import logging
import re
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
from qcodes import validators as vals
from qcodes.instrument import VisaInstrument, VisaInstrumentKWArgs
from .keysight_34934a import Keysight34934A
from .keysight_34980a_submodules import Keysight34980ASwitchMatrixSubModule
from import Callable
from typing import Concatenate
from typing_extensions import Unpack
KEYSIGHT_MODELS = {"34934A": Keysight34934A}
S = TypeVar("S", bound="Keysight34980A")
P = ParamSpec("P")
T = TypeVar("T")
def post_execution_status_poll(
func: "Callable[Concatenate[S, P], T]",
) -> "Callable[Concatenate[S, P], T]":
Generates a decorator that clears the instrument's status registers
before executing the actual call and reads the status register after the
function call to determine whether an error occurs.
func: function to wrap
def wrapper(self: S, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:
retval = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
stb = self.get_status()
if stb:
f"Instrument status byte indicates an error occurred "
f"(value of STB was: {stb})! Use `get_error` method "
f"to poll error message.",
return retval
return wrapper
class Keysight34980A(VisaInstrument):
QCodes driver for 34980A switch/measure unit
default_terminator = "\n"
def __init__(
self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs: "Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs]"
Create an instance of the instrument.
name: Name of the instrument instance
address: Visa-resolvable instrument address.
**kwargs: kwargs are forwarded to base class.
super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs)
self._total_slot = 8
self._system_slots_info_dict: dict[int, dict[str, str]] | None = None
self.module = dict.fromkeys(self.system_slots_info.keys())
def get_status(self) -> int:
Queries status register
0 if there is no error
msg = super().ask("*ESR?")
nums = list(map(int, re.findall(r"\d+", msg)))
return nums[0]
def get_error(self) -> str:
Queries error queue
error message, or '+0,"No error"' if there is no error
msg = super().ask(":SYST:ERR?")
return msg
def clear_status(self) -> None:
Clears status register and error queue of the instrument.
def reset(self) -> None:
Performs an instrument reset.
Does not reset error queue!
def ask(self, cmd: str) -> str:
return super().ask(cmd)
def write(self, cmd: str) -> None:
return super().write(cmd)
def scan_slots(self) -> None:
Scan the occupied slots and make an object for each switch matrix
module installed
for slot in self.system_slots_info.keys():
model_string = self.system_slots_info[slot]["model"]
for model, model_class in KEYSIGHT_MODELS.items():
if model in model_string:
sub_module_name = f"slot_{slot}_{model}"
sub_module = model_class(self, sub_module_name, slot)
self.module[slot] = sub_module
self.add_submodule(sub_module_name, sub_module)
if self.module[slot] is None:
sub_module_name = f"slot_{slot}_{model_string}_no_driver"
sub_module_no_driver = Keysight34980ASwitchMatrixSubModule(
self, sub_module_name, slot
self.module[slot] = sub_module_no_driver
self.add_submodule(sub_module_name, sub_module_no_driver)
f"can not find driver for {model_string} in slot {slot}"
def system_slots_info(self) -> dict[int, dict[str, str]]:
if self._system_slots_info_dict is None:
self._system_slots_info_dict = self._system_slots_info()
return self._system_slots_info_dict
def _system_slots_info(self) -> dict[int, dict[str, str]]:
The command SYST:CTYP? returns the following:
Agilent Technologies,<Model Number>,<Serial Number>,<Firmware Rev>
where <Model Number> is '0' if there is no module connected to the
given slot
a dictionary, with slot numbers as the keys, and vendor/model/
serial/firmware dictionaries as the values
slots_dict = {}
keys = ["vendor", "model", "serial", "firmware"]
for i in range(1, self._total_slot + 1):
identity = self.ask(f"SYST:CTYP? {i}").strip('"').split(",")
if identity[1] != "0":
slots_dict[i] = dict(zip(keys, identity))
return slots_dict
def disconnect_all(self, slot: int | None = None) -> None:
To open/disconnect all connections on select module
slot: slot number, between 1 and 8 (self._total_slot),
default value is None, which means all slots
if slot is None:
vals.Ints(min_value=1, max_value=self._total_slot).validate(slot)
self.write(f"ROUT:OPEN:ALL {slot}")