Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.private.Keysight_344xxA_submodules

import textwrap
from bisect import bisect_left
from contextlib import ExitStack
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import numpy as np
from packaging import version
from typing_extensions import deprecated

import qcodes.validators as vals
from qcodes.instrument import (
from qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keysight.private.error_handling import (
from qcodes.parameters import Parameter, ParameterWithSetpoints
from qcodes.utils import (

    from import Sequence

    from typing_extensions import Unpack

[docs] class Keysight344xxATrigger(InstrumentChannel): """Implements triggering parameters and methods of Keysight 344xxA.""" def __init__( self, parent: "Keysight344xxA", name: str, **kwargs: "Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs]", ): super().__init__(parent, name, **kwargs) if self.parent.is_34465A_34470A: _max_trigger_count = 1e9 else: _max_trigger_count = 1e6 self.count: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "count", label="Trigger Count", set_cmd="TRIGger:COUNt {}", get_cmd="TRIGger:COUNt?", get_parser=float, vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Numbers(1, _max_trigger_count), vals.Enum("MIN", "MAX", "DEF", "INF"), ), docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Selects the number of triggers that are accepted by the instrument before returning to the "idle" trigger state. You can use the specified trigger count in conjunction with `sample_count`. In this case, the number of measurements returned is the sample count multiplied by the trigger count. A variable trigger count is not available from the front panel. However, when you return to remote control of the instrument, the trigger count returns to the previous value you selected.""" ), ) """ Selects the number of triggers that are accepted by the instrument before returning to the "idle" trigger state. You can use the specified trigger count in conjunction with `sample_count`. In this case, the number of measurements returned is the sample count multiplied by the trigger count. A variable trigger count is not available from the front panel. However, when you return to remote control of the instrument, the trigger count returns to the previous value you selected. """ self.delay: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "delay", label="Trigger Delay", unit="s", set_cmd="TRIGger:DELay {}", get_cmd="TRIGger:DELay?", vals=vals.MultiType(vals.Numbers(0, 3600), vals.Enum("MIN", "MAX", "DEF")), get_parser=float, docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Sets the delay between the trigger signal and the first measurement. This may be useful in applications where you want to allow the input to settle before taking a measurement or for pacing a burst of measurements. Step size for DC measurements is approximately 1 µs. For AC measurements, step size depends on AC bandwidth. Selecting a specific trigger delay disables the automatic trigger delay.""" ), ) """ Sets the delay between the trigger signal and the first measurement. This may be useful in applications where you want to allow the input to settle before taking a measurement or for pacing a burst of measurements. Step size for DC measurements is approximately 1 µs. For AC measurements, step size depends on AC bandwidth. Selecting a specific trigger delay disables the automatic trigger delay. """ self.auto_delay_enabled: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "auto_delay_enabled", label="Auto Trigger Delay Enabled", set_cmd="TRIGger:DELay:AUTO {}", get_cmd="TRIGger:DELay:AUTO?", get_parser=int, val_mapping={True: 1, False: 0}, docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Disables or enables automatic trigger delay. If enabled, the instrument determines the delay based on function, range, and integration time or bandwidth. Selecting a specific trigger delay using `trigger.delay` disables the automatic trigger delay.""" ), ) """ Disables or enables automatic trigger delay. If enabled, the instrument determines the delay based on function, range, and integration time or bandwidth. Selecting a specific trigger delay using `trigger.delay` disables the automatic trigger delay. """ self.slope: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "slope", label="Trigger Slope", set_cmd="TRIGger:SLOPe {}", get_cmd="TRIGger:SLOPe?", vals=vals.Enum("POS", "NEG"), ) """Parameter slope""" if self.parent.has_DIG or (self.parent.model == "34411A"): self.level: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "level", label="Trigger Level", unit="V", set_cmd="TRIGger:LEVel {}", get_cmd="TRIGger:LEVel?", get_parser=float, vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Numbers(-1000, 1000), vals.Enum("MIN", "MAX", "DEF") ), docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Sets the level on which a trigger occurs when level triggering is enabled (`trigger.source` set to "INT"). Note that for 100 mV to 100 V ranges and autorange is off, the trigger level can only be set within ±120% of the range.""" ), ) """ Sets the level on which a trigger occurs when level triggering is enabled (`trigger.source` set to "INT"). Note that for 100 mV to 100 V ranges and autorange is off, the trigger level can only be set within ±120% of the range. """ _trigger_source_docstring = textwrap.dedent("""\ Selects the trigger source for measurements. IMMediate: The trigger signal is always present. When you place the instrument in the "wait-for-trigger" state, the trigger is issued immediately. BUS: The instrument is triggered by `trigger.force` method of this driver once the DMM is in the "wait-for-trigger" state. EXTernal: The instrument accepts hardware triggers applied to the rear-panel Ext Trig input and takes the specified number of measurements (`sample_count`), each time a TTL pulse specified by `trigger.slope` is received. If the instrument receives an external trigger before it is ready, it buffers one trigger.""") _trigger_source_vals = vals.Enum("IMM", "EXT", "BUS") if self.parent.has_DIG or (self.parent.model == "34411A"): _trigger_source_vals = vals.Enum("IMM", "EXT", "BUS", "INT") # extra empty lines are needed for readability of the docstring _trigger_source_docstring += textwrap.dedent("""\ INTernal: Provides level triggering capability. To trigger on a level on the input signal, select INTernal for the source, and set the level and slope with the `trigger.level` and `trigger.slope` parameters.""") self.source: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "source", label="Trigger Source", set_cmd="TRIGger:SOURce {}", get_cmd="TRIGger:SOURce?", vals=_trigger_source_vals, docstring=_trigger_source_docstring, ) """Parameter source"""
[docs] def force(self) -> None: """Triggers the instrument if `trigger.source` is "BUS".""" self.write("*TRG")
[docs] class Keysight344xxASample(InstrumentChannel): """Implements sampling parameters of Keysight 344xxA.""" def __init__( self, parent: "Keysight344xxA", name: str, **kwargs: "Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs]", ): super().__init__(parent, name, **kwargs) if self.parent.is_34465A_34470A: _max_sample_count = int(1e9) elif self.parent.model == "34410A": _max_sample_count = 50_000 else: _max_sample_count = int(1e6) self.count: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "count", label="Sample Count", set_cmd="SAMPle:COUNt {}", get_cmd="SAMPle:COUNt?", vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Numbers(1, _max_sample_count), vals.Enum("MIN", "MAX", "DEF") ), get_parser=int, docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Specifies the number of measurements (samples) the instrument takes per trigger. For the models 34460A and above, MAX selects 1 billion readings. However, when pretrigger is selected, the maximum is 50,000 readings (without the MEM option) or 2,000,000 readings (with the MEM option). For the model 34410A the maximum is 50,000 readings, and for the model 34411A the maximum is 1,000,000 readings. The latter does not depend on the pretrigger count.""" ), ) """Specifies the number of measurements (samples) the instrument takes per trigger. For the models 34460A and above, MAX selects 1 billion readings. However, when pretrigger is selected, the maximum is 50,000 readings (without the MEM option) or 2,000,000 readings (with the MEM option). For the model 34410A the maximum is 50,000 readings, and for the model 34411A the maximum is 1,000,000 readings. The latter does not depend on the pretrigger count.""" if self.parent.has_DIG or (self.parent.model == "34411A"): if self.parent.model == "34411A": _max_pretrig_count = int(1e6) - 1 elif self.parent.has_MEM: _max_pretrig_count = int(2e6) - 1 else: _max_pretrig_count = int(5e4) - 1 self.pretrigger_count: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "pretrigger_count", label="Sample Pretrigger Count", set_cmd="SAMPle:COUNt:PRETrigger {}", get_cmd="SAMPle:COUNt:PRETrigger?", vals=vals.MultiType( vals.Numbers(0, _max_pretrig_count), vals.Enum("MIN", "MAX", "DEF") ), get_parser=int, docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Allows collection of the data being digitized the trigger. Reserves memory for pretrigger samples up to the specified num. of pretrigger samples. Note that the maximum number of pretrigger counts is bounded by the current number of sample counts as specified via the ``sample.count`` parameter. Refer to the doc of the ``sample.count`` parameter for information on the maximum number of sample counts.""" ), ) """Allows collection of the data being digitized the trigger. Reserves memory for pretrigger samples up to the specified num. of pretrigger samples. Note that the maximum number of pretrigger counts is bounded by the current number of sample counts as specified via the ``sample.count`` parameter. Refer to the doc of the ``sample.count`` parameter for information on the maximum number of sample counts.""" if self.parent.is_34465A_34470A or self.parent.is_34410A_34411A: self.source: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "source", label="Sample Timing Source", set_cmd="SAMPle:SOURce {}", get_cmd="SAMPle:SOURce?", vals=vals.Enum("IMM", "TIM"), docstring=( "Determines sampling time, immediate or using `sample.timer`" ), ) """Determines sampling time, immediate or using `sample.timer`""" self.timer: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "timer", label="Sample Timer", set_cmd="SAMPle:TIMer {}", get_cmd="SAMPle:TIMer?", unit="s", vals=vals.MultiType(vals.Numbers(0, 3600), vals.Enum("MIN", "MAX", "DEF")), get_parser=float, docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ The value is rounded by the instrument to the nearest step. For DC measurements, the step size is 1 µs. For AC measurements, it is AC bandwidth dependent. Special values are: MIN - recommended minimum, MAX - maximum, DEF - default. In order to obtain the actual value of the parameter that gets set when setting it to one of these special values, just call the get method of the parameter, or use corresponding parameters in this driver, like `sample.timer_minimum`. Specifying a value that is between the absolute minimum (assumes no range changes) and the recommended minimum value, may generate a timing violation error when making measurements. Applying a value less than the absolute minimum will generate an error.""" ), ) """The value is rounded by the instrument to the nearest step. For DC measurements, the step size is 1 µs. For AC measurements, it is AC bandwidth dependent. Special values are: MIN - recommended minimum, MAX - maximum, DEF - default. In order to obtain the actual value of the parameter that gets set when setting it to one of these special values, just call the get method of the parameter, or use corresponding parameters in this driver, like `sample.timer_minimum`. Specifying a value that is between the absolute minimum (assumes no range changes) and the recommended minimum value, may generate a timing violation error when making measurements. Applying a value less than the absolute minimum will generate an error.""" self.timer_minimum: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "timer_minimum", label="Minimal recommended sample time", get_cmd="SAMPle:TIMer? MIN", get_parser=float, unit="s", docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ This value is measurement dependent. It depends on such things as the integration time, autozero on or off, autorange on or off, and the measurement range. Basically, the minimum is automatically determined by the instrument so that the sample interval is always greater than the sampling time. Since the minimum value changes depending on configuration, a command order dependency exists. You must completely configure the measurement before setting the sample timer to minimum, or you may generate an error. A complete configuration includes such things as math statistics or scaling. When using autorange, the minimum value is the recommended value, not the absolute minimum value. With autorange enabled, minimum value is calculated assuming a single range change will occur for every measurement (not multiple ranges, just one range up or down per measurement).""" ), ) """This value is measurement dependent. It depends on such things as the integration time, autozero on or off, autorange on or off, and the measurement range. Basically, the minimum is automatically determined by the instrument so that the sample interval is always greater than the sampling time. Since the minimum value changes depending on configuration, a command order dependency exists. You must completely configure the measurement before setting the sample timer to minimum, or you may generate an error. A complete configuration includes such things as math statistics or scaling. When using autorange, the minimum value is the recommended value, not the absolute minimum value. With autorange enabled, minimum value is calculated assuming a single range change will occur for every measurement (not multiple ranges, just one range up or down per measurement)."""
[docs] class Keysight344xxADisplay(InstrumentChannel): """Implements interaction with the display of Keysight 344xxA.""" def __init__( self, parent: "Keysight344xxA", name: str, **kwargs: "Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs]", ): super().__init__(parent, name, **kwargs) self.enabled: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "enabled", label="Display enabled", set_cmd="DISPlay:STATe {}", get_cmd="DISPlay:STATe?", val_mapping={True: 1, False: 0}, docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Disables or enables the front panel display. When disabled, the display dims, and all annunciators are disabled. However, the screen remains on. Disabling the display improves command execution speed from the remote interface and provides basic security. Displaying text with `display.text` parameter will work even when the display is disabled.""" ), ) """Disables or enables the front panel display. When disabled, the display dims, and all annunciators are disabled. However, the screen remains on. Disabling the display improves command execution speed from the remote interface and provides basic security. Displaying text with `display.text` parameter will work even when the display is disabled.""" self.text: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "text", label="Display text", set_cmd='DISPLAY:TEXT "{}"', get_cmd="DISPLAY:TEXT?", initial_value="", get_parser=lambda s: s.strip('"'), vals=vals.Strings(), docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Displays the given text on the screen. Specifying empty string moves the display back to its normal state. The same can be achieved by calling `display.clear`.""" ), ) """Displays the given text on the screen. Specifying empty string moves the display back to its normal state. The same can be achieved by calling `display.clear`."""
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clear text from display. Depending on the display being enabled/disabled, this either returns to display's normal state or leaves it black, respectively. """ self.write("DISPLay:TEXT:CLEar") self.text.get() # also update the parameter value
class TimeTrace(ParameterWithSetpoints): """ A parameter class that holds the data for a time trace type measurement, i.e. a measurement of N voltage or current values measured at fixed time intervals """ def __init__(self, name: str, instrument: Instrument, **kwargs: Any): self.instrument: Instrument super().__init__(name=name, instrument=instrument, **kwargs) # the extra time needed to avoid timeouts during acquisition self._acquire_timeout_fudge_factor = 1.25 def _validate_dt(self) -> None: """ Validate that the specified dt (measurement time interval) can be realized by the instrument with the present settings Raises: RuntimeError: If the present measurement settings prevent reaching the specified dt. """ minimum_time = self.instrument.sample.timer_minimum() dt = self.instrument.timetrace_dt() if dt < minimum_time: raise RuntimeError( f"Can not realize a time trace dt of {dt} s " f"With the present settings. The minimal " f"allowed dt is {minimum_time} s. To allow " "for a shorter dt, try changing the NPLC or " "aperture time." ) def _set_units_and_labels(self) -> None: """ A helper function to set correct units and labels for the parameter """ units_and_labels = { "AC Voltage": ("V", "Voltage"), "DC Voltage": ("V", "Voltage"), "AC Current": ("A", "Current"), "DC Current": ("A", "Current"), "2 Wire Resistance": ("Ohm", "Resistance"), "4 Wire Resistance": ("Ohm", "Resistance"), } conf = self.instrument.sense_function() self.unit, self.label = units_and_labels[conf] def _acquire_time_trace(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The function that prepares the measurement and fetches the data """ dt = self.instrument.timetrace_dt() npts = self.instrument.timetrace_npts() meas_time = npts * dt disp_text = f"Acquiring {npts} samples" # display limit: 40 characters new_timeout = max( self._acquire_timeout_fudge_factor * meas_time, self.instrument.timeout() ) param_settings = [ (self.instrument.trigger.count, 1), (self.instrument.trigger.source, "BUS"), (self.instrument.sample.source, "TIM"), (self.instrument.sample.timer, dt), (self.instrument.sample.count, npts), (self.instrument.timeout, new_timeout), (self.instrument.display.text, disp_text), ] if self.instrument.has_DIG: param_settings.append((self.instrument.sample.pretrigger_count, 0)) with ExitStack() as stack: for ps in param_settings: stack.enter_context(ps[0].set_to(ps[1])) self.instrument.init_measurement() self.instrument.trigger.force() data = self.instrument.fetch() return data # pyright: ignore[reportPossiblyUnboundVariable] def get_raw(self) -> np.ndarray: self._validate_dt() self._set_units_and_labels() data = self._acquire_time_trace() return data class TimeAxis(Parameter): """ A simple :class:`.Parameter` that holds all the times (relative to the measurement start) at which the points of the time trace were acquired. """ def get_raw(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Construct a time axis by querying the number of points and step size from the instrument. """ if self.instrument is None: raise RuntimeError("No instrument attached to Parameter.") npts = self.instrument.timetrace_npts() dt = self.instrument.timetrace_dt() return np.linspace(0, dt * npts, npts, endpoint=False)
[docs] class Keysight344xxA(KeysightErrorQueueMixin, VisaInstrument): """ Base class for Keysight 34410A, 34411A, 34460A, 34461A, 34465A and 34470A multimeters. Not to be instantiated directly. The driver currently only supports using the instrument as a voltmeter for DC measurements. This driver makes use of submodules for implementing different subsystems of the instrument. """ default_terminator = "\n" def __init__( self, name: str, address: str, silent: bool = False, **kwargs: "Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs]", ): """ Create an instance of the instrument. Args: name: Name used by QCoDeS. Appears in the DataSet address: Visa-resolvable instrument address. silent: If True, the connect_message of the instrument is suppressed. Default: False **kwargs: kwargs are forwarded to base class. """ super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) idn = self.IDN.get() self.model = idn["model"] """The model number of the instrument""" self.is_34465A_34470A = self.model in ["34465A", "34470A"] self.is_34410A_34411A = self.model in ["34410A", "34411A"] #################################### # Instrument specifications options = self._options() self.has_DIG = self.is_34465A_34470A and ( "DIG" in options or version.parse(convert_legacy_version_to_supported_version("A.03")) <= version.parse( convert_legacy_version_to_supported_version(idn["firmware"])[:11] ) ) # Note that the firmware version check is still needed because # ``_options`` (the ``*OPT?`` command) returns 'DIG' option for # firmware 3.0 only if it has been purchased before self.has_MEM = self.is_34465A_34470A and "MEM" in options PLCs = { "34410A": [0.006, 0.02, 0.06, 0.2, 1, 2, 10, 100], "34411A": [0.001, 0.002, 0.006, 0.02, 0.06, 0.2, 1, 2, 10, 100], "34460A": [0.02, 0.2, 1, 10, 100], "34461A": [0.02, 0.2, 1, 10, 100], "34465A": [0.02, 0.06, 0.2, 1, 10, 100], "34470A": [0.02, 0.06, 0.2, 1, 10, 100], } if self.has_DIG: PLCs["34465A"] = [0.001, 0.002, 0.006] + PLCs["34465A"] PLCs["34470A"] = [0.001, 0.002, 0.006] + PLCs["34470A"] # The resolution factor order matches the order of PLCs res_factors = { "34410A": [6e-6, 3e-6, 1.5e-6, 0.7e-6, 0.3e-6, 0.2e-6, 0.1e-6, 0.03e-6], "34411A": [ 30e-6, 15e-5, 6e-6, 3e-6, 1.5e-6, 0.7e-6, 0.3e-6, 0.2e-6, 0.1e-6, 0.03e-6, ], "34460A": [300e-6, 100e-6, 30e-6, 10e-6, 3e-6], "34461A": [100e-6, 10e-6, 3e-6, 1e-6, 0.3e-6], "34465A": [3e-6, 1.5e-6, 0.7e-6, 0.3e-6, 0.1e-6, 0.03e-6], "34470A": [1e-6, 0.5e-6, 0.3e-6, 0.1e-6, 0.03e-6, 0.01e-6], } if self.has_DIG: res_factors["34465A"] = [30e-6, 15e-6, 6e-6] + res_factors["34465A"] res_factors["34470A"] = [30e-6, 10e-6, 3e-6] + res_factors["34470A"] self._resolution_factors = res_factors[self.model] self.ranges = [10**n for n in range(-1, 4)] # 100 m to 1 k """A list of the available voltage ranges""" self.NPLC_list = PLCs[self.model] """A list of the available Power Line Cycle settings""" #################################### # PARAMETERS # this is the "master" parameter that determines whether the DMM is # a voltmeter, an ampmeter, etc. self.sense_function: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "sense_function", label="Instrument sense function", get_cmd="SENSe:FUNCtion?", set_cmd="SENSe:FUNCtion {}", val_mapping={ "DC Voltage": '"VOLT"', "AC Voltage": '"VOLT:AC"', "DC Current": '"CURR"', "AC Current": '"CURR:AC"', "2 Wire Resistance": '"RES"', "4 Wire Resistance": '"FRES"', }, ) """Parameter sense_function""" self.line_frequency: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "line_frequency", get_cmd="SYSTem:LFRequency?", get_parser=int, set_cmd=False, label="Line Frequency", unit="Hz", docstring=( "The frequency of the power line where the instrument is plugged" ), ) """The frequency of the power line where the instrument is plugged""" self.NPLC: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "NPLC", get_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:NPLC?", get_parser=float, set_cmd=self._set_NPLC, vals=vals.Enum(*self.NPLC_list), label="Integration time", unit="NPLC", docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Sets the integration time in number of power line cycles (PLC) for DC voltage and ratio measurements. Integration time is the period that the instrument's analog-to-digital (A/D) converter samples the input signal for a measurement. A longer integration time gives better measurement resolution but slower measurement speed. Only integration times of 1, 10, or 100 PLC provide normal mode (line frequency noise) rejection. Setting the integration time also sets the measurement resolution.""" ), ) """Sets the integration time in number of power line cycles (PLC) for DC voltage and ratio measurements. Integration time is the period that the instrument's analog-to-digital (A/D) converter samples the input signal for a measurement. A longer integration time gives better measurement resolution but slower measurement speed. Only integration times of 1, 10, or 100 PLC provide normal mode (line frequency noise) rejection. Setting the integration time also sets the measurement resolution.""" self.range: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "range", get_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:RANGe?", get_parser=float, set_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:RANGe {:f}", vals=vals.Enum(*self.ranges), ) """Parameter range""" self.resolution: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "resolution", get_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:RESolution?", get_parser=float, set_cmd=self._set_resolution, label="Resolution", unit="V", vals=vals.MultiType(vals.Numbers(0), vals.Enum("MIN", "MAX", "DEF")), docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Selects the measurement resolution for DC voltage and ratio measurements. The resolution is specified in the same units as the selected measurement function, not in number of digits. You can also specify MIN (best resolution) or MAX (worst resolution). To achieve normal mode (line frequency noise) rejection, use a resolution that corresponds to an integration time that is an integral number of power line cycles. Refer to "Resolution Table" or "Range, Resolution and NPLC" sections of the instrument's manual for the available ranges for the resolution values.""" ), ) """Selects the measurement resolution for DC voltage and ratio measurements. The resolution is specified in the same units as the selected measurement function, not in number of digits. You can also specify MIN (best resolution) or MAX (worst resolution). To achieve normal mode (line frequency noise) rejection, use a resolution that corresponds to an integration time that is an integral number of power line cycles. Refer to "Resolution Table" or "Range, Resolution and NPLC" sections of the instrument's manual for the available ranges for the resolution values.""" self.autorange: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "autorange", label="Autorange", set_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:RANGe:AUTO {}", get_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:RANGe:AUTO?", val_mapping={"ON": 1, "OFF": 0}, vals=vals.Enum("ON", "OFF"), ) """Parameter autorange""" self.autozero: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "autozero", label="Autozero", set_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:ZERO:AUTO {}", get_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:ZERO:AUTO?", val_mapping={"ON": 1, "OFF": 0, "ONCE": "ONCE"}, vals=vals.Enum("ON", "OFF", "ONCE"), docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Disables or enables the autozero mode for DC voltage and ratio measurements. ON: the DMM internally measures the offset following each measurement. It then subtracts that measurement from the preceding reading. This prevents offset voltages present on the DMM's input circuitry from affecting measurement accuracy. OFF: the instrument uses the last measured zero measurement and subtracts it from each measurement. It takes a new zero measurement each time you change the function, range or integration time. ONCE: the instrument takes one zero measurement and sets autozero OFF. The zero measurement taken is used for all subsequent measurements until the next change to the function, range or integration time. If the specified integration time is less than 1 PLC, the zero measurement is taken at 1 PLC to optimize noise rejection. Subsequent measurements are taken at the specified fast (< 1 PLC) integration time.""" ), ) """ Disables or enables the autozero mode for DC voltage and ratio measurements. ON: the DMM internally measures the offset following each measurement. It then subtracts that measurement from the preceding reading. This prevents offset voltages present on the DMM's input circuitry from affecting measurement accuracy. OFF: the instrument uses the last measured zero measurement and subtracts it from each measurement. It takes a new zero measurement each time you change the function, range or integration time. ONCE: the instrument takes one zero measurement and sets autozero OFF. The zero measurement taken is used for all subsequent measurements until the next change to the function, range or integration time. If the specified integration time is less than 1 PLC, the zero measurement is taken at 1 PLC to optimize noise rejection. Subsequent measurements are taken at the specified fast (< 1 PLC) integration time. """ #################################### # Aperture parameters if self.is_34465A_34470A or self.is_34410A_34411A: # Define the extreme aperture time values for the 34410A, 34411A, # 34465A and 34470A. The upper limits for 34410A and 34411A in the # case of a 60Hz line frequency are just calculated by multiplying # the respective limit with 50/60. utility_freq = self.line_frequency() if utility_freq == 50: apt_times = { "34410A": [100e-6, 1], "34411A": [20e-6, 1], "34465A": [0.3e-3, 2], "34470A": [0.3e-3, 2], } elif utility_freq == 60: apt_times = { "34410A": [100e-6, 0.83], "34411A": [20e-6, 0.83], "34465A": [0.3e-3, 1.67], "34470A": [0.3e-3, 1.67], } else: raise RuntimeError("line_frequency must be either 50 or 60 Hz") if self.has_DIG: apt_times["34465A"][0] = 20e-6 apt_times["34470A"][0] = 20e-6 self.aperture_mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "aperture_mode", label="Aperture mode", set_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:APERture:ENABled {}", get_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:APERture:ENABled?", val_mapping={"ON": 1, "OFF": 0}, vals=vals.Enum("ON", "OFF"), docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Enables the setting of integration time in seconds (called aperture time) for DC voltage measurements. If aperture time mode is disabled (default), the integration time is set in PLC (power-line cycles).""" ), ) """Enables the setting of integration time in seconds (called aperture time) for DC voltage measurements. If aperture time mode is disabled (default), the integration time is set in PLC (power-line cycles).""" self.aperture_time: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "aperture_time", label="Aperture time", set_cmd=self._set_apt_time, get_cmd="SENSe:VOLTage:DC:APERture?", get_parser=float, vals=vals.Numbers(*apt_times[self.model]), docstring=textwrap.dedent( """\ Specifies the integration time in seconds (called aperture time) with 2 µs resolution for DC voltage measurements. Use this command for precise control of the DMM's integration time. Use `NPLC` for better power-line noise rejection characteristics (NPLC > 1). Setting the aperture time automatically enables the aperture mode.""" ), ) """Specifies the integration time in seconds (called aperture time) with 2 µs resolution for DC voltage measurements. Use this command for precise control of the DMM's integration time. Use `NPLC` for better power-line noise rejection characteristics (NPLC > 1). Setting the aperture time automatically enables the aperture mode.""" #################################### # Submodules self.add_submodule("display", Keysight344xxADisplay(self, "display")) self.add_submodule("trigger", Keysight344xxATrigger(self, "trigger")) self.add_submodule("sample", Keysight344xxASample(self, "sample")) #################################### # Measurement Parameters # snapshot_get is disabled for each of these to prevent rapid mode # changes on initialization or snapshot update, however the cached # (last read) value will still be stored in the snapshot. self.volt: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "volt", get_cmd=partial(self._get_parameter, "DC Voltage"), label="Voltage", unit="V", snapshot_get=False, ) """Parameter volt""" self.curr: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "curr", get_cmd=partial(self._get_parameter, "DC Current"), label="Current", unit="A", snapshot_get=False, ) """Parameter curr""" self.ac_volt: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "ac_volt", get_cmd=partial(self._get_parameter, "AC Voltage"), label="AC Voltage", unit="V", snapshot_get=False, ) """Parameter ac_volt""" self.ac_curr: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "ac_curr", get_cmd=partial(self._get_parameter, "AC Current"), label="AC Current", unit="A", snapshot_get=False, ) """Parameter ac_curr""" self.res: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "res", get_cmd=partial(self._get_parameter, "2 Wire Resistance"), label="Resistance", unit="Ohms", snapshot_get=False, ) """Parameter res""" self.four_wire_res: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "four_wire_res", get_cmd=partial(self._get_parameter, "4 Wire Resistance"), label="Resistance", unit="Ohms", snapshot_get=False, ) """Parameter four_wire_res""" ##################################### # Time trace parameters self.timetrace_npts: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "timetrace_npts", label="Time trace number of points", initial_value=500, get_cmd=None, set_cmd=None, vals=vals.Ints(1), ) """Parameter timetrace_npts""" self.timetrace_dt: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "timetrace_dt", label="Time trace time interval", unit="s", initial_value=1e-1, get_cmd=None, set_cmd=None, vals=vals.Numbers(0), ) """Parameter timetrace_dt""" self.time_axis: TimeAxis = self.add_parameter( "time_axis", label="Time", unit="s", snapshot_value=False, vals=vals.Arrays(shape=(self.timetrace_npts,)), parameter_class=TimeAxis, ) """Parameter time_axis""" self.timetrace: TimeTrace = self.add_parameter( "timetrace", vals=vals.Arrays(shape=(self.timetrace_npts,)), setpoints=(self.time_axis,), parameter_class=TimeTrace, ) """Parameter timetrace""" #################################### # Connect message if not silent: self.connect_message()
[docs] def init_measurement(self) -> None: """ Change the state of the triggering system from "idle" to "wait-for-trigger", and clear the previous set of measurements from reading memory. This method is an "overlapped" command. This means that after executing it, you can send other commands that do not affect the measurements. Storing measurements in reading memory with this method is faster than sending measurements to the instrument's output buffer using `read` method ("READ?" command) (provided you do not `fetch`, "FETCh?" command, until done). """ self.write("INIT")
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Reset the instrument to factory defaults. Also updates the snapshot to reflect the new (default) values of parameters. """ self.write("*RST") # before we can update the snapshot, the reset must complete self.ask("*OPC?") self.snapshot(update=True)
[docs] def abort_measurement(self) -> None: """ Abort a measurement in progress, returning the instrument to the trigger idle state. """ self.write("ABORt")
def _licenses(self) -> "Sequence[str]": """ Return extra licenses purchased with the DMM. The 34410A and 34411A models do not have optional modules, hence always returns an empty tuple. """ if not self.is_34410A_34411A: licenses_raw = self.ask("SYST:LIC:CAT?") licenses_list = [x.strip('"') for x in licenses_raw.split(",")] return licenses_list return tuple() def _options(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Return enabled options of the DMM returned by ``*OPT?`` command. The 34410A and 34411A models do not have options, hence always returns an empty tuple. Note that for firmware version 3.0, output of ```*OPT?`` will contain the ``DIG`` option only if it has been purchased before, although the option itself is enabled by default in the firmware version 3.0. """ if not self.is_34410A_34411A: options_raw = self.ask("*OPT?") options_list = [opt for opt in options_raw.split(",") if opt != "0"] return tuple(options_list) return tuple() def _get_parameter(self, sense_function: str = "DC Voltage") -> float: """ Measure the parameter given by sense_function. In case of overload i.e. when instrument throws +/-9.9e37, it is converted to +/-inf. Args: sense_function: The parameter to measure. Valid values are those accepted by the sense_function parameter. Returns: The float value of the parameter. """ with self.sense_function.set_to(sense_function): with self.sample.count.set_to(1): response = self.ask("READ?") if float(response) >= 9.9e37: return np.inf elif float(response) <= -9.9e37: return -np.inf return float(response)
[docs] def fetch(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Waits for measurements to complete and copies all available measurements to the instrument's output buffer. The readings remain in reading memory. This query does not erase measurements from the reading memory. You can call this method multiple times to retrieve the same data. Returns: a 1D numpy array of all measured values that are currently in the reading memory """ raw_vals: str = self.ask("FETCH?") return _raw_vals_to_array(raw_vals)
[docs] def read(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Starts a new set of measurements, waits for all measurements to complete, and transfers all available measurements. This method is similar to calling :meth:`init_measurement` followed immediately by :meth:`fetch`. Returns: a 1D numpy array of all measured values """ raw_vals: str = self.ask("READ?") return _raw_vals_to_array(raw_vals)
def _set_apt_time(self, value: float) -> None: self.write(f"SENSe:VOLTage:DC:APERture {value:f}") # setting aperture time switches aperture mode ON self.aperture_mode.get() def _set_NPLC(self, value: float) -> None: self.write(f"SENSe:VOLTage:DC:NPLC {value:f}") # resolution settings change with NPLC self.resolution.get() # setting NPLC switches off aperture mode if self.is_34465A_34470A: self.aperture_mode.get() def _set_range(self, value: float) -> None: self.write(f"SENSe:VOLTage:DC:RANGe {value:f}") # resolution settings change with range self.resolution.get() def _set_resolution(self, value: float) -> None: rang = self.range.get() # convert both value*range and the resolution factors # to strings with few digits, so we avoid floating point # rounding errors. res_fac_strs = [f"{(v * rang):.1e}" for v in self._resolution_factors] if f"{value:.1e}" not in res_fac_strs: raise ValueError( f"Resolution setting {value:.1e}" f"({value} at range {rang}) does not exist. " f"Possible values are {res_fac_strs}" ) self.write(f"VOLT:DC:RES {value:.1e}") # NPLC settings change with resolution self.NPLC.get()
[docs] def autorange_once(self) -> None: """ Performs immediate autorange and then turns autoranging off. The value of the `range` parameter is also updated. """ self.write("SENSe:VOLTage:DC:RANGe:AUTO ONCE") self.range.get()
[docs] def increase_range( self, range_value: float | None = None, increase_by: int = 1 ) -> None: """ Increases the voltage range by a certain amount with default of 1. If limit is reached, the max range is used. Args: range_value: The desired voltage range needed. Expressed by power of 10^x range from -3 to 10 increase_by: How much to increase range by, default behavior is by a step of one. """ if increase_by < 1: raise ValueError("The steps must be increasing in value") if range_value is not None: current_range = range_value else: current_range = self.range.get() index = bisect_left(self.ranges, current_range) # binary search if index + increase_by < len(self.ranges): self.range(self.ranges[index + increase_by]) else: self.range(self.ranges[-1])
[docs] def decrease_range( self, range_value: float | None = None, decrease_by: int = -1 ) -> None: """ Decrease the voltage range by a certain amount with default of -1. If limit is reached, the min range is used. Args: range_value: The desired voltage range needed. Expressed by power of 10^x range from -3 to 10 decrease_by: How much to decrease range by, default behavior is by a step of one. """ if decrease_by > -1: raise ValueError("The steps must be decreasing in value") if range_value is not None: current_range = range_value else: current_range = self.range.get() index = bisect_left(self.ranges, current_range) # binary search if index + decrease_by > -1: self.range(self.ranges[index + decrease_by]) else: self.range(self.ranges[0])
@deprecated( "Base class for Keysight 344xxA renamed Keysight344xxA", category=QCoDeSDeprecationWarning, ) class _Keysight_344xxA(Keysight344xxA): pass @deprecated( "Trigger class for Keysight 344xxA renamed Keysight344xxATrigger", category=QCoDeSDeprecationWarning, ) class Trigger(Keysight344xxATrigger): pass @deprecated( "Sample class for Keysight 344xxA renamed Keysight344xxASample", category=QCoDeSDeprecationWarning, ) class Sample(Keysight344xxASample): pass @deprecated( "Display class for Keysight 344xxA renamed Keysight344xxADisplay", category=QCoDeSDeprecationWarning, ) class Display(Keysight344xxADisplay): pass def _raw_vals_to_array(raw_vals: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Helper function that converts comma-delimited string of floating-point values to a numpy 1D array of them. Most data retrieval command of these instruments return data in this format.In case of overload i.e. when instrument throws +/-9.9e37, it is converted to +/-inf. Args: raw_vals: comma-delimited string of floating-point values Returns: numpy 1D array of data """ result_array = np.fromstring(raw_vals, dtype=float, sep=",") result_array[result_array >= 9.9e37] = np.inf result_array[result_array <= -9.9e37] = -np.inf return result_array