows}x{columns}"
available_layouts = {
"4x32": ["M1H", "M2H", "M1L", "M2L"],
"4x64": ["MH", "ML"],
"4x128": [""],
"8x32": ["MH", "ML"],
"8x64": [""],
"16x32": [""],
if layout not in available_layouts:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported layout: {layout}")
if wiring_config not in available_layouts[layout]:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid wiring config '{wiring_config}' for layout {layout}"
offsets = {"M1H": 0, "M2H": 1, "M1L": 2, "M2L": 3, "MH": 0, "ML": 1}
offset = 0
if wiring_config != "":
offset = offsets[wiring_config] * columns
channels_per_row = 800 / rows
offset += 100 - int(channels_per_row)
def numbering_function(row: int, col: int) -> str:
return str(int(channels_per_row * row + col + offset))
return numbering_function