Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.keysightb1500.KeysightB1500_base

import re
import textwrap
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from qcodes.instrument import VisaInstrument, VisaInstrumentKWArgs
from qcodes.parameters import MultiParameter, Parameter, create_on_off_val_mapping

from . import constants
from .KeysightB1500_module import (
from .KeysightB1511B import KeysightB1511B
from .KeysightB1517A import KeysightB1517A, _ParameterWithStatus
from .KeysightB1520A import KeysightB1520A
from .KeysightB1530A import KeysightB1530A
from .message_builder import MessageBuilder

    from import Sequence

    from typing_extensions import Unpack

[docs] class KeysightB1500(VisaInstrument): """Driver for Keysight B1500 Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer. For the list of supported modules, refer to :meth:`from_model_name`. """ calibration_time_out = 60 # 30 seconds suggested by manual default_terminator = "\r\n" def __init__( self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs: "Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs]" ): super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) self.by_slot: dict[constants.SlotNr, KeysightB1500Module] = {} self.by_channel: dict[constants.ChNr, KeysightB1500Module] = {} self.by_kind: dict[constants.ModuleKind, list[KeysightB1500Module]] = ( defaultdict(list) ) self._find_modules() self.autozero_enabled: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "autozero_enabled", unit="", label="Autozero enabled of the high-resolution ADC", set_cmd=self._set_autozero, get_cmd=None, val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val=True, off_val=False), initial_cache_value=False, docstring=textwrap.dedent( """ Enable or disable cancelling of the offset of the high-resolution A/D converter (ADC). Set the function to OFF in cases that the measurement speed is more important than the measurement accuracy. This roughly halves the integration time.""" ), ) """ Enable or disable cancelling of the offset of the high-resolution A/D converter (ADC). Set the function to OFF in cases that the measurement speed is more important than the measurement accuracy. This roughly halves the integration time. """ self.run_iv_staircase_sweep: IVSweepMeasurement = self.add_parameter( name="run_iv_staircase_sweep", parameter_class=IVSweepMeasurement, docstring=textwrap.dedent( """ This is MultiParameter. Running the sweep runs the measurement on the list of source values defined using `setup_staircase_sweep` method. The output is a primary parameter (e.g. Gate current) and a secondary parameter (e.g. Source/Drain current) both of which use the same setpoints. Note you must `set_measurement_mode` and specify 2 channels as the argument before running the sweep. First channel (SMU) must be the channel on which you set the sweep ( WV) and second channel(SMU) must be the one which remains at constants voltage. """ ), ) """ This is MultiParameter. Running the sweep runs the measurement on the list of source values defined using `setup_staircase_sweep` method. The output is a primary parameter (e.g. Gate current) and a secondary parameter (e.g. Source/Drain current) both of which use the same setpoints. Note you must `set_measurement_mode` and specify 2 channels as the argument before running the sweep. First channel (SMU) must be the channel on which you set the sweep ( WV) and second channel(SMU) must be the one which remains at constants voltage. """ self.connect_message()
[docs] def write(self, cmd: str) -> None: """ Extend write method from the super to ask for error message each time a write command is called. """ super().write(cmd) error_message = self.error_message() if error_message != '+0,"No Error."': raise RuntimeError( f"While setting this parameter received error: {error_message}" )
[docs] def add_module(self, name: str, module: KeysightB1500Module) -> None: super().add_submodule(name, module) self.by_kind[module.MODULE_KIND].append(module) self.by_slot[module.slot_nr] = module for ch in module.channels: self.by_channel[ch] = module
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Performs an instrument reset. This does not reset error queue! """ self.write("*RST")
[docs] def get_status(self) -> int: return int(self.ask("*STB?"))
# TODO: Data Output parser: At least for Format FMT1,0 and maybe for a # second (binary) format. 8 byte binary format would be nice because it # comes with time stamp # FMT1,0: ASCII (12 digits data with header) <CR/LF^EOI> def _find_modules(self) -> None: from .constants import UNT r = self.ask(MessageBuilder().unt_query(mode=UNT.Mode.MODULE_INFO_ONLY).message) slot_population = parse_module_query_response(r) for slot_nr, model in slot_population.items(): module = self.from_model_name(model, slot_nr, self) self.add_module(name=module.short_name, module=module)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_model_name( model: str, slot_nr: int, parent: "KeysightB1500", name: str | None = None ) -> "KeysightB1500Module": """Creates the correct instance of instrument module by model name. Args: model: Model name such as 'B1517A' slot_nr: Slot number of this module (not channel number) parent: Reference to B1500 mainframe instance name: Name of the instrument instance to create. If `None` (Default), then the name is autogenerated from the instrument class. Returns: A specific instance of :class:`.B1500Module` """ if model == "B1511B": return KeysightB1511B(slot_nr=slot_nr, parent=parent, name=name) elif model == "B1517A": return KeysightB1517A(slot_nr=slot_nr, parent=parent, name=name) elif model == "B1520A": return KeysightB1520A(slot_nr=slot_nr, parent=parent, name=name) elif model == "B1530A": return KeysightB1530A(slot_nr=slot_nr, parent=parent, name=name) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Module type {model} in slot {slot_nr} not yet supported." )
[docs] def enable_channels(self, channels: constants.ChannelList | None = None) -> None: """Enable specified channels. If channels is omitted or `None`, then all channels are enabled. """ msg = MessageBuilder().cn(channels) self.write(msg.message)
[docs] def disable_channels(self, channels: constants.ChannelList | None = None) -> None: """Disable specified channels. If channels is omitted or `None`, then all channels are disabled. """ msg = MessageBuilder().cl(channels) self.write(msg.message)
# Response parsing functions as static methods for user convenience parse_spot_measurement_response = parse_spot_measurement_response parse_module_query_response = parse_module_query_response def _setup_integration_time( self, adc_type: constants.AIT.Type, mode: constants.AIT.Mode | int, coeff: int | None = None, ) -> None: """See :meth:`MessageBuilder.ait` for information""" if coeff is not None: coeff = int(coeff) self.write( MessageBuilder().ait(adc_type=adc_type, mode=mode, coeff=coeff).message ) def _reset_measurement_statuses_of_smu_spot_measurement_parameters( self, parameter_name: str ) -> None: if parameter_name not in ("voltage", "current"): raise ValueError( f"Parameter name should be one of [voltage,current], " f"got {parameter_name}." ) for smu in self.by_kind[constants.ModuleKind.SMU]: param = smu.parameters[parameter_name] assert isinstance(param, _ParameterWithStatus) param._measurement_status = None
[docs] def use_nplc_for_high_speed_adc(self, n: int | None = None) -> None: """ Set the high-speed ADC to NPLC mode, with optionally defining number of averaging samples via argument `n`. Args: n: Value that defines the number of averaging samples given by the following formula: ``Number of averaging samples = n / 128``. n=1 to 100. Default setting is 1 (if `None` is passed). The Keysight B1500 gets 128 samples in a power line cycle, repeats this for the times you specify, and performs averaging to get the measurement data. (For more info see Table 4-21.). Note that the integration time will not be updated if a non-integer value is written to the B1500. """ self._setup_integration_time( adc_type=constants.AIT.Type.HIGH_SPEED, mode=constants.AIT.Mode.NPLC, coeff=n, )
[docs] def use_nplc_for_high_resolution_adc(self, n: int | None = None) -> None: """ Set the high-resolution ADC to NPLC mode, with optionally defining the number of PLCs per sample via argument `n`. Args: n: Value that defines the integration time given by the following formula: ``Integration time = n / power line frequency``. n=1 to 100. Default setting is 1 (if `None` is passed). (For more info see Table 4-21.). Note that the integration time will not be updated if a non-integer value is written to the B1500. """ self._setup_integration_time( adc_type=constants.AIT.Type.HIGH_RESOLUTION, mode=constants.AIT.Mode.NPLC, coeff=n, )
[docs] def use_manual_mode_for_high_speed_adc(self, n: int | None = None) -> None: """ Set the high-speed ADC to manual mode, with optionally defining number of averaging samples via argument `n`. Use ``n=1`` to disable averaging (``n=None`` uses the default setting from the instrument which is also ``n=1``). Args: n: Number of averaging samples, between 1 and 1023. Default setting is 1. (For more info see Table 4-21.) Note that the integration time will not be updated if a non-integer value is written to the B1500. """ self._setup_integration_time( adc_type=constants.AIT.Type.HIGH_SPEED, mode=constants.AIT.Mode.MANUAL, coeff=n, )
def _set_autozero(self, do_autozero: bool) -> None: self.write(MessageBuilder().az(do_autozero=do_autozero).message)
[docs] def self_calibration( self, slot: constants.SlotNr | int | None = None ) -> constants.CALResponse: """ Performs the self calibration of the specified module (SMU) and returns the result. Failed modules are disabled, and can only be enabled by the ``RCV`` command. Calibration takes about 30 seconds (the visa timeout for it is controlled by :attr:`calibration_time_out` attribute). Execution Conditions: No SMU may be in the high voltage state (forcing more than ±42 V, or voltage compliance set to more than ±42 V). Before starting the calibration, open the measurement terminals. Args: slot: Slot number of the slot that installs the module to perform the self-calibration. For Ex: constants.SlotNr.ALL, MAINFRAME, SLOT01, SLOT02 ...SLOT10 If not specified, the calibration is performed for all the modules and the mainframe. """ msg = MessageBuilder().cal_query(slot=slot) with self.root_instrument.timeout.set_to(self.calibration_time_out): response = self.ask(msg.message) return constants.CALResponse(int(response))
[docs] def error_message(self, mode: constants.ERRX.Mode | int | None = None) -> str: """ This method reads one error code from the head of the error queue and removes that code from the queue. The read error is returned as the response of this method. Args: mode: If no valued passed returns both the error value and the error message. See :class:`.constants.ERRX.Mode` for possible arguments. Returns: In the default case response message contains an error message and a custom message containing additional information such as the slot number. They are separated by a semicolon (;). For example, if the error 305 occurs on the slot 1, this method returns the following response. 305,"Excess current in HPSMU.; SLOT1" If no error occurred, this command returns 0,"No Error." """ msg = MessageBuilder().errx_query(mode=mode) response = self.ask(msg.message) return response
[docs] def clear_buffer_of_error_message(self) -> None: """ This method clears the error message stored in buffer when the error_message command is executed. """ msg = MessageBuilder().err_query() self.write(msg.message)
[docs] def clear_timer_count(self, chnum: int | None = None) -> None: """ This command clears the timer count. This command is effective for all measurement modes, regardless of the TSC setting. This command is not effective for the 4 byte binary data output format (FMT3 and FMT4). Args: chnum: SMU or MFCMU channel number. Integer expression. 1 to 10. See Table 4-1 on page 16 of 2016 manual. If chnum is specified, this command clears the timer count once at the source output start by the DV, DI, or DCV command for the specified channel. The channel output switch of the specified channel must be ON when the timer count is cleared. If chnum is not specified, this command clears the timer count immediately, """ msg = MessageBuilder().tsr(chnum=chnum) self.write(msg.message)
[docs] def set_measurement_mode( self, mode: constants.MM.Mode | int, channels: constants.ChannelList | None = None, ) -> None: """ This method specifies the measurement mode and the channels used for measurements. This method must be entered to specify the measurement mode. For the high speed spot measurements, do not use this method. NOTE Order of the channels are important. The SMU which is setup to run the sweep goes first. Args: mode: Measurement mode. See `constants.MM.Mode` for all possible modes channels: Measurement channel number. See `constants.ChannelList` for all possible channels. """ msg = MessageBuilder().mm(mode=mode, channels=channels).message self.write(msg)
[docs] def get_measurement_mode(self) -> dict[str, constants.MM.Mode | list[int]]: """ This method gets the measurement mode(MM) and the channels used for measurements. It outputs a dictionary with 'mode' and 'channels' as keys. """ msg = MessageBuilder().lrn_query( type_id=constants.LRN.Type.TM_AV_CM_FMT_MM_SETTINGS ) response = self.ask(msg.message) match ="MM(?P<mode>.*?),(?P<channels>.*?)(;|$)", response) if not match: raise ValueError("Measurement Mode (MM) not found.") out_dict: dict[str, constants.MM.Mode | list[int]] = {} resp_dict = match.groupdict() out_dict["mode"] = constants.MM.Mode(int(resp_dict["mode"])) out_dict["channels"] = list(map(int, resp_dict["channels"].split(","))) return out_dict
[docs] def get_response_format_and_mode( self, ) -> dict[str, constants.FMT.Format | constants.FMT.Mode]: """ This method queries the the data output format and mode. """ msg = MessageBuilder().lrn_query( type_id=constants.LRN.Type.TM_AV_CM_FMT_MM_SETTINGS ) response = self.ask(msg.message) match ="FMT(?P<format>.*?),(?P<mode>.*?)(;|$)", response) if not match: raise ValueError("Measurement Mode (FMT) not found.") out_dict: dict[str, constants.FMT.Format | constants.FMT.Mode] = {} resp_dict = match.groupdict() out_dict["format"] = constants.FMT.Format(int(resp_dict["format"])) out_dict["mode"] = constants.FMT.Mode(int(resp_dict["mode"])) return out_dict
[docs] def enable_smu_filters( self, enable_filter: bool, channels: constants.ChannelList | None = None ) -> None: """ This methods sets the connection mode of a SMU filter for each channel. A filter is mounted on the SMU. It assures clean source output with no spikes or overshooting. A maximum of ten channels can be set. Args: enable_filter : Status of the filter. False: Disconnect (initial setting). True: Connect. channels : SMU channel number. Specify channel from `constants.ChNr` If you do not specify chnum, the FL command sets the same mode for all channels. """ self.write( MessageBuilder().fl(enable_filter=enable_filter, channels=channels).message )
class IVSweepMeasurement(MultiParameter, StatusMixin): """ IV sweep measurement outputs a list of measured current parameters as a result of voltage sweep. Args: name: Name of the Parameter. instrument: Instrument to which this parameter communicates to. """ def __init__(self, name: str, instrument: KeysightB1517A, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__( name, names=tuple(["param1", "param2"]), units=tuple(["A", "A"]), labels=tuple(["Param1 Current", "Param2 Current"]), shapes=((1,),) * 2, setpoint_names=(("Voltage",),) * 2, setpoint_labels=(("Voltage",),) * 2, setpoint_units=(("V",),) * 2, instrument=instrument, **kwargs, ) self.instrument: KeysightB1517A self.root_instrument: KeysightB1500 self.param1 = _FMTResponse(None, None, None, None) self.param2 = _FMTResponse(None, None, None, None) self.source_voltage = _FMTResponse(None, None, None, None) self._fudge: float = 1.5 def set_names_labels_and_units( self, names: "Sequence[str] | None" = None, labels: "Sequence[str] | None" = None, units: "Sequence[str] | None" = None, ) -> None: """ Set names, labels, and units of the measured parts of the MultiParameter. If units are not provided, "A" will be used because this parameter measures currents. If labels are not provided, names will be used. If names are not provided, ``param#`` will be used as names; the number of those names will be the same as the number of measured channels that ``B1500.get_measurement_mode`` method returns. Note that it is possible to not provide names and provide labels at the same time. In case, neither names nor labels are provided, the labels will be generated as ``Param# Current``. The number of provided names, labels, and units must be the same. Moreover, that number has to be equal to the number of channels that ``B1500.get_measurement_mode`` method returns. It is recommended to set measurement mode and number of channels first, and only then call this method to provide names/labels/units. The name/label/unit of the setpoint of this parameter will also be updated to defaults dictated by the ``set_setpoint_name_label_and_unit`` method. Note that ``.shapes`` of this parameter will also be updated to be in sync with the number of names. """ measurement_mode = self.instrument.get_measurement_mode() channels = measurement_mode["channels"] if names is None: names = [f"param{n + 1}" for n in range(len(channels))] if labels is None: labels = [f"Param{n + 1} Current" for n in range(len(channels))] if labels is None: labels = tuple(names) if units is None: units = ["A"] * len(names) if len(labels) != len(names) or len(units) != len(names): raise ValueError( f"If provided, the number of names, labels, and units must be " f"the same, instead got {len(names)} names, {len(labels)} " f"labels, {len(units)} units." ) if len(names) != len(channels): raise ValueError( f"The number of names ({len(names)}) does not match the number " f"of channels expected for the IV sweep measurement, " f"which is {len(channels)}. Please, when providing names, " f"provide them for every channel." ) self.names = tuple(names) self.labels = tuple(labels) self.units = tuple(units) for n in range(len(channels)): setattr(self, f"param{n + 1}", _FMTResponse(None, None, None, None)) self.shapes = ((1,),) * len(self.names) self.set_setpoint_name_label_and_unit() def set_setpoint_name_label_and_unit( self, name: str | None = None, label: str | None = None, unit: str | None = None ) -> None: """ Set name, label, and unit of the setpoint of the MultiParameter. If unit is not provided, "V" will be used because this parameter sweeps voltage. If label is not provided, "Voltage" will be used. If name are not provided, ``voltage`` will be used. The attributes describing the setpoints of this MultiParameter will be updated to match the number of measured parameters of this MultiParameter, as dictated by ``.names``. """ # number of measured parameters of this MultiParameter n_names = len(self.names) name = name if name is not None else "voltage" label = label if label is not None else "Voltage" unit = unit if unit is not None else "V" self.setpoint_names = ((name,),) * n_names self.setpoint_labels = ((label,),) * n_names self.setpoint_units = ((unit,),) * n_names def get_raw(self) -> tuple[tuple[float, ...], ...]: measurement_mode = self.instrument.get_measurement_mode() channels = measurement_mode["channels"] n_channels = len(channels) if n_channels < 1: raise ValueError( "At least one measurement channel is needed for an IV sweep." ) if ( len(self.names) != n_channels or len(self.units) != n_channels or len(self.labels) != n_channels or len(self.shapes) != n_channels ): raise ValueError( f"The number of `.names` ({len(self.names)}), " f"`.units` ({len(self.units)}), `.labels` (" f"{len(self.labels)}), or `.shapes` ({len(self.shapes)}) " f"of the {self.full_name} parameter " f"does not match the number of channels expected for the IV " f"sweep measurement, which is {n_channels}. One must set " f"enough names, units, and labels for all the channels that " f"are to be measured." ) smu = self.instrument.by_channel[channels[0]] if not smu.setup_fnc_already_run: raise Exception( f"Sweep setup has not yet been run successfully on {smu.full_name}" ) delay_time = smu.iv_sweep.step_delay() if smu._average_coefficient < 0: # negative coefficient means nplc and positive means just # averaging, see B1517A.set_average_samples_for_high_speed_adc # for more info nplc = 128 * abs(smu._average_coefficient) power_line_time_period = 1 / smu.power_line_frequency calculated_time = 2 * nplc * power_line_time_period else: calculated_time = smu._average_coefficient * delay_time num_steps = smu.iv_sweep.sweep_steps() estimated_timeout = max(delay_time, calculated_time) * num_steps new_timeout = estimated_timeout * self._fudge format_and_mode = self.instrument.get_response_format_and_mode() fmt_format = format_and_mode["format"] fmt_mode = format_and_mode["mode"] try: self.root_instrument.write(MessageBuilder().fmt(1, 1).message) with self.root_instrument.timeout.set_to(new_timeout): raw_data = self.instrument.ask(MessageBuilder().xe().message) finally: self.root_instrument.write( MessageBuilder().fmt(fmt_format, fmt_mode).message ) parsed_data = fmt_response_base_parser(raw_data) # The `4` comes from the len(_FMTResponse(None, None, None, None)), # the _FMTResponse tuple declares these items that the instrument # gives for each data point n_items_per_data_point = 4 # sourced voltage values are also returned, hence the `+1` n_all_data_channels = n_channels + 1 for channel_index in range(n_channels): parsed_data_items = [ parsed_data[i][channel_index::n_all_data_channels] for i in range(0, n_items_per_data_point) ] single_channel_data = _FMTResponse(*parsed_data_items) convert_dummy_val_to_nan(single_channel_data) # Store the results to `.param#` attributes for convenient access # to all the data, e.g. status of each value in the arrays setattr(self, f"param{channel_index + 1}", single_channel_data) channel_values_to_return = tuple( getattr(self, f"param{n + 1}").value for n in range(n_channels) ) source_voltage_index = n_channels parsed_source_voltage_items = [ parsed_data[i][source_voltage_index::n_all_data_channels] for i in range(0, n_items_per_data_point) ] self.source_voltage = _FMTResponse(*parsed_source_voltage_items) self.shapes = ((len(self.source_voltage.value),),) * n_channels self.setpoints = ((self.source_voltage.value,),) * n_channels return channel_values_to_return