Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.tektronix.AWG5014

import array as arr
import logging
import re
import struct
from collections import abc
from import Sequence
from io import BytesIO
from time import localtime, sleep
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from pyvisa.errors import VisaIOError

from qcodes import validators as vals
from qcodes.instrument import VisaInstrument, VisaInstrumentKWArgs

    from typing_extensions import Unpack

    from qcodes.parameters import Parameter

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _MarkerDescriptor(NamedTuple):
    marker: int
    channel: int

def parsestr(v: str) -> str:
    return v.strip().strip('"')

[docs] class TektronixAWG5014(VisaInstrument): """ This is the QCoDeS driver for the Tektronix AWG5014 Arbitrary Waveform Generator. The driver makes some assumptions on the settings of the instrument: - The output channels are always in Amplitude/Offset mode - The output markers are always in High/Low mode Todo: - Implement support for cable transfer function compensation - Implement more instrument functionality in the driver - Remove double functionality - Remove inconsistensies between the name of a parameter and the name of the same variable in the tektronix manual In the future, we should consider the following: * Removing test_send?? * That sequence element (SQEL) parameter functions exist but no corresponding parameters. """ AWG_FILE_FORMAT_HEAD: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = { "SAMPLING_RATE": "d", # d "REPETITION_RATE": "d", # # NAME? "HOLD_REPETITION_RATE": "h", # True | False "CLOCK_SOURCE": "h", # Internal | External "REFERENCE_SOURCE": "h", # Internal | External "EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_TYPE": "h", # Fixed | Variable "REFERENCE_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_SELECTION": "h", "REFERENCE_MULTIPLIER_RATE": "h", "DIVIDER_RATE": "h", # 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 "TRIGGER_SOURCE": "h", # Internal | External "INTERNAL_TRIGGER_RATE": "d", "TRIGGER_INPUT_IMPEDANCE": "h", # 50 ohm | 1 kohm "TRIGGER_INPUT_SLOPE": "h", # Positive | Negative "TRIGGER_INPUT_POLARITY": "h", # Positive | Negative "TRIGGER_INPUT_THRESHOLD": "d", "EVENT_INPUT_IMPEDANCE": "h", # 50 ohm | 1 kohm "EVENT_INPUT_POLARITY": "h", # Positive | Negative "EVENT_INPUT_THRESHOLD": "d", "JUMP_TIMING": "h", # Sync | Async "INTERLEAVE": "h", # On | This setting is stronger than . "ZEROING": "h", # On | Off "COUPLING": "h", # The Off | Pair | All setting is weaker than . "RUN_MODE": "h", # Continuous | Triggered | Gated | Sequence "WAIT_VALUE": "h", # First | Last "RUN_STATE": "h", # On | Off "INTERLEAVE_ADJ_PHASE": "d", "INTERLEAVE_ADJ_AMPLITUDE": "d", } AWG_FILE_FORMAT_CHANNEL: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = { # Include NULL.(Output Waveform Name for Non-Sequence mode) "OUTPUT_WAVEFORM_NAME_N": "s", "CHANNEL_STATE_N": "h", # On | Off "ANALOG_DIRECT_OUTPUT_N": "h", # On | Off "ANALOG_FILTER_N": "h", # Enum type. "ANALOG_METHOD_N": "h", # Amplitude/Offset, High/Low # When the Input Method is High/Low, it is skipped. "ANALOG_AMPLITUDE_N": "d", # When the Input Method is High/Low, it is skipped. "ANALOG_OFFSET_N": "d", # When the Input Method is Amplitude/Offset, it is skipped. "ANALOG_HIGH_N": "d", # When the Input Method is Amplitude/Offset, it is skipped. "ANALOG_LOW_N": "d", "MARKER1_SKEW_N": "d", "MARKER1_METHOD_N": "h", # Amplitude/Offset, High/Low # When the Input Method is High/Low, it is skipped. "MARKER1_AMPLITUDE_N": "d", # When the Input Method is High/Low, it is skipped. "MARKER1_OFFSET_N": "d", # When the Input Method is Amplitude/Offset, it is skipped. "MARKER1_HIGH_N": "d", # When the Input Method is Amplitude/Offset, it is skipped. "MARKER1_LOW_N": "d", "MARKER2_SKEW_N": "d", "MARKER2_METHOD_N": "h", # Amplitude/Offset, High/Low # When the Input Method is High/Low, it is skipped. "MARKER2_AMPLITUDE_N": "d", # When the Input Method is High/Low, it is skipped. "MARKER2_OFFSET_N": "d", # When the Input Method is Amplitude/Offset, it is skipped. "MARKER2_HIGH_N": "d", # When the Input Method is Amplitude/Offset, it is skipped. "MARKER2_LOW_N": "d", "DIGITAL_METHOD_N": "h", # Amplitude/Offset, High/Low # When the Input Method is High/Low, it is skipped. "DIGITAL_AMPLITUDE_N": "d", # When the Input Method is High/Low, it is skipped. "DIGITAL_OFFSET_N": "d", # When the Input Method is Amplitude/Offset, it is skipped. "DIGITAL_HIGH_N": "d", # When the Input Method is Amplitude/Offset, it is skipped. "DIGITAL_LOW_N": "d", "EXTERNAL_ADD_N": "h", # AWG5000 only "PHASE_DELAY_INPUT_METHOD_N": "h", # Phase/DelayInme/DelayInints "PHASE_N": "d", # When the Input Method is not Phase, it is skipped. # When the Input Method is not DelayInTime, it is skipped. "DELAY_IN_TIME_N": "d", # When the Input Method is not DelayInPoint, it is skipped. "DELAY_IN_POINTS_N": "d", "CHANNEL_SKEW_N": "d", "DC_OUTPUT_LEVEL_N": "d", # V } default_timeout = 180 def __init__( self, name: str, address: str, *, num_channels: int = 4, **kwargs: "Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs]", ): """ Initializes the AWG5014. Args: name: name of the instrument address: GPIB or ethernet address as used by VISA num_channels: number of channels on the device **kwargs: kwargs are forwarded to base class. """ super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) self._address = address self.num_channels = num_channels self._values: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, np.ndarray | float | None]]] = {} self._values["files"] = {} self.add_function("reset", call_cmd="*RST") self.state: Parameter = self.add_parameter("state", get_cmd=self.get_state) """Parameter state""" self.run_mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "run_mode", get_cmd="AWGControl:RMODe?", set_cmd="AWGControl:RMODe " + "{}", vals=vals.Enum("CONT", "TRIG", "SEQ", "GAT"), get_parser=self.newlinestripper, ) """Parameter run_mode""" self.clock_source: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "clock_source", label="Clock source", get_cmd="AWGControl:CLOCk:SOURce?", set_cmd="AWGControl:CLOCk:SOURce " + "{}", vals=vals.Enum("INT", "EXT"), get_parser=self.newlinestripper, ) """Parameter clock_source""" self.ref_source: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "ref_source", label="Reference source", get_cmd="SOURce1:ROSCillator:SOURce?", set_cmd="SOURce1:ROSCillator:SOURce " + "{}", vals=vals.Enum("INT", "EXT"), get_parser=self.newlinestripper, ) """Parameter ref_source""" self.DC_output: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "DC_output", label="DC Output (ON/OFF)", get_cmd="AWGControl:DC:STATe?", set_cmd="AWGControl:DC:STATe {}", vals=vals.Ints(0, 1), get_parser=int, ) """Parameter DC_output""" # sequence parameter(s) self.sequence_length: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "sequence_length", label="Sequence length", get_cmd="SEQuence:LENGth?", set_cmd="SEQuence:LENGth " + "{}", get_parser=int, vals=vals.Ints(0, 8000), docstring=( """ This command sets the sequence length. Use this command to create an uninitialized sequence. You can also use the command to clear all sequence elements in a single action by passing 0 as the parameter. However, this action cannot be undone so exercise necessary caution. Also note that passing a value less than the sequence’s current length will cause some sequence elements to be deleted at the end of the sequence. For example if self.get_sq_length returns 200 and you subsequently set sequence_length to 21, all sequence elements except the first 20 will be deleted. """ ), ) """ This command sets the sequence length. Use this command to create an uninitialized sequence. You can also use the command to clear all sequence elements in a single action by passing 0 as the parameter. However, this action cannot be undone so exercise necessary caution. Also note that passing a value less than the sequence’s current length will cause some sequence elements to be deleted at the end of the sequence. For example if self.get_sq_length returns 200 and you subsequently set sequence_length to 21, all sequence elements except the first 20 will be deleted. """ self.sequence_pos: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "sequence_pos", label="Sequence position", get_cmd="AWGControl:SEQuencer:POSition?", set_cmd="SEQuence:JUMP:IMMediate {}", vals=vals.PermissiveInts(1), set_parser=lambda x: int(round(x)), ) """Parameter sequence_pos""" # Trigger parameters # # Warning: `trigger_mode` is the same as `run_mode`, do not use! exists # solely for legacy purposes self.trigger_mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_mode", get_cmd="AWGControl:RMODe?", set_cmd="AWGControl:RMODe " + "{}", vals=vals.Enum("CONT", "TRIG", "SEQ", "GAT"), get_parser=self.newlinestripper, ) """Parameter trigger_mode""" self.trigger_impedance: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_impedance", label="Trigger impedance", unit="Ohm", get_cmd="TRIGger:IMPedance?", set_cmd="TRIGger:IMPedance " + "{}", vals=vals.Enum(50, 1000), get_parser=float, ) """Parameter trigger_impedance""" self.trigger_level: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_level", unit="V", label="Trigger level", get_cmd="TRIGger:LEVel?", set_cmd="TRIGger:LEVel " + "{:.3f}", vals=vals.Numbers(-5, 5), get_parser=float, ) """Parameter trigger_level""" self.trigger_slope: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_slope", get_cmd="TRIGger:SLOPe?", set_cmd="TRIGger:SLOPe " + "{}", vals=vals.Enum("POS", "NEG"), get_parser=self.newlinestripper, ) """Parameter trigger_slope""" self.trigger_source: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "trigger_source", get_cmd="TRIGger:SOURce?", set_cmd="TRIGger:SOURce " + "{}", vals=vals.Enum("INT", "EXT"), get_parser=self.newlinestripper, ) """Parameter trigger_source""" # Event parameters self.event_polarity: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "event_polarity", get_cmd="EVENt:POL?", set_cmd="EVENt:POL " + "{}", vals=vals.Enum("POS", "NEG"), get_parser=self.newlinestripper, ) """Parameter event_polarity""" self.event_impedance: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "event_impedance", label="Event impedance", unit="Ohm", get_cmd="EVENt:IMPedance?", set_cmd="EVENt:IMPedance " + "{}", vals=vals.Enum(50, 1000), get_parser=float, ) """Parameter event_impedance""" self.event_level: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "event_level", label="Event level", unit="V", get_cmd="EVENt:LEVel?", set_cmd="EVENt:LEVel " + "{:.3f}", vals=vals.Numbers(-5, 5), get_parser=float, ) """Parameter event_level""" self.event_jump_timing: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "event_jump_timing", get_cmd="EVENt:JTIMing?", set_cmd="EVENt:JTIMing {}", vals=vals.Enum("SYNC", "ASYNC"), get_parser=self.newlinestripper, ) """Parameter event_jump_timing""" self.clock_freq: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "clock_freq", label="Clock frequency", unit="Hz", get_cmd="SOURce:FREQuency?", set_cmd="SOURce:FREQuency " + "{}", vals=vals.Numbers(1e6, 1.2e9), get_parser=float, ) """Parameter clock_freq""" self.setup_filename: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "setup_filename", get_cmd="AWGControl:SNAMe?" ) """Parameter setup_filename""" # Channel parameters # for i in range(1, self.num_channels + 1): amp_cmd = f"SOURce{i}:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:AMPLitude" offset_cmd = f"SOURce{i}:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:OFFS" state_cmd = f"OUTPUT{i}:STATE" waveform_cmd = f"SOURce{i}:WAVeform" directoutput_cmd = f"AWGControl:DOUTput{i}:STATE" filter_cmd = f"OUTPut{i}:FILTer:FREQuency" add_input_cmd = f"SOURce{i}:COMBine:FEED" dc_out_cmd = f"AWGControl:DC{i}:VOLTage:OFFSet" # Set channel first to ensure sensible sorting of pars self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_state", label=f"Status channel {i}", get_cmd=state_cmd + "?", set_cmd=state_cmd + " {}", vals=vals.Ints(0, 1), get_parser=int, ) self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_amp", label=f"Amplitude channel {i}", unit="Vpp", get_cmd=amp_cmd + "?", set_cmd=amp_cmd + " {:.6f}", vals=vals.Numbers(0.02, 4.5), get_parser=float, ) self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_offset", label=f"Offset channel {i}", unit="V", get_cmd=offset_cmd + "?", set_cmd=offset_cmd + " {:.3f}", vals=vals.Numbers(-2.25, 2.25), get_parser=float, ) self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_waveform", label=f"Waveform channel {i}", get_cmd=waveform_cmd + "?", set_cmd=waveform_cmd + ' "{}"', vals=vals.Strings(), get_parser=parsestr, ) self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_direct_output", label=f"Direct output channel {i}", get_cmd=directoutput_cmd + "?", set_cmd=directoutput_cmd + " {}", vals=vals.Ints(0, 1), ) self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_add_input", label="Add input channel {}", get_cmd=add_input_cmd + "?", set_cmd=add_input_cmd + " {}", vals=vals.Enum('"ESIG"', '"ESIGnal"', '""'), get_parser=self.newlinestripper, ) self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_filter", label=f"Low pass filter channel {i}", unit="Hz", get_cmd=filter_cmd + "?", set_cmd=filter_cmd + " {}", vals=vals.Enum(20e6, 100e6, float("inf"), "INF", "INFinity"), get_parser=self._tek_outofrange_get_parser, ) self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_DC_out", label=f"DC output level channel {i}", unit="V", get_cmd=dc_out_cmd + "?", set_cmd=dc_out_cmd + " {}", vals=vals.Numbers(-3, 5), get_parser=float, ) # Marker channels for j in range(1, 3): m_del_cmd = f"SOURce{i}:MARKer{j}:DELay" m_high_cmd = f"SOURce{i}:MARKer{j}:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:HIGH" m_low_cmd = f"SOURce{i}:MARKer{j}:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:LOW" self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_m{j}_del", label=f"Channel {i} Marker {j} delay", unit="ns", get_cmd=m_del_cmd + "?", set_cmd=m_del_cmd + " {:.3f}e-9", vals=vals.Numbers(0, 1), get_parser=float, ) self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_m{j}_high", label=f"Channel {i} Marker {j} high level", unit="V", get_cmd=m_high_cmd + "?", set_cmd=m_high_cmd + " {:.3f}", vals=vals.Numbers(-0.9, 2.7), get_parser=float, ) self.add_parameter( f"ch{i}_m{j}_low", label=f"Channel {i} Marker {j} low level", unit="V", get_cmd=m_low_cmd + "?", set_cmd=m_low_cmd + " {:.3f}", vals=vals.Numbers(-1.0, 2.6), get_parser=float, ) self.trigger_impedance.set(50) if self.clock_freq.get() != 1e9:"AWG clock freq not set to 1GHz") self.connect_message() # Convenience parser
[docs] def newlinestripper(self, string: str) -> str: if string.endswith("\n"): return string[:-1] else: return string
def _tek_outofrange_get_parser(self, string: str) -> float: val = float(string) # note that 9.9e37 is used as a generic out of range value # in tektronix instruments if val >= 9.9e37: val = float("INF") return val # Functions
[docs] def get_state(self) -> Literal["Idle", "Waiting for trigger", "Running"]: """ This query returns the run state of the arbitrary waveform generator or the sequencer. Returns: Either 'Idle', 'Waiting for trigger', or 'Running'. Raises: ValueError: if none of the three states above apply. """ state = self.ask("AWGControl:RSTATe?") if state.startswith("0"): return "Idle" elif state.startswith("1"): return "Waiting for trigger" elif state.startswith("2"): return "Running" else: raise ValueError(f'{__name__} : AWG in undefined state "{state}"')
[docs] def start(self) -> str: """Convenience function, identical to""" return
[docs] def run(self) -> str: """ This command initiates the output of a waveform or a sequence. This is equivalent to pressing Run/Stop button on the front panel. The instrument can be put in the run state only when output waveforms are assigned to channels. Returns: The output of self.get_state() """ self.write("AWGControl:RUN") return self.get_state()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """This command stops the output of a waveform or a sequence.""" self.write("AWGControl:STOP")
[docs] def force_trigger(self) -> None: """ This command generates a trigger event. This is equivalent to pressing the Force Trigger button on front panel. """ self.write("*TRG")
[docs] def get_folder_contents(self, print_contents: bool = True) -> str: """ This query returns the current contents and state of the mass storage media (on the AWG Windows machine). Args: print_contents: If True, the folder name and the query output are printed. Default: True. Returns: str: A comma-seperated string of the folder contents. """ contents = self.ask("MMEMory:CATalog?") if print_contents: print("Current folder:", self.get_current_folder_name()) print( contents.replace(',"$', "\n$").replace('","', "\n").replace(",", "\t") ) return contents
[docs] def get_current_folder_name(self) -> str: """ This query returns the current directory of the file system on the arbitrary waveform generator. The current directory for the programmatic interface is different from the currently selected directory in the Windows Explorer on the instrument. Returns: A string with the full path of the current folder. """ return self.ask("MMEMory:CDIRectory?")
[docs] def set_current_folder_name(self, file_path: str) -> int: """ Set the current directory of the file system on the arbitrary waveform generator. The current directory for the programmatic interface is different from the currently selected directory in the Windows Explorer on the instrument. Args: file_path: The full path. Returns: The number of bytes written to instrument """ writecmd = 'MMEMory:CDIRectory "{}"' return self.visa_handle.write(writecmd.format(file_path))
[docs] def change_folder(self, folder: str) -> int: """Duplicate of self.set_current_folder_name""" writecmd = r'MMEMory:CDIRectory "{}"' return self.visa_handle.write(writecmd.format(folder))
[docs] def goto_root(self) -> None: """ Set the current directory of the file system on the arbitrary waveform generator to C: (the 'root' location in Windows). """ self.write('MMEMory:CDIRectory "c:\\.."')
[docs] def create_and_goto_dir(self, folder: str) -> str: """ Set the current directory of the file system on the arbitrary waveform generator. Creates the directory if if doesn't exist. Queries the resulting folder for its contents. Args: folder: The path of the directory to set as current. Note: this function expects only root level directories. Returns: A comma-seperated string of the folder contents. """ dircheck = f"{folder}, DIR" if dircheck in self.get_folder_contents(): self.change_folder(folder) log.debug("Directory already exists") log.warning(f"Directory already exists, changed path to {folder}") content = self.ask("MMEMory:cat?")"Contents of folder is %s", content) elif self.get_current_folder_name() == f'"\\{folder}"':"Directory already set to {folder}") else: self.write(f'MMEMory:MDIRectory "{folder}"') self.write(f'MMEMory:CDIRectory "{folder}"') return self.get_folder_contents()
[docs] def all_channels_on(self) -> None: """ Set the state of all channels to be ON. Note: only channels with defined waveforms can be ON. """ for i in range(1, self.num_channels + 1): self.parameters[f"ch{i}_state"].set(1)
[docs] def all_channels_off(self) -> None: """Set the state of all channels to be OFF.""" for i in range(1, self.num_channels + 1): self.parameters[f"ch{i}_state"].set(0)
##################### # Sequences section # #####################
[docs] def force_trigger_event(self) -> None: """ This command generates a trigger event. Equivalent to self.force_trigger. """ self.write("TRIGger:IMMediate")
[docs] def force_event(self) -> None: """ This command generates a forced event. This is used to generate the event when the sequence is waiting for an event jump. This is equivalent to pressing the Force Event button on the front panel of the instrument. """ self.write("EVENt:IMMediate")
[docs] def set_sqel_event_target_index(self, element_no: int, index: int) -> None: """ This command sets the target index for the sequencer’s event jump operation. Note that this will take effect only when the event jump target type is set to INDEX. Args: element_no: The sequence element number index: The index to set the target to """ self.write(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:JTARGet:INDex {index}")
[docs] def set_sqel_goto_target_index( self, element_no: int, goto_to_index_no: int ) -> None: """ This command sets the target index for the GOTO command of the sequencer. After generating the waveform specified in a sequence element, the sequencer jumps to the element specified as GOTO target. This is an unconditional jump. If GOTO target is not specified, the sequencer simply moves on to the next element. If the Loop Count is Infinite, the GOTO target which is specified in the element is not used. For this command to work, the goto state of the squencer must be ON and the sequence element must exist. Note that the first element of a sequence is taken to be 1 not 0. Args: element_no: The sequence element number goto_to_index_no: The target index number """ self.write(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:GOTO:INDex {goto_to_index_no}")
[docs] def set_sqel_goto_state(self, element_no: int, goto_state: int) -> None: """ This command sets the GOTO state of the sequencer for the specified sequence element. Args: element_no: The sequence element number goto_state: The GOTO state of the sequencer. Must be either 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). """ allowed_states = [0, 1] if goto_state not in allowed_states: log.warning( f"{goto_state} not recognized as a valid goto" " state. Setting to 0 (OFF)." ) goto_state = 0 self.write(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:GOTO:STATe {int(goto_state)}")
[docs] def set_sqel_loopcnt_to_inf(self, element_no: int, state: int = 1) -> None: """ This command sets the infinite looping state for a sequence element. When an infinite loop is set on an element, the sequencer continuously executes that element. To break the infinite loop, issue self.stop() Args: element_no (int): The sequence element number state (int): The infinite loop state. Must be either 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). """ allowed_states = [0, 1] if state not in allowed_states: log.warning( f"{state} not recognized as a valid loop state. Setting to 0 (OFF)." ) state = 0 self.write(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:LOOP:INFinite {int(state)}")
[docs] def get_sqel_loopcnt(self, element_no: int = 1) -> str: """ This query returns the loop count (number of repetitions) of a sequence element. Loop count setting for an element is ignored if the infinite looping state is set to ON. Args: element_no: The sequence element number. Default: 1. """ return self.ask(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:LOOP:COUNt?")
[docs] def set_sqel_loopcnt(self, loopcount: int, element_no: int = 1) -> None: """ This command sets the loop count. Loop count setting for an element is ignored if the infinite looping state is set to ON. Args: loopcount: The number of times the sequence is being output. The maximal possible number is 65536, beyond that: infinity. element_no: The sequence element number. Default: 1. """ self.write(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:LOOP:COUNt {loopcount}")
[docs] def set_sqel_waveform( self, waveform_name: str, channel: int, element_no: int = 1 ) -> None: """ This command sets the waveform for a sequence element on the specified channel. Args: waveform_name: Name of the waveform. Must be in the waveform list (either User Defined or Predefined). channel: The output channel (1-4) element_no: The sequence element number. Default: 1. """ self.write(f'SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:WAVeform{channel} "{waveform_name}"')
[docs] def get_sqel_waveform(self, channel: int, element_no: int = 1) -> str: """ This query returns the waveform for a sequence element on the specified channel. Args: channel: The output channel (1-4) element_no: The sequence element number. Default: 1. Returns: The name of the waveform. """ return self.ask(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:WAVeform{channel}?")
[docs] def set_sqel_trigger_wait(self, element_no: int, state: int = 1) -> str: """ This command sets the wait trigger state for an element. Send a trigger signal in one of the following ways: * By using an external trigger signal. * By pressing the “Force Trigger” button on the front panel * By using self.force_trigger or self.force_trigger_event Args: element_no: The sequence element number. state: The wait trigger state. Must be either 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). Default: 1. Returns: The current state (after setting it). """ self.write(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:TWAit {state}") return self.get_sqel_trigger_wait(element_no)
[docs] def get_sqel_trigger_wait(self, element_no: int) -> str: """ This query returns the wait trigger state for an element. Send a trigger signal in one of the following ways: * By using an external trigger signal. * By pressing the “Force Trigger” button on the front panel * By using self.force_trigger or self.force_trigger_event Args: element_no: The sequence element number. Returns: The current state. Example: '1'. """ return self.ask(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:TWAit?")
[docs] def set_sqel_event_jump_target_index( self, element_no: int, jtar_index_no: int ) -> None: """Duplicate of set_sqel_event_target_index""" self.write(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:JTARget:INDex {jtar_index_no}")
[docs] def set_sqel_event_jump_type(self, element_no: int, jtar_state: str) -> None: """ This command sets the event jump target type for the jump for the specified sequence element. Generate an event in one of the following ways: * By connecting an external cable to instrument rear panel for external event. * By pressing the Force Event button on the front panel. * By using self.force_event Args: element_no: The sequence element number jtar_state: The jump target type. Must be either 'INDEX', 'NEXT', or 'OFF'. """ self.write(f"SEQuence:ELEMent{element_no}:JTARget:TYPE {jtar_state}")
[docs] def get_sq_mode(self) -> str: """ This query returns the type of the arbitrary waveform generator's sequencer. The sequence is executed by the hardware sequencer whenever possible. Returns: str: Either 'HARD' or 'SOFT' indicating that the instrument is in\ either hardware or software sequencer mode. """ return self.ask("AWGControl:SEQuence:TYPE?")
###################### # AWG file functions # ###################### def _pack_record( self, name: str, value: float | str | Sequence[Any] | np.ndarray, dtype: str ) -> bytes: """ packs awg_file record into a struct in the folowing way: struct.pack(fmtstring, namesize, datasize, name, data) where fmtstring = '<IIs"dtype"' The file record format is as follows: Record Name Size: (32-bit unsigned integer) Record Data Size: (32-bit unsigned integer) Record Name: (ASCII) (Include NULL.) Record Data For details see "File and Record Format" in the AWG help < denotes little-endian encoding, I and other dtypes are format characters denoted in the documentation of the struct package Args: name: Name of the record (Example: 'MAGIC' or 'SAMPLING_RATE') value: The value of that record. dtype: String specifying the data type of the record. Allowed values: 'h', 'd', 's'. """ if len(dtype) == 1: record_data = struct.pack("<" + dtype, value) elif dtype[-1] == "s": assert isinstance(value, str) record_data = value.encode("ASCII") else: assert isinstance(value, (abc.Sequence, np.ndarray)) if dtype[-1] == "H" and isinstance(value, np.ndarray): # numpy conversion is fast record_data = value.astype("<u2").tobytes() else: # argument unpacking is slow record_data = struct.pack("<" + dtype, *value) # the zero byte at the end the record name is the "(Include NULL.)" record_name = name.encode("ASCII") + b"\x00" record_name_size = len(record_name) record_data_size = len(record_data) size_struct = struct.pack("<II", record_name_size, record_data_size) packed_record = size_struct + record_name + record_data return packed_record
[docs] def generate_sequence_cfg(self) -> dict[str, float]: """ This function is used to generate a config file, that is used when generating sequence files, from existing settings in the awg. Querying the AWG for these settings takes ~0.7 seconds """"Generating sequence_cfg") AWG_sequence_cfg = { "SAMPLING_RATE": self.clock_freq.get(), "CLOCK_SOURCE": ( 1 if self.clock_source().startswith("INT") else 2 ), # Internal | External "REFERENCE_SOURCE": ( 1 if self.ref_source().startswith("INT") else 2 ), # Internal | External "EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_TYPE": 1, # Fixed | Variable "REFERENCE_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_SELECTION": 1, # 10 MHz | 20 MHz | 100 MHz "TRIGGER_SOURCE": 1 if self.trigger_source.get().startswith("EXT") else 2, # External | Internal "TRIGGER_INPUT_IMPEDANCE": ( 1 if self.trigger_impedance.get() == 50.0 else 2 ), # 50 ohm | 1 kohm "TRIGGER_INPUT_SLOPE": ( 1 if self.trigger_slope.get().startswith("POS") else 2 ), # Positive | Negative "TRIGGER_INPUT_POLARITY": ( 1 if self.ask("TRIGger:POLarity?").startswith("POS") else 2 ), # Positive | Negative "TRIGGER_INPUT_THRESHOLD": self.trigger_level.get(), # V "EVENT_INPUT_IMPEDANCE": ( 1 if self.event_impedance.get() == 50.0 else 2 ), # 50 ohm | 1 kohm "EVENT_INPUT_POLARITY": ( 1 if self.event_polarity.get().startswith("POS") else 2 ), # Positive | Negative "EVENT_INPUT_THRESHOLD": self.event_level(), # V "JUMP_TIMING": ( 1 if self.event_jump_timing.get().startswith("SYNC") else 2 ), # Sync | Async "RUN_MODE": 4, # Continuous | Triggered | Gated | Sequence "RUN_STATE": 0, # On | Off } return AWG_sequence_cfg
[docs] def generate_channel_cfg(self) -> dict[str, float | None]: """ Function to query if the current channel settings that have been changed from their default value and put them in a dictionary that can easily be written into an awg file, so as to prevent said awg file from falling back to default values. (See :meth:`~make_awg_file` and :meth:`~AWG_FILE_FORMAT_CHANNEL`) NOTE: This only works for settings changed via the corresponding QCoDeS parameter. Returns: A dict with the current setting for each entry in AWG_FILE_FORMAT_HEAD iff this entry applies to the AWG5014 AND has been changed from its default value. """"Getting channel configurations.") dirouts = [ self.ch1_direct_output.get_latest(), self.ch2_direct_output.get_latest(), self.ch3_direct_output.get_latest(), self.ch4_direct_output.get_latest(), ] # the return value of the parameter is different from what goes # into the .awg file, so we translate it filtertrans = { 20e6: 1, 100e6: 3, 9.9e37: 10, "INF": 10, "INFinity": 10, float("inf"): 10, None: None, } filters = [ filtertrans[self.ch1_filter.get_latest()], filtertrans[self.ch2_filter.get_latest()], filtertrans[self.ch3_filter.get_latest()], filtertrans[self.ch4_filter.get_latest()], ] amps = [ self.ch1_amp.get_latest(), self.ch2_amp.get_latest(), self.ch3_amp.get_latest(), self.ch4_amp.get_latest(), ] offsets = [ self.ch1_offset.get_latest(), self.ch2_offset.get_latest(), self.ch3_offset.get_latest(), self.ch4_offset.get_latest(), ] mrk1highs = [ self.ch1_m1_high.get_latest(), self.ch2_m1_high.get_latest(), self.ch3_m1_high.get_latest(), self.ch4_m1_high.get_latest(), ] mrk1lows = [ self.ch1_m1_low.get_latest(), self.ch2_m1_low.get_latest(), self.ch3_m1_low.get_latest(), self.ch4_m1_low.get_latest(), ] mrk2highs = [ self.ch1_m2_high.get_latest(), self.ch2_m2_high.get_latest(), self.ch3_m2_high.get_latest(), self.ch4_m2_high.get_latest(), ] mrk2lows = [ self.ch1_m2_low.get_latest(), self.ch2_m2_low.get_latest(), self.ch3_m2_low.get_latest(), self.ch4_m2_low.get_latest(), ] # the return value of the parameter is different from what goes # into the .awg file, so we translate it addinptrans = {'"ESIG"': 1, '""': 0, None: None} addinputs = [ addinptrans[self.ch1_add_input.get_latest()], addinptrans[self.ch2_add_input.get_latest()], addinptrans[self.ch3_add_input.get_latest()], addinptrans[self.ch4_add_input.get_latest()], ] # the return value of the parameter is different from what goes # into the .awg file, so we translate it def mrkdeltrans(x: float | None) -> float | None: if x is None: return None else: return x * 1e-9 mrk1delays = [ mrkdeltrans(self.ch1_m1_del.get_latest()), mrkdeltrans(self.ch2_m1_del.get_latest()), mrkdeltrans(self.ch3_m1_del.get_latest()), mrkdeltrans(self.ch4_m1_del.get_latest()), ] mrk2delays = [ mrkdeltrans(self.ch1_m2_del.get_latest()), mrkdeltrans(self.ch2_m2_del.get_latest()), mrkdeltrans(self.ch3_m2_del.get_latest()), mrkdeltrans(self.ch4_m2_del.get_latest()), ] AWG_channel_cfg: dict[str, float | None] = {} for chan in range(1, self.num_channels + 1): if dirouts[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update( {f"ANALOG_DIRECT_OUTPUT_{chan}": int(dirouts[chan - 1])} ) if filters[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"ANALOG_FILTER_{chan}": filters[chan - 1]}) if amps[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"ANALOG_AMPLITUDE_{chan}": amps[chan - 1]}) if offsets[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"ANALOG_OFFSET_{chan}": offsets[chan - 1]}) if mrk1highs[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"MARKER1_HIGH_{chan}": mrk1highs[chan - 1]}) if mrk1lows[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"MARKER1_LOW_{chan}": mrk1lows[chan - 1]}) if mrk2highs[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"MARKER2_HIGH_{chan}": mrk2highs[chan - 1]}) if mrk2lows[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"MARKER2_LOW_{chan}": mrk2lows[chan - 1]}) if mrk1delays[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"MARKER1_SKEW_{chan}": mrk1delays[chan - 1]}) if mrk2delays[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"MARKER2_SKEW_{chan}": mrk2delays[chan - 1]}) if addinputs[chan - 1] is not None: AWG_channel_cfg.update({f"EXTERNAL_ADD_{chan}": addinputs[chan - 1]}) return AWG_channel_cfg
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_marker_channel_name(name: str) -> _MarkerDescriptor: """ returns from the channel index and marker index from a marker descriptor string e.g. '1M1'->(1,1) """ res = re.match(r"^(?P<channel>\d+)M(?P<marker>\d+)$", name) assert res is not None return _MarkerDescriptor( marker=int("marker")), channel=int("channel")) )
def _generate_awg_file( self, packed_waveforms: dict[str, np.ndarray], wfname_l: np.ndarray, nrep: Sequence[int], trig_wait: Sequence[int], goto_state: Sequence[int], jump_to: Sequence[int], channel_cfg: dict[str, Any], sequence_cfg: dict[str, float] | None = None, preservechannelsettings: bool = False, ) -> bytes: """ This function generates an .awg-file for uploading to the AWG. The .awg-file contains a waveform list, full sequencing information and instrument configuration settings. Args: packed_waveforms: dictionary containing packed waveforms with keys wfname_l wfname_l: array of waveform names, e.g. array([[segm1_ch1,segm2_ch1..], [segm1_ch2,segm2_ch2..],...]) nrep: list of len(segments) of integers specifying the no. of repetions per sequence element. Allowed values: 1 to 65536. trig_wait: list of len(segments) of integers specifying the trigger wait state of each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). goto_state: list of len(segments) of integers specifying the goto state of each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 to 65536 (0 means next) jump_to: list of len(segments) of integers specifying the logic jump state for each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). channel_cfg: dictionary of valid channel configuration records. See self.AWG_FILE_FORMAT_CHANNEL for a complete overview of valid configuration parameters. preservechannelsettings: If True, the current channel settings are queried from the instrument and added to channel_cfg (does not overwrite). Default: False. sequence_cfg: dictionary of valid head configuration records (see self.AWG_FILE_FORMAT_HEAD) When an awg file is uploaded these settings will be set onto the AWG, any parameter not specified will be set to its default value (even overwriting current settings) for info on filestructure and valid record names, see AWG Help, File and Record Format (Under 'Record Name List' in Help) """ if preservechannelsettings: channel_settings = self.generate_channel_cfg() for setting in channel_settings: if setting not in channel_cfg: channel_cfg.update({setting: channel_settings[setting]}) timetuple = tuple(np.array(localtime())[[0, 1, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]) # general settings head_str = BytesIO() bytes_to_write = self._pack_record("MAGIC", 5000, "h") + self._pack_record( "VERSION", 1, "h" ) head_str.write(bytes_to_write) # head_str.write(string(bytes_to_write)) if sequence_cfg is None: sequence_cfg = self.generate_sequence_cfg() for k in list(sequence_cfg.keys()): if k in self.AWG_FILE_FORMAT_HEAD: head_str.write( self._pack_record(k, sequence_cfg[k], self.AWG_FILE_FORMAT_HEAD[k]) ) else: log.warning(f"AWG: {k} not recognized as valid AWG setting") # channel settings ch_record_str = BytesIO() for k in list(channel_cfg.keys()): ch_k = k[:-1] + "N" if ch_k in self.AWG_FILE_FORMAT_CHANNEL: pack = self._pack_record( k, channel_cfg[k], self.AWG_FILE_FORMAT_CHANNEL[ch_k] ) ch_record_str.write(pack) else: log.warning(f"AWG: {k} not recognized as valid AWG channel setting") # waveforms ii = 21 wf_record_str = BytesIO() wlist = list(packed_waveforms.keys()) wlist.sort() for wf in wlist: wfdat = packed_waveforms[wf] lenwfdat = len(wfdat) wf_record_str.write( self._pack_record( f"WAVEFORM_NAME_{ii}", wf + "\x00", "{}s".format(len(wf + "\x00")) ) + self._pack_record(f"WAVEFORM_TYPE_{ii}", 1, "h") + self._pack_record(f"WAVEFORM_LENGTH_{ii}", lenwfdat, "l") + self._pack_record(f"WAVEFORM_TIMESTAMP_{ii}", timetuple[:-1], "8H") + self._pack_record(f"WAVEFORM_DATA_{ii}", wfdat, f"{lenwfdat}H") ) ii += 1 # sequence kk = 1 seq_record_str = BytesIO() for segment in wfname_l.transpose(): seq_record_str.write( self._pack_record(f"SEQUENCE_WAIT_{kk}", trig_wait[kk - 1], "h") + self._pack_record(f"SEQUENCE_LOOP_{kk}", int(nrep[kk - 1]), "l") + self._pack_record(f"SEQUENCE_JUMP_{kk}", jump_to[kk - 1], "h") + self._pack_record(f"SEQUENCE_GOTO_{kk}", goto_state[kk - 1], "h") ) for wfname in segment: if wfname is not None: # TODO (WilliamHPNielsen): maybe infer ch automatically # from the data size? ch = wfname[-1] seq_record_str.write( self._pack_record( "SEQUENCE_WAVEFORM_NAME_CH_" + ch + f"_{kk}", wfname + "\x00", "{}s".format(len(wfname + "\x00")), ) ) kk += 1 awg_file = ( head_str.getvalue() + ch_record_str.getvalue() + wf_record_str.getvalue() + seq_record_str.getvalue() ) return awg_file
[docs] def send_awg_file( self, filename: str, awg_file: bytes, verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """ Writes an .awg-file onto the disk of the AWG. Overwrites existing files. Args: filename: The name that the file will get on the AWG. awg_file: A byte sequence containing the awg_file. Usually the output of self.make_awg_file. verbose: A boolean to allow/suppress printing of messages about the status of the filw writing. Default: False. """ if verbose: print( "Writing to:", self.ask("MMEMory:CDIRectory?").replace("\n", "\\ "), filename, ) # Header indicating the name and size of the file being send name_str = f'MMEMory:DATA "{filename}",'.encode("ASCII") size_str = ("#" + str(len(str(len(awg_file)))) + str(len(awg_file))).encode( "ASCII" ) mes = name_str + size_str + awg_file self.visa_handle.write_raw(mes)
[docs] def load_awg_file(self, filename: str) -> None: """ Loads an .awg-file from the disc of the AWG into the AWG memory. This may overwrite all instrument settings, the waveform list, and the sequence in the sequencer. Args: filename: The filename of the .awg-file to load. """ s = f'AWGControl:SREStore "{filename}"' b = s.encode(encoding="ASCII") log.debug(f"Loading awg file using {s}") self.visa_handle.write_raw(b) # we must update the appropriate parameter(s) for the sequence self.sequence_length.set(self.sequence_length.get())
[docs] def make_awg_file( self, waveforms: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]] | Sequence[np.ndarray], m1s: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]] | Sequence[np.ndarray], m2s: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]] | Sequence[np.ndarray], nreps: Sequence[int], trig_waits: Sequence[int], goto_states: Sequence[int], jump_tos: Sequence[int], channels: Sequence[int] | None = None, preservechannelsettings: bool = True, ) -> bytes: """ Args: waveforms: A list of the waveforms to be packed. The list should be filled like so: [[wfm1ch1, wfm2ch1, ...], [wfm1ch2, wfm2ch2], ...] Each waveform should be a numpy array with values in the range -1 to 1 (inclusive). If you do not wish to send waveforms to channels 1 and 2, use the channels parameter. m1s: A list of marker 1's. The list should be filled like so: [[elem1m1ch1, elem2m1ch1, ...], [elem1m1ch2, elem2m1ch2], ...] Each marker should be a numpy array containing only 0's and 1's m2s: A list of marker 2's. The list should be filled like so: [[elem1m2ch1, elem2m2ch1, ...], [elem1m2ch2, elem2m2ch2], ...] Each marker should be a numpy array containing only 0's and 1's nreps: List of integers specifying the no. of repetitions per sequence element. Allowed values: 0 to 65536. O corresponds to Infinite repetitions. trig_waits: List of len(segments) of integers specifying the trigger wait state of each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). goto_states: List of len(segments) of integers specifying the goto state of each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 to 65536 (0 means next) jump_tos: List of len(segments) of integers specifying the logic jump state for each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). channels (list): List of channels to send the waveforms to. Example: [1, 3, 2] preservechannelsettings (bool): If True, the current channel settings are found from the parameter history and added to the .awg file. Else, channel settings are not written in the file and will be reset to factory default when the file is loaded. Default: True. """ packed_wfs = {} waveform_names = [] if not isinstance(waveforms[0], abc.Sequence): waveforms_int: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = [ cast(Sequence[np.ndarray], waveforms) ] m1s_int: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = [cast(Sequence[np.ndarray], m1s)] m2s_int: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = [cast(Sequence[np.ndarray], m2s)] else: waveforms_int = cast(Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], waveforms) m1s_int = cast(Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], m1s) m2s_int = cast(Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], m2s) for ii in range(len(waveforms_int)): namelist = [] for jj in range(len(waveforms_int[ii])): if channels is None: thisname = f"wfm{jj + 1:03d}ch{ii + 1}" else: thisname = f"wfm{jj + 1:03d}ch{channels[ii]}" namelist.append(thisname) package = self._pack_waveform( waveforms_int[ii][jj], m1s_int[ii][jj], m2s_int[ii][jj] ) packed_wfs[thisname] = package waveform_names.append(namelist) wavenamearray = np.array(waveform_names, dtype="str") channel_cfg: dict[str, Any] = {} return self._generate_awg_file( packed_wfs, wavenamearray, nreps, trig_waits, goto_states, jump_tos, channel_cfg, preservechannelsettings=preservechannelsettings, )
[docs] def make_send_and_load_awg_file( self, waveforms: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], m1s: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], m2s: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], nreps: Sequence[int], trig_waits: Sequence[int], goto_states: Sequence[int], jump_tos: Sequence[int], channels: Sequence[int] | None = None, filename: str = "customawgfile.awg", preservechannelsettings: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Makes an .awg-file, sends it to the AWG and loads it. The .awg-file is uploaded to C:\\\\Users\\\\OEM\\\\Documents. The waveforms appear in the user defined waveform list with names wfm001ch1, wfm002ch1, ... Args: waveforms: A list of the waveforms to upload. The list should be filled like so: [[wfm1ch1, wfm2ch1, ...], [wfm1ch2, wfm2ch2], ...] Each waveform should be a numpy array with values in the range -1 to 1 (inclusive). If you do not wish to send waveforms to channels 1 and 2, use the channels parameter. m1s: A list of marker 1's. The list should be filled like so: [[elem1m1ch1, elem2m1ch1, ...], [elem1m1ch2, elem2m1ch2], ...] Each marker should be a numpy array containing only 0's and 1's m2s: A list of marker 2's. The list should be filled like so: [[elem1m2ch1, elem2m2ch1, ...], [elem1m2ch2, elem2m2ch2], ...] Each marker should be a numpy array containing only 0's and 1's nreps: List of integers specifying the no. of repetions per sequence element. Allowed values: 0 to 65536. 0 corresponds to Infinite repetions. trig_waits: List of len(segments) of integers specifying the trigger wait state of each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). goto_states: List of len(segments) of integers specifying the goto state of each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 to 65536 (0 means next) jump_tos: List of len(segments) of integers specifying the logic jump state for each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). channels: List of channels to send the waveforms to. Example: [1, 3, 2] filename: The name of the .awg-file. Should end with the .awg extension. Default: 'customawgfile.awg' preservechannelsettings: If True, the current channel settings are found from the parameter history and added to the .awg file. Else, channel settings are reset to the factory default values. Default: True. """ # waveform names and the dictionary of packed waveforms awg_file = self.make_awg_file( waveforms, m1s, m2s, nreps, trig_waits, goto_states, jump_tos, channels=channels, preservechannelsettings=preservechannelsettings, ) # by default, an unusable directory is targeted on the AWG self.visa_handle.write('MMEMory:CDIRectory "C:\\Users\\OEM\\Documents"') self.send_awg_file(filename, awg_file) currentdir = self.visa_handle.query("MMEMory:CDIRectory?") currentdir = currentdir.replace('"', "") currentdir = currentdir.replace("\n", "\\") loadfrom = f"{currentdir}{filename}" self.load_awg_file(loadfrom)
[docs] def make_and_save_awg_file( self, waveforms: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], m1s: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], m2s: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], nreps: Sequence[int], trig_waits: Sequence[int], goto_states: Sequence[int], jump_tos: Sequence[int], channels: Sequence[int] | None = None, filename: str = "customawgfile.awg", preservechannelsettings: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Makes an .awg-file and saves it locally. Args: waveforms: A list of the waveforms to upload. The list should be filled like so: [[wfm1ch1, wfm2ch1, ...], [wfm1ch2, wfm2ch2], ...] Each waveform should be a numpy array with values in the range -1 to 1 (inclusive). If you do not wish to send waveforms to channels 1 and 2, use the channels parameter. m1s: A list of marker 1's. The list should be filled like so: [[elem1m1ch1, elem2m1ch1, ...], [elem1m1ch2, elem2m1ch2], ...] Each marker should be a numpy array containing only 0's and 1's m2s: A list of marker 2's. The list should be filled like so: [[elem1m2ch1, elem2m2ch1, ...], [elem1m2ch2, elem2m2ch2], ...] Each marker should be a numpy array containing only 0's and 1's nreps: List of integers specifying the no. of repetions per sequence element. Allowed values: 0 to 65536. O corresponds to Infinite repetions. trig_waits: List of len(segments) of integers specifying the trigger wait state of each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). goto_states: List of len(segments) of integers specifying the goto state of each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 to 65536 (0 means next) jump_tos: List of len(segments) of integers specifying the logic jump state for each sequence element. Allowed values: 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). channels: List of channels to send the waveforms to. Example: [1, 3, 2] preservechannelsettings: If True, the current channel settings are found from the parameter history and added to the .awg file. Else, channel settings are not written in the file and will be reset to factory default when the file is loaded. Default: True. filename: The full path of the .awg-file. Should end with the .awg extension. Default: 'customawgfile.awg' """ awg_file = self.make_awg_file( waveforms, m1s, m2s, nreps, trig_waits, goto_states, jump_tos, channels=channels, preservechannelsettings=preservechannelsettings, ) with open(filename, "wb") as fid: fid.write(awg_file)
[docs] def get_error(self) -> str: """ This function retrieves and returns data from the error and event queues. Returns: String containing the error/event number, the error/event description. """ return self.ask("SYSTEM:ERRor:NEXT?")
def _pack_waveform( self, wf: np.ndarray, m1: np.ndarray, m2: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts/packs a waveform and two markers into a 16-bit format according to the AWG Integer format specification. The waveform occupies 14 bits and the markers one bit each. See Table 2-25 in the Programmer's manual for more information Since markers can only be in one of two states, the marker input arrays should consist only of 0's and 1's. Args: wf: A numpy array containing the waveform. The data type of wf is unimportant. m1: A numpy array containing the first marker. m2: A numpy array containing the second marker. Returns: An array of unsigned 16 bit integers. Raises: Exception: if the lengths of w, m1, and m2 don't match TypeError: if the waveform contains values outside (-1, 1) TypeError: if the markers contain values that are not 0 or 1 """ # Input validation if not ((len(wf) == len(m1)) and (len(m1) == len(m2))): raise Exception("error: sizes of the waveforms do not match") if np.min(wf) < -1 or np.max(wf) > 1: raise TypeError( "Waveform values out of bonds. Allowed values: -1 to 1 (inclusive)" ) if not np.all(np.isin(m1, np.array([0, 1]))): raise TypeError( "Marker 1 contains invalid values. Only 0 and 1 are allowed" ) if not np.all(np.isin(m2, np.array([0, 1]))): raise TypeError( "Marker 2 contains invalid values. Only 0 and 1 are allowed" ) # Note: we use np.trunc here rather than np.round # as it is an order of magnitude faster packed_wf = np.trunc(16384 * m1 + 32768 * m2 + wf * 8191 + 8191.5).astype( np.uint16 ) if len(np.where(packed_wf == -1)[0]) > 0: print(np.where(packed_wf == -1)) return packed_wf ########################### # Waveform file functions # ########################### def _file_dict( self, wf: np.ndarray, m1: np.ndarray, m2: np.ndarray, clock: float | None ) -> dict[str, np.ndarray | float | None]: """ Make a file dictionary as used by self.send_waveform_to_list Args: wf: A numpy array containing the waveform. The data type of wf is unimportant. m1: A numpy array containing the first marker. m2: A numpy array containing the second marker. clock: The desired clock frequency Returns: dict: A dictionary with keys 'w', 'm1', 'm2', 'clock_freq', and 'numpoints' and corresponding values. """ outdict = { "w": wf, "m1": m1, "m2": m2, "clock_freq": clock, "numpoints": len(wf), } return outdict
[docs] def delete_all_waveforms_from_list(self) -> None: """ Delete all user-defined waveforms in the list in a single action. Note that there is no “UNDO” action once the waveforms are deleted. Use caution before issuing this command. If the deleted waveform(s) is (are) currently loaded into waveform memory, it (they) is (are) unloaded. If the RUN state of the instrument is ON, the state is turned OFF. If the channel is on, it will be switched off. """ self.write("WLISt:WAVeform:DELete ALL")
[docs] def get_filenames(self) -> str: """Duplicate of self.get_folder_contents""" return self.ask("MMEMory:CATalog?")
[docs] def send_DC_pulse( self, DC_channel_number: int, set_level: float, length: float ) -> None: """ Sets the DC level on the specified channel, waits a while and then resets it to what it was before. Note: Make sure that the output DC state is ON. Args: DC_channel_number (int): The channel number (1-4). set_level (float): The voltage level to set to (V). length (float): The time to wait before resetting (s). """ DC_channel_number -= 1 chandcs = [self.ch1_DC_out, self.ch2_DC_out, self.ch3_DC_out, self.ch4_DC_out] restore = chandcs[DC_channel_number].get() chandcs[DC_channel_number].set(set_level) sleep(length) chandcs[DC_channel_number].set(restore)
[docs] def is_awg_ready(self) -> bool: """ Assert if the AWG is ready. Returns: True, irrespective of anything. """ try: self.ask("*OPC?") # makes the awg read again if there is a timeout except Exception as e: log.warning(e) log.warning("AWG is not ready") return True
[docs] def send_waveform_to_list( self, w: np.ndarray, m1: np.ndarray, m2: np.ndarray, wfmname: str ) -> None: """ Send a single complete waveform directly to the "User defined" waveform list (prepend it). The data type of the input arrays is unimportant, but the marker arrays must contain only 1's and 0's. Args: w: The waveform m1: Marker1 m2: Marker2 wfmname: waveform name Raises: Exception: if the lengths of w, m1, and m2 don't match TypeError: if the waveform contains values outside (-1, 1) TypeError: if the markers contain values that are not 0 or 1 """ log.debug(f"Sending waveform {wfmname} to instrument") # Check for errors dim = len(w) # Input validation if not ((len(w) == len(m1)) and (len(m1) == len(m2))): raise Exception("error: sizes of the waveforms do not match") if min(w) < -1 or max(w) > 1: raise TypeError( "Waveform values out of bonds. Allowed values: -1 to 1 (inclusive)" ) if (list(m1).count(0) + list(m1).count(1)) != len(m1): raise TypeError( "Marker 1 contains invalid values. Only 0 and 1 are allowed" ) if (list(m2).count(0) + list(m2).count(1)) != len(m2): raise TypeError( "Marker 2 contains invalid values. Only 0 and 1 are allowed" ) self._values["files"][wfmname] = self._file_dict(w, m1, m2, None) # if we create a waveform with the same name but different size, # it will not get over written # Delete the possibly existing file (will do nothing if the file # doesn't exist s = f'WLISt:WAVeform:DEL "{wfmname}"' self.write(s) # create the waveform s = f'WLISt:WAVeform:NEW "{wfmname}",{dim:d},INTEGER' self.write(s) # Prepare the data block number = ( (2**13 - 1) + (2**13 - 1) * w + 2**14 * np.array(m1) + 2**15 * np.array(m2) ) number = number.astype("int") ws_array = arr.array("H", number) ws = ws_array.tobytes() s1_str = f'WLISt:WAVeform:DATA "{wfmname}",' s1 = s1_str.encode("UTF-8") s3 = ws s2_str = "#" + str(len(str(len(s3)))) + str(len(s3)) s2 = s2_str.encode("UTF-8") mes = s1 + s2 + s3 self.visa_handle.write_raw(mes)
[docs] def clear_message_queue(self, verbose: bool = False) -> None: """ Function to clear up (flush) the VISA message queue of the AWG instrument. Reads all messages in the queue. Args: verbose: If True, the read messages are printed. Default: False. """ original_timeout = self.visa_handle.timeout self.visa_handle.timeout = 1000 # 1 second as VISA counts in ms gotexception = False while not gotexception: try: message = if verbose: print(message) except VisaIOError: gotexception = True self.visa_handle.timeout = original_timeout
class Tektronix_AWG5014(TektronixAWG5014): """ Alias with non-conformant name left for backwards compatibility """ pass