Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.tektronix.AWG70000A

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime as dt
import io
import logging
import struct
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import zipfile as zf
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import numpy as np
from broadbean.sequence import InvalidForgedSequenceError, fs_schema
from typing_extensions import deprecated

from qcodes import validators as vals
from qcodes.instrument import (
from qcodes.parameters import create_on_off_val_mapping
from qcodes.utils import QCoDeSDeprecationWarning

    from import Mapping, Sequence

    from typing_extensions import Unpack

    from qcodes.parameters import Parameter

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def _parse_string_response(input_str: str) -> str:
    Remove quotation marks from string and return 'N/A'
    if the input is empty
    output = input_str.replace('"', "")
    output = output if output else "N/A"

    return output

# TODO: it seems that a lot of settings differ between models
# perhaps these dicts should be merged to one

_fg_path_val_map = {
    "5208": {"DC High BW": "DCHB", "DC High Voltage": "DCHV", "AC Direct": "ACD"},
    "70001A": {"direct": "DIR", "DCamplified": "DCAM", "AC": "AC"},
    "70002A": {"direct": "DIR", "DCamplified": "DCAM", "AC": "AC"},
    "70001B": {"direct": "DIR", "DCamplified": "DCAM", "AC": "AC"},
    "70002B": {"direct": "DIR", "DCamplified": "DCAM", "AC": "AC"},

# number of markers per channel
_num_of_markers_map = {"5208": 4, "70001A": 2, "70002A": 2, "70001B": 2, "70002B": 2}

# channel resolution
_chan_resolutions = {
    "5208": [12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
    "70001A": [8, 9, 10],
    "70002A": [8, 9, 10],
    "70001B": [8, 9, 10],
    "70002B": [8, 9, 10],

# channel resolution docstrings
_chan_resolution_docstrings = {
    "5208": "12 bit resolution allows for four "
    "markers, 13 bit resolution "
    "allows for three, etc. with 16 bit "
    "allowing for ZERO markers",
    "70001A": "8 bit resolution allows for two "
    "markers, 9 bit resolution "
    "allows for one, and 10 bit "
    "does NOT allow for markers ",
    "70002A": "8 bit resolution allows for two "
    "markers, 9 bit resolution "
    "allows for one, and 10 bit "
    "does NOT allow for markers ",
    "70001B": "8 bit resolution allows for two "
    "markers, 9 bit resolution "
    "allows for one, and 10 bit "
    "does NOT allow for markers ",
    "70002B": "8 bit resolution allows for two "
    "markers, 9 bit resolution "
    "allows for one, and 10 bit "
    "does NOT allow for markers ",

# channel amplitudes
_chan_amps = {"70001A": 0.5, "70002A": 0.5, "70001B": 0.5, "70002B": 0.5, "5208": 1.5}

# marker ranges
_marker_high = {
    "70001A": (-1.4, 1.4),
    "70002A": (-1.4, 1.4),
    "70001B": (-1.4, 1.4),
    "70002B": (-1.4, 1.4),
    "5208": (-0.5, 1.75),
_marker_low = {
    "70001A": (-1.4, 1.4),
    "70002A": (-1.4, 1.4),
    "70001B": (-1.4, 1.4),
    "70002B": (-1.4, 1.4),
    "5208": (-0.3, 1.55),

class SRValidator(vals.Validator[float]):
    Validator to validate the AWG clock sample rate

    def __init__(self, awg: TektronixAWG70000Base) -> None:
            awg: The parent instrument instance. We need this since sample
                rate validation depends on many clock settings

        self.awg = awg
        if self.awg.model in ["70001A", "70001B"]:
            self._internal_validator = vals.Numbers(1.49e3, 50e9)
            self._freq_multiplier = 4
        elif self.awg.model in ["70002A", "70002B"]:
            self._internal_validator = vals.Numbers(1.49e3, 25e9)
            self._freq_multiplier = 2
        elif self.awg.model == "5208":
            self._internal_validator = vals.Numbers(1.49e3, 2.5e9)
        # no other models are possible, since the __init__ of
        # the AWG70000A raises an error if anything else is given

    def validate(self, value: float, context: str = "") -> None:
        if "Internal" in self.awg.clock_source():
            ext_freq = self.awg.clock_external_frequency()
            # TODO: I'm not sure what the minimal allowed sample rate is
            # in this case
            validator = vals.Numbers(1.49e3, self._freq_multiplier * ext_freq)

[docs] class Tektronix70000AWGChannel(InstrumentChannel): """ Class to hold a channel of the AWG. """ def __init__( self, parent: Instrument, name: str, channel: int, **kwargs: Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs], ) -> None: """ Args: parent: The Instrument instance to which the channel is to be attached. name: The name used in the DataSet channel: The channel number, either 1 or 2. **kwargs: Forwarded to base class. """ super().__init__(parent, name, **kwargs) = channel num_channels = self.root_instrument.num_channels self.model = self.root_instrument.model fg = "function generator" if channel not in list(range(1, num_channels + 1)): raise ValueError("Illegal channel value.") self.state: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "state", label=f"Channel {channel} state", get_cmd=f"OUTPut{channel}:STATe?", set_cmd=f"OUTPut{channel}:STATe {{}}", vals=vals.Ints(0, 1), get_parser=int, ) """Parameter state""" ################################################## # FGEN PARAMETERS # TODO: Setting high and low will change this parameter's value self.fgen_amplitude: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "fgen_amplitude", label=f"Channel {channel} {fg} amplitude", get_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:AMPLitude?", set_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:AMPLitude {{}}", unit="V", vals=vals.Numbers(0, _chan_amps[self.model]), get_parser=float, ) """Parameter fgen_amplitude""" self.fgen_offset: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "fgen_offset", label=f"Channel {channel} {fg} offset", get_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:OFFSet?", set_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:OFFSet {{}}", unit="V", vals=vals.Numbers(0, 0.250), # depends on ampl. get_parser=float, ) """Parameter fgen_offset""" self.fgen_frequency: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "fgen_frequency", label=f"Channel {channel} {fg} frequency", get_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:FREQuency?", set_cmd=partial(self._set_fgfreq, channel), unit="Hz", get_parser=float, ) """Parameter fgen_frequency""" self.fgen_dclevel: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "fgen_dclevel", label=f"Channel {channel} {fg} DC level", get_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:DCLevel?", set_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:DCLevel {{}}", unit="V", vals=vals.Numbers(-0.25, 0.25), get_parser=float, ) """Parameter fgen_dclevel""" self.fgen_signalpath: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "fgen_signalpath", label=f"Channel {channel} {fg} signal path", set_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:PATH {{}}", get_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:PATH?", val_mapping=_fg_path_val_map[self.root_instrument.model], ) """Parameter fgen_signalpath""" self.fgen_period: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "fgen_period", label=f"Channel {channel} {fg} period", get_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:PERiod?", unit="s", get_parser=float, ) """Parameter fgen_period""" self.fgen_phase: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "fgen_phase", label=f"Channel {channel} {fg} phase", get_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:PHASe?", set_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:PHASe {{}}", unit="degrees", vals=vals.Numbers(-180, 180), get_parser=float, ) """Parameter fgen_phase""" self.fgen_symmetry: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "fgen_symmetry", label=f"Channel {channel} {fg} symmetry", set_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:SYMMetry {{}}", get_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:SYMMetry?", unit="%", vals=vals.Numbers(0, 100), get_parser=float, ) """Parameter fgen_symmetry""" self.fgen_type: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "fgen_type", label=f"Channel {channel} {fg} type", set_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:TYPE {{}}", get_cmd=f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:TYPE?", val_mapping={ "SINE": "SINE", "SQUARE": "SQU", "TRIANGLE": "TRI", "NOISE": "NOIS", "DC": "DC", "GAUSSIAN": "GAUSS", "EXPONENTIALRISE": "EXPR", "EXPONENTIALDECAY": "EXPD", "NONE": "NONE", }, ) """Parameter fgen_type""" ################################################## # AWG PARAMETERS # this command internally uses power in dBm # the manual claims that this command only works in AC mode # (OUTPut[n]:PATH is AC), but I've tested that it does what # one would expect in DIR mode. self.awg_amplitude: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "awg_amplitude", label=f"Channel {channel} AWG peak-to-peak amplitude", set_cmd=f"SOURCe{channel}:VOLTage {{}}", get_cmd=f"SOURce{channel}:VOLTage?", unit="V", get_parser=float, vals=vals.Numbers(0.250, _chan_amps[self.model]), ) """Parameter awg_amplitude""" self.offset: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "offset", label=f"Channel {channel} Offset for DC Output paths", set_cmd=f"SOURce{channel}:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:OFFSet {{}}", get_cmd=f"SOURce{channel}:VOLTage:LEVel:IMMediate:OFFSet?", unit="V", get_parser=float, vals=vals.Numbers(-2.0, 2.0), ) """Parameter offset""" self.assigned_asset: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "assigned_asset", label=(f"Waveform/sequence assigned to channel {}"), get_cmd=f"SOURCE{}:CASSet?", get_parser=_parse_string_response, ) """Parameter assigned_asset""" # markers for mrk in range(1, _num_of_markers_map[self.model] + 1): self.add_parameter( f"marker{mrk}_high", label=f"Channel {channel} marker {mrk} high level", set_cmd=partial(self._set_marker, channel, mrk, True), get_cmd=f"SOURce{channel}:MARKer{mrk}:VOLTage:HIGH?", unit="V", vals=vals.Numbers(*_marker_high[self.model]), get_parser=float, ) self.add_parameter( f"marker{mrk}_low", label=f"Channel {channel} marker {mrk} low level", set_cmd=partial(self._set_marker, channel, mrk, False), get_cmd=f"SOURce{channel}:MARKer{mrk}:VOLTage:LOW?", unit="V", vals=vals.Numbers(*_marker_low[self.model]), get_parser=float, ) self.add_parameter( f"marker{mrk}_waitvalue", label=f"Channel {channel} marker {mrk} wait state", set_cmd=f"OUTPut{channel}:WVALue:MARKer{mrk} {{}}", get_cmd=f"OUTPut{channel}:WVALue:MARKer{mrk}?", vals=vals.Enum("FIRST", "LOW", "HIGH"), ) self.add_parameter( name=f"marker{mrk}_stoppedvalue", label=f"Channel {channel} marker {mrk} stopped value", set_cmd=f"OUTPut{channel}:SVALue:MARKer{mrk} {{}}", get_cmd=f"OUTPut{channel}:SVALue:MARKer{mrk}?", vals=vals.Enum("OFF", "LOW"), ) ################################################## # MISC. self.resolution: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "resolution", label=f"Channel {channel} bit resolution", get_cmd=f"SOURce{channel}:DAC:RESolution?", set_cmd=f"SOURce{channel}:DAC:RESolution {{}}", vals=vals.Enum(*_chan_resolutions[self.model]), get_parser=int, docstring=_chan_resolution_docstrings[self.model], ) """Parameter resolution""" def _set_marker( self, channel: int, marker: int, high: bool, voltage: float ) -> None: """ Set the marker high/low value and update the low/high value """ if high: this = "HIGH" other = "low" else: this = "LOW" other = "high" self.write(f"SOURce{channel}:MARKer{marker}:VOLTage:{this} {voltage}") self.parameters[f"marker{marker}_{other}"].get() def _set_fgfreq(self, channel: int, frequency: float) -> None: """ Set the function generator frequency """ functype = self.fgen_type.get() if functype in ["SINE", "SQUARE"]: max_freq = 12.5e9 else: max_freq = 6.25e9 # validate if frequency < 1 or frequency > max_freq: raise ValueError( f"Can not set channel {channel} frequency to {frequency} Hz." f" Maximum frequency for function type {functype} is {max_freq} " "Hz, minimum is 1 Hz" ) else: self.root_instrument.write(f"FGEN:CHANnel{channel}:FREQuency {frequency}")
[docs] def setWaveform(self, name: str) -> None: """ Select a waveform from the waveform list to output on this channel Args: name: The name of the waveform """ if name not in self.root_instrument.waveformList: raise ValueError("No such waveform in the waveform list") self.root_instrument.write(f'SOURce{}:CASSet:WAVeform "{name}"')
[docs] def setSequenceTrack(self, seqname: str, tracknr: int) -> None: """ Assign a track from a sequence to this channel. Args: seqname: Name of the sequence in the sequence list tracknr: Which track to use (1 or 2) """ self.root_instrument.write( f'SOURCE{}:CASSet:SEQuence "{seqname}", {tracknr}' )
[docs] def clear_asset(self) -> None: """ Clear assigned assets on this channel """ self.root_instrument.write(f"SOURce{}:CASSet:CLEAR")
AWGChannel = Tektronix70000AWGChannel """ Alias for Tektronix70000AWGChannel for backwards compatibility. """
[docs] class TektronixAWG70000Base(VisaInstrument): """ Base class for QCoDeS drivers for Tektronix AWG70000 series AWG's. The drivers for AWG70001A/AWG70001B and AWG70002A/AWG70002B should be subclasses of this general class. """ default_terminator = "\n" default_timeout = 10 def __init__( self, name: str, address: str, num_channels: int, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs], ) -> None: """ Args: name: The name used internally by QCoDeS in the DataSet address: The VISA resource name of the instrument num_channels: Number of channels on the AWG **kwargs: kwargs are forwarded to base class. """ self.num_channels = num_channels super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) # The 'model' value begins with 'AWG' self.model = self.IDN()["model"][3:] if self.model not in ["70001A", "70002A", "70001B", "70002B", "5208"]: raise ValueError( f"Unknown model type: {self.model}. Are you using " f"the right driver for your instrument?" ) self.current_directory: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "current_directory", label="Current file system directory", set_cmd='MMEMory:CDIRectory "{}"', get_cmd="MMEMory:CDIRectory?", vals=vals.Strings(), ) """Parameter current_directory""" self.mode: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "mode", label="Instrument operation mode", set_cmd="INSTrument:MODE {}", get_cmd="INSTrument:MODE?", vals=vals.Enum("AWG", "FGEN"), ) """Parameter mode""" ################################################## # Clock parameters self.sample_rate: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "sample_rate", label="Clock sample rate", set_cmd="CLOCk:SRATe {}", get_cmd="CLOCk:SRATe?", unit="Sa/s", get_parser=float, vals=SRValidator(self), ) """Parameter sample_rate""" self.clock_source: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "clock_source", label="Clock source", set_cmd="CLOCk:SOURce {}", get_cmd="CLOCk:SOURce?", val_mapping={ "Internal": "INT", "Internal, 10 MHZ ref.": "EFIX", "Internal, variable ref.": "EVAR", "External": "EXT", }, ) """Parameter clock_source""" self.clock_external_frequency: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "clock_external_frequency", label="External clock frequency", set_cmd="CLOCk:ECLock:FREQuency {}", get_cmd="CLOCk:ECLock:FREQuency?", get_parser=float, unit="Hz", vals=vals.Numbers(6.25e9, 12.5e9), ) """Parameter clock_external_frequency""" self.run_state: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "run_state", label="Run state", get_cmd="AWGControl:RSTATe?", val_mapping={"Stopped": "0", "Waiting for trigger": "1", "Running": "2"}, ) """Parameter run_state""" self.all_output_off: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "all_output_off", label="All Output Off", get_cmd="OUTPut:OFF?", set_cmd="OUTPut:OFF {}", val_mapping=create_on_off_val_mapping(on_val="1", off_val="0"), ) """Parameter all_output_off""" add_channel_list = self.num_channels > 2 # We deem 2 channels too few for a channel list if add_channel_list: chanlist = ChannelList( self, "Channels", Tektronix70000AWGChannel, snapshotable=False ) for ch_num in range(1, num_channels + 1): ch_name = f"ch{ch_num}" channel = Tektronix70000AWGChannel(self, ch_name, ch_num) self.add_submodule(ch_name, channel) if add_channel_list: # pyright does not seem to understand # that this code can only run iff chanliss is created chanlist.append( # pyright: ignore[reportPossiblyUnboundVariable] channel ) if add_channel_list: self.add_submodule( "channels", chanlist.to_channel_tuple(), # pyright: ignore[reportPossiblyUnboundVariable] ) # Folder on the AWG where to files are uploaded by default self.wfmxFileFolder = "\\Users\\OEM\\Documents" self.seqxFileFolder = "\\Users\\OEM\\Documents" self.current_directory(self.wfmxFileFolder) self.connect_message()
[docs] def force_triggerA(self) -> None: """ Force a trigger A event """ self.write("TRIGger:IMMediate ATRigger")
[docs] def force_triggerB(self) -> None: """ Force a trigger B event """ self.write("TRIGger:IMMediate BTRigger")
[docs] def wait_for_operation_to_complete(self) -> None: """ Waits for the latest issued overlapping command to finish """ self.ask("*OPC?")
[docs] def play(self, wait_for_running: bool = True, timeout: float = 10) -> None: """ Run the AWG/Func. Gen. This command is equivalent to pressing the play button on the front panel. Args: wait_for_running: If True, this command is blocking while the instrument is getting ready to play timeout: The maximal time to wait for the instrument to play. Raises an exception is this time is reached. """ self.write("AWGControl:RUN") if wait_for_running: start_time = time.perf_counter() running = False while not running: time.sleep(0.1) running = self.run_state() in ("Running", "Waiting for trigger") waited_for = start_time - time.perf_counter() if waited_for > timeout: raise RuntimeError( f"Reached timeout ({timeout} s) " "while waiting for instrument to play." " Perhaps some waveform or sequence is" " corrupt?" )
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop the output of the instrument. This command is equivalent to pressing the stop button on the front panel. """ self.write("AWGControl:STOP")
@property def sequenceList(self) -> list[str]: """ Return the sequence list as a list of strings """ # There is no SLISt:LIST command, so we do it slightly differently N = int(self.ask("SLISt:SIZE?")) slist = [] for n in range(1, N + 1): resp = self.ask(f"SLISt:NAME? {n}") resp = resp.strip() resp = resp.replace('"', "") slist.append(resp) return slist @property def waveformList(self) -> list[str]: """ Return the waveform list as a list of strings """ respstr = self.ask("WLISt:LIST?") respstr = respstr.strip() respstr = respstr.replace('"', "") resp = respstr.split(",") return resp
[docs] def delete_sequence_from_list(self, seqname: str) -> None: """ Delete the specified sequence from the sequence list Args: seqname: The name of the sequence (as it appears in the sequence list, not the file name) to delete """ self.write(f'SLISt:SEQuence:DELete "{seqname}"')
[docs] def clearSequenceList(self) -> None: """ Clear the sequence list """ self.write("SLISt:SEQuence:DELete ALL")
[docs] def clearWaveformList(self) -> None: """ Clear the waveform list """ self.write("WLISt:WAVeform:DELete ALL")
[docs] @staticmethod def makeWFMXFile(data: np.ndarray, amplitude: float) -> bytes: """ Compose a WFMX file Args: data: A numpy array holding the data. Markers can be included. amplitude: The peak-to-peak amplitude (V) assumed to be set on the channel that will play this waveform. This information is needed as the waveform must be rescaled to (-1, 1) where -1 will correspond to the channel's min. voltage and 1 to the channel's max. voltage. Returns: The binary .wfmx file, ready to be sent to the instrument. """ shape = np.shape(data) if len(shape) == 1: N = shape[0] markers_included = False elif len(shape) in [2, 3, 4]: N = shape[1] markers_included = True else: raise ValueError("Input data has too many dimensions!") wfmx_hdr_str = TektronixAWG70000Base._makeWFMXFileHeader( num_samples=N, markers_included=markers_included ) wfmx_hdr = bytes(wfmx_hdr_str, "ascii") wfmx_data = TektronixAWG70000Base._makeWFMXFileBinaryData(data, amplitude) wfmx = wfmx_hdr wfmx += wfmx_data return wfmx
[docs] def sendSEQXFile(self, seqx: bytes, filename: str, path: str | None = None) -> None: """ Send a binary seqx file to the AWG's memory Args: seqx: The binary seqx file, preferably the output of makeSEQXFile. filename: The name of the file on the AWG disk, including the extension. path: The path to the directory where the file should be saved. If omitted, seqxFileFolder will be used. """ if not path: path = self.seqxFileFolder self._sendBinaryFile(seqx, filename, path)
[docs] def sendWFMXFile(self, wfmx: bytes, filename: str, path: str | None = None) -> None: """ Send a binary wfmx file to the AWG's memory Args: wfmx: The binary wfmx file, preferably the output of makeWFMXFile. filename: The name of the file on the AWG disk, including the extension. path: The path to the directory where the file should be saved. If omitted, seqxFileFolder will be used. """ if not path: path = self.wfmxFileFolder self._sendBinaryFile(wfmx, filename, path)
def _sendBinaryFile( self, binfile: bytes, filename: str, path: str, overwrite: bool = True ) -> None: """ Send a binary file to the AWG's mass memory (disk). Args: binfile: The binary file to send. filename: The name of the file on the AWG disk, including the extension. path: The path to the directory where the file should be saved. overwrite: If true, the file on disk gets overwritten """ name_str = f'MMEMory:DATA "{filename}"'.encode("ascii") len_file = len(binfile) len_str = len(str(len_file)) # No. of digits needed to write length size_str = (f",#{len_str}{len_file}").encode("ascii") msg = name_str + size_str + binfile # IEEE 488.2 limit on a single write is 999,999,999 bytes # TODO: If this happens, we should split the file if len(msg) > 1e9 - 1: raise ValueError("File too large to transfer") self.current_directory(path) if overwrite: self.log.debug(f"Pre-deleting file {filename} at {path}") self.visa_handle.write(f'MMEMory:DELete "{filename}"') # if the file does not exist, # an error code -256 is put in the error queue resp = self.visa_handle.query("SYSTem:ERRor:CODE?") self.log.debug(f"Pre-deletion finished with return code {resp}") self.visa_handle.write_raw(msg)
[docs] def loadWFMXFile(self, filename: str, path: str | None = None) -> None: """ Loads a wfmx from memory into the waveform list Only loading from the C: drive is supported Args: filename: Name of the file (with extension) path: Path to load from. If omitted, the default path (self.wfmxFileFolder) is used. """ if not path: path = self.wfmxFileFolder pathstr = "C:" + path + "\\" + filename self.write(f'MMEMory:OPEN "{pathstr}"') # the above command is overlapping, but we want a blocking command self.ask("*OPC?")
[docs] def loadSEQXFile(self, filename: str, path: str | None = None) -> None: """ Load a seqx file from instrument disk memory. All sequences in the file are loaded into the sequence list. Args: filename: The name of the sequence file INCLUDING the extension path: Path to load from. If omitted, the default path (self.seqxFileFolder) is used. """ if not path: path = self.seqxFileFolder pathstr = f"C:{path}\\{filename}" self.write(f'MMEMory:OPEN:SASSet:SEQuence "{pathstr}"') # the above command is overlapping, but we want a blocking command self.ask("*OPC?")
@staticmethod def _makeWFMXFileHeader(num_samples: int, markers_included: bool) -> str: """ Compiles a valid XML header for a .wfmx file There might be behaviour we can't capture We always use 9 digits for the number of header character """ offsetdigits = 9 if not isinstance(num_samples, int): raise ValueError("num_samples must be of type int.") if num_samples < 2400: raise ValueError("num_samples must be at least 2400.") # form the timestamp string timezone = time.timezone tz_m, _ = divmod(timezone, 60) # returns (minutes, seconds) tz_h, tz_m = divmod(tz_m, 60) if np.sign(tz_h) == -1: signstr = "-" tz_h *= -1 else: signstr = "+" timestr ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] timestr += signstr timestr += f"{tz_h:02.0f}:{tz_m:02.0f}" hdr = ET.Element( "DataFile", attrib={"offset": "0" * offsetdigits, "version": "0.1"} ) dsc = ET.SubElement(hdr, "DataSetsCollection") dsc.set("xmlns", "") dsc.set("xmlns:xsi", "") dsc.set( "xsi:schemaLocation", ( r" file:///" r"C:\Program%20Files\Tektronix\AWG70000" r"\AWG\Schemas\awgDataSets.xsd" ), ) datasets = ET.SubElement(dsc, "DataSets") datasets.set("version", "1") datasets.set("xmlns", "") # Description of the data datadesc = ET.SubElement(datasets, "DataDescription") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "NumberSamples") temp_elem.text = f"{num_samples:d}" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "SamplesType") temp_elem.text = "AWGWaveformSample" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "MarkersIncluded") temp_elem.text = (f"{markers_included}").lower() temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "NumberFormat") temp_elem.text = "Single" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "Endian") temp_elem.text = "Little" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "Timestamp") temp_elem.text = timestr # Product specific information prodspec = ET.SubElement(datasets, "ProductSpecific") prodspec.set("name", "") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "ReccSamplingRate") temp_elem.set("units", "Hz") temp_elem.text = "NaN" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "ReccAmplitude") temp_elem.set("units", "Volts") temp_elem.text = "NaN" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "ReccOffset") temp_elem.set("units", "Volts") temp_elem.text = "NaN" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "SerialNumber") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "SoftwareVersion") temp_elem.text = "1.0.0917" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "UserNotes") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "OriginalBitDepth") temp_elem.text = "Floating" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "Thumbnail") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "CreatorProperties", attrib={"name": ""}) temp_elem = ET.SubElement(hdr, "Setup") xmlstr = ET.tostring(hdr, encoding="unicode") xmlstr = xmlstr.replace("><", ">\r\n<") # As the final step, count the length of the header and write this # in the DataFile tag attribute 'offset' xmlstr = xmlstr.replace( "0" * offsetdigits, "{num:0{pad}d}".format(num=len(xmlstr), pad=offsetdigits), ) return xmlstr @staticmethod def _makeWFMXFileBinaryData(data: np.ndarray, amplitude: float) -> bytes: """ For the binary part. Note that currently only zero markers or two markers are supported; one-marker data will break. Args: data: Either a shape (N,) array with only a waveform or a shape (M, N) array with waveform, marker1, marker2, marker3, i.e. data = np.array([wfm, m1, ...]). The waveform data is assumed to be in V. amplitude: The peak-to-peak amplitude (V) assumed to be set on the channel that will play this waveform. This information is needed as the waveform must be rescaled to (-1, 1) where -1 will correspond to the channel's min. voltage and 1 to the channel's max. voltage. """ channel_max = amplitude / 2 channel_min = -amplitude / 2 shape = np.shape(data) if len(shape) == 1: N = shape[0] binary_marker = b"" wfm = data else: N = shape[1] M = shape[0] wfm = data[0, :] markers = data[1, :] for i in range(1, M - 1): markers += data[i + 1, :] * (2**i) markers = markers.astype(int) fmt = N * "B" # endian-ness doesn't matter for one byte binary_marker = struct.pack(fmt, *markers) if wfm.max() > channel_max or wfm.min() < channel_min: log.warning( f"Waveform exceeds specified channel range." f" The resulting waveform will be clipped. " f"Waveform min.: {wfm.min()} (V), waveform max.: {wfm.max()} (V)," f"Channel min.: {channel_min} (V), channel max.: {channel_max} (V)" ) # the data must be such that channel_max becomes 1 and # channel_min becomes -1 scale = 2 / amplitude wfm = wfm * scale # TODO: Is this a fast method? fmt = "<" + N * "f" binary_wfm = struct.pack(fmt, *wfm) binary_out = binary_wfm + binary_marker return binary_out
[docs] @staticmethod def make_SEQX_from_forged_sequence( seq: Mapping[int, Mapping[Any, Any]], amplitudes: Sequence[float], seqname: str, channel_mapping: Mapping[str | int, int] | None = None, ) -> bytes: """ Make a .seqx from a forged broadbean sequence. Supports subsequences. Args: seq: The output of broadbean's Sequence.forge() amplitudes: A list of the AWG channels' voltage amplitudes. The first entry is ch1 etc. channel_mapping: A mapping from what the channel is called in the broadbean sequence to the integer describing the physical channel it should be assigned to. seqname: The name that the sequence will have in the AWG's sequence list. Used for loading the sequence. Returns: The binary .seqx file contents. Can be sent directly to the instrument or saved on disk. """ try: fs_schema.validate(seq) except Exception as e: raise InvalidForgedSequenceError(e) chan_list: list[str | int] = [] for pos1 in seq.keys(): for pos2 in seq[pos1]["content"].keys(): for ch in seq[pos1]["content"][pos2]["data"].keys(): if ch not in chan_list: chan_list.append(ch) if channel_mapping is None: channel_mapping = {ch: ch_ind + 1 for ch_ind, ch in enumerate(chan_list)} if len(set(chan_list)) != len(amplitudes): raise ValueError("Incorrect number of amplitudes provided.") if set(chan_list) != set(channel_mapping.keys()): raise ValueError( f"Invalid channel_mapping. The sequence has " f"channels {set(chan_list)}, but the " "channel_mapping maps from the channels " f"{set(channel_mapping.keys())}" ) if set(channel_mapping.values()) != set(range(1, 1 + len(chan_list))): raise ValueError( "Invalid channel_mapping. Must map onto " f"{list(range(1, 1+len(chan_list)))}" ) ########## # STEP 1: # Make all .wfmx files wfmx_files: list[bytes] = [] wfmx_filenames: list[str] = [] for pos1 in seq.keys(): for pos2 in seq[pos1]["content"].keys(): for ch, data in seq[pos1]["content"][pos2]["data"].items(): wfm = data["wfm"] markerdata = [] for mkey in ["m1", "m2", "m3", "m4"]: if mkey in data.keys(): markerdata.append(data.get(mkey)) wfm_data = np.stack((wfm, *markerdata)) awgchan = channel_mapping[ch] wfmx = TektronixAWG70000Base.makeWFMXFile( wfm_data, amplitudes[awgchan - 1] ) wfmx_files.append(wfmx) wfmx_filenames.append(f"wfm_{pos1}_{pos2}_{awgchan}") ########## # STEP 2: # Make all subsequence .sml files log.debug(f"Waveforms done: {wfmx_filenames}") subseqsml_files: list[str] = [] subseqsml_filenames: list[str] = [] for pos1 in seq.keys(): if seq[pos1]["type"] == "subsequence": ss_wfm_names: list[list[str]] = [] # we need to "flatten" all the individual dicts of element # sequence options into one dict of lists of sequencing options # and we must also provide default values if nothing # is specified seqings: list[dict[str, int]] = [] for pos2 in seq[pos1]["content"].keys(): pos_seqs = seq[pos1]["content"][pos2]["sequencing"] pos_seqs["twait"] = pos_seqs.get("twait", 0) pos_seqs["nrep"] = pos_seqs.get("nrep", 1) pos_seqs["jump_input"] = pos_seqs.get("jump_input", 0) pos_seqs["jump_target"] = pos_seqs.get("jump_target", 0) pos_seqs["goto"] = pos_seqs.get("goto", 0) seqings.append(pos_seqs) ss_wfm_names.append( [n for n in wfmx_filenames if f"wfm_{pos1}_{pos2}" in n] ) seqing = {k: [d[k] for d in seqings] for k in seqings[0].keys()} subseqname = f"subsequence_{pos1}" log.debug(f"Subsequence waveform names: {ss_wfm_names}") subseqsml = TektronixAWG70000Base._makeSMLFile( trig_waits=seqing["twait"], nreps=seqing["nrep"], event_jumps=seqing["jump_input"], event_jump_to=seqing["jump_target"], go_to=seqing["goto"], elem_names=ss_wfm_names, seqname=subseqname, chans=len(channel_mapping), ) subseqsml_files.append(subseqsml) subseqsml_filenames.append(f"{subseqname}") ########## # STEP 3: # Make the main .sml file asset_names: list[list[str]] = [] seqings = [] subseq_positions: list[int] = [] for pos1 in seq.keys(): pos_seqs = seq[pos1]["sequencing"] pos_seqs["twait"] = pos_seqs.get("twait", 0) pos_seqs["nrep"] = pos_seqs.get("nrep", 1) pos_seqs["jump_input"] = pos_seqs.get("jump_input", 0) pos_seqs["jump_target"] = pos_seqs.get("jump_target", 0) pos_seqs["goto"] = pos_seqs.get("goto", 0) seqings.append(pos_seqs) if seq[pos1]["type"] == "subsequence": subseq_positions.append(pos1) asset_names.append( [sn for sn in subseqsml_filenames if f"_{pos1}" in sn] ) else: asset_names.append([wn for wn in wfmx_filenames if f"wfm_{pos1}" in wn]) seqing = {k: [d[k] for d in seqings] for k in seqings[0].keys()} log.debug(f"Assets for SML file: {asset_names}") mainseqname = seqname mainseqsml = TektronixAWG70000Base._makeSMLFile( trig_waits=seqing["twait"], nreps=seqing["nrep"], event_jumps=seqing["jump_input"], event_jump_to=seqing["jump_target"], go_to=seqing["goto"], elem_names=asset_names, seqname=mainseqname, chans=len(channel_mapping), subseq_positions=subseq_positions, ) ########## # STEP 4: # Build the .seqx file user_file = b"" setup_file = TektronixAWG70000Base._makeSetupFile(mainseqname) buffer = io.BytesIO() zipfile = zf.ZipFile(buffer, mode="a") for ssn, ssf in zip(subseqsml_filenames, subseqsml_files): zipfile.writestr(f"Sequences/{ssn}.sml", ssf) zipfile.writestr(f"Sequences/{mainseqname}.sml", mainseqsml) for name, wfile in zip(wfmx_filenames, wfmx_files): zipfile.writestr(f"Waveforms/{name}.wfmx", wfile) zipfile.writestr("setup.xml", setup_file) zipfile.writestr("userNotes.txt", user_file) zipfile.close() seqx = buffer.getvalue() buffer.close() return seqx
[docs] @staticmethod def makeSEQXFile( trig_waits: Sequence[int], nreps: Sequence[int], event_jumps: Sequence[int], event_jump_to: Sequence[int], go_to: Sequence[int], wfms: Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]], amplitudes: Sequence[float], seqname: str, flags: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[int]]] | None = None, ) -> bytes: """ Make a full .seqx file (bundle) A .seqx file can presumably hold several sequences, but for now we support only packing a single sequence For a single sequence, a .seqx file is a bundle of two files and two folders: /Sequences sequence.sml /Waveforms wfm1.wfmx wfm2.wfmx ... setup.xml userNotes.txt Args: trig_waits: Wait for a trigger? If yes, you must specify the trigger input. 0 for off, 1 for 'TrigA', 2 for 'TrigB', 3 for 'Internal'. nreps: No. of repetitions. 0 corresponds to infinite. event_jumps: Jump when event triggered? If yes, you must specify the trigger input. 0 for off, 1 for 'TrigA', 2 for 'TrigB', 3 for 'Internal'. event_jump_to: Jump target in case of event. 1-indexed, 0 means next. Must be specified for all elements. go_to: Which element to play next. 1-indexed, 0 means next. wfms: numpy arrays describing each waveform plus two markers, packed like np.array([wfm, m1, m2]). These numpy arrays are then again packed in lists according to: [[wfmch1pos1, wfmch1pos2, ...], [wfmch2pos1, ...], ...] amplitudes: The peak-to-peak amplitude in V of the channels, i.e. a list [ch1_amp, ch2_amp]. seqname: The name of the sequence. This name will appear in the sequence list. Note that all spaces are converted to '_' flags: Flags for the auxiliary outputs. 0 for 'No change', 1 for 'High', 2 for 'Low', 3 for 'Toggle', or 4 for 'Pulse'. 4 flags [A, B, C, D] for every channel in every element, packed like: [[ch1pos1, ch1pos2, ...], [ch2pos1, ...], ...] If omitted, no flags will be set. Returns: The binary .seqx file, ready to be sent to the instrument. """ # input sanitising to avoid spaces in filenames seqname = seqname.replace(" ", "_") (chans, elms) = (len(wfms), len(wfms[0])) wfm_names = [ [f"wfmch{ch}pos{el}" for ch in range(1, chans + 1)] for el in range(1, elms + 1) ] # generate wfmx files for the waveforms flat_wfmxs = [] for amplitude, wfm_lst in zip(amplitudes, wfms): flat_wfmxs += [ TektronixAWG70000Base.makeWFMXFile(wfm, amplitude) for wfm in wfm_lst ] # This unfortunately assumes no subsequences flat_wfm_names = list( np.reshape(np.array(wfm_names).transpose(), (chans * elms,)) ) sml_file = TektronixAWG70000Base._makeSMLFile( trig_waits, nreps, event_jumps, event_jump_to, go_to, wfm_names, seqname, chans, flags=flags, ) user_file = b"" setup_file = TektronixAWG70000Base._makeSetupFile(seqname) buffer = io.BytesIO() zipfile = zf.ZipFile(buffer, mode="a") zipfile.writestr(f"Sequences/{seqname}.sml", sml_file) for name, wfile in zip(flat_wfm_names, flat_wfmxs): zipfile.writestr(f"Waveforms/{name}.wfmx", wfile) zipfile.writestr("setup.xml", setup_file) zipfile.writestr("userNotes.txt", user_file) zipfile.close() seqx = buffer.getvalue() buffer.close() return seqx
@staticmethod def _makeSetupFile(sequence: str) -> str: """ Make a setup.xml file. Args: sequence: The name of the main sequence Returns: The setup file as a string """ head = ET.Element("RSAPersist") head.set("version", "0.1") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(head, "Application") temp_elem.text = "Pascal" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(head, "MainSequence") temp_elem.text = sequence prodspec = ET.SubElement(head, "ProductSpecific") prodspec.set("name", "AWG70002A") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "SerialNumber") temp_elem.text = "B020397" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "SoftwareVersion") temp_elem.text = "5.3.0128.0" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(prodspec, "CreatorProperties") temp_elem.set("name", "") xmlstr = ET.tostring(head, encoding="unicode") xmlstr = xmlstr.replace("><", ">\r\n<") return xmlstr @staticmethod def _makeSMLFile( trig_waits: Sequence[int], nreps: Sequence[int], event_jumps: Sequence[int], event_jump_to: Sequence[int], go_to: Sequence[int], elem_names: Sequence[Sequence[str]], seqname: str, chans: int, subseq_positions: Sequence[int] = (), flags: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[int]]] | None = None, ) -> str: """ Make an xml file describing a sequence. Args: trig_waits: Wait for a trigger? If yes, you must specify the trigger input. 0 for off, 1 for 'TrigA', 2 for 'TrigB', 3 for 'Internal'. nreps: No. of repetitions. 0 corresponds to infinite. event_jumps: Jump when event triggered? If yes, you must specify the trigger input. 0 for off, 1 for 'TrigA', 2 for 'TrigB', 3 for 'Internal'. event_jump_to: Jump target in case of event. 1-indexed, 0 means next. Must be specified for all elements. go_to: Which element to play next. 1-indexed, 0 means next. elem_names: The waveforms/subsequences to use. Should be packed like: [[wfmpos1ch1, wfmpos1ch2, ...], [subseqpos2], [wfmpos3ch1, wfmpos3ch2, ...], ...] seqname: The name of the sequence. This name will appear in the sequence list of the instrument. chans: The number of channels. Can not be inferred in the case of a sequence containing only subsequences, so must be provided up front. subseq_positions: The positions (step numbers) occupied by subsequences flags: Flags for the auxiliary outputs. 0 for 'No change', 1 for 'High', 2 for 'Low', 3 for 'Toggle', or 4 for 'Pulse'. 4 flags [A, B, C, D] for every channel in every element, packed like: [[ch1pos1, ch1pos2, ...], [ch2pos1, ...], ...] If omitted, no flags will be set. Returns: A str containing the file contents, to be saved as an .sml file """ offsetdigits = 9 waitinputs = {0: "None", 1: "TrigA", 2: "TrigB", 3: "Internal"} eventinputs = {0: "None", 1: "TrigA", 2: "TrigB", 3: "Internal"} flaginputs = {0: "NoChange", 1: "High", 2: "Low", 3: "Toggle", 4: "Pulse"} inputlsts = [trig_waits, nreps, event_jump_to, go_to] lstlens = [len(lst) for lst in inputlsts] if lstlens.count(lstlens[0]) != len(lstlens): raise ValueError("All input lists must have the same length!") if lstlens[0] == 0: raise ValueError("Received empty sequence option lengths!") if lstlens[0] != len(elem_names): raise ValueError( "Mismatch between number of waveforms and" " number of sequencing steps." ) N = lstlens[0] # form the timestamp string timezone = time.timezone tz_m, _ = divmod(timezone, 60) tz_h, tz_m = divmod(tz_m, 60) if np.sign(tz_h) == -1: signstr = "-" tz_h *= -1 else: signstr = "+" timestr ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] timestr += signstr timestr += f"{tz_h:02.0f}:{tz_m:02.0f}" datafile = ET.Element( "DataFile", attrib={"offset": "0" * offsetdigits, "version": "0.1"} ) dsc = ET.SubElement(datafile, "DataSetsCollection") dsc.set("xmlns", "") dsc.set("xmlns:xsi", "") dsc.set( "xsi:schemaLocation", ( r" file:///" r"C:\Program%20Files\Tektronix\AWG70000" r"\AWG\Schemas\awgSeqDataSets.xsd" ), ) datasets = ET.SubElement(dsc, "DataSets") datasets.set("version", "1") datasets.set("xmlns", "") # Description of the data datadesc = ET.SubElement(datasets, "DataDescription") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "SequenceName") temp_elem.text = seqname temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "Timestamp") temp_elem.text = timestr temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "JumpTiming") temp_elem.text = "JumpImmed" # TODO: What does this control? temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "RecSampleRate") temp_elem.text = "NaN" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "RepeatFlag") temp_elem.text = "false" temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "PatternJumpTable") temp_elem.set("Enabled", "false") temp_elem.set("Count", "65536") steps = ET.SubElement(datadesc, "Steps") steps.set("StepCount", f"{N:d}") steps.set("TrackCount", f"{chans:d}") for n in range(1, N + 1): step = ET.SubElement(steps, "Step") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(step, "StepNumber") temp_elem.text = f"{n:d}" # repetitions rep = ET.SubElement(step, "Repeat") repcount = ET.SubElement(step, "RepeatCount") if nreps[n - 1] == 0: rep.text = "Infinite" repcount.text = "1" elif nreps[n - 1] == 1: rep.text = "Once" repcount.text = "1" else: rep.text = "RepeatCount" repcount.text = f"{nreps[n-1]:d}" # trigger wait temp_elem = ET.SubElement(step, "WaitInput") temp_elem.text = waitinputs[trig_waits[n - 1]] # event jump temp_elem = ET.SubElement(step, "EventJumpInput") temp_elem.text = eventinputs[event_jumps[n - 1]] jumpto = ET.SubElement(step, "EventJumpTo") jumpstep = ET.SubElement(step, "EventJumpToStep") if event_jump_to[n - 1] == 0: jumpto.text = "Next" jumpstep.text = "1" else: jumpto.text = "StepIndex" jumpstep.text = f"{event_jump_to[n-1]:d}" # Go to goto = ET.SubElement(step, "GoTo") gotostep = ET.SubElement(step, "GoToStep") if go_to[n - 1] == 0: goto.text = "Next" gotostep.text = "1" else: goto.text = "StepIndex" gotostep.text = f"{go_to[n-1]:d}" assets = ET.SubElement(step, "Assets") for assetname in elem_names[n - 1]: asset = ET.SubElement(assets, "Asset") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(asset, "AssetName") temp_elem.text = assetname temp_elem = ET.SubElement(asset, "AssetType") if n in subseq_positions: temp_elem.text = "Sequence" else: temp_elem.text = "Waveform" # convert flag settings to strings flags_list = ET.SubElement(step, "Flags") for chan in range(chans): flagset = ET.SubElement(flags_list, "FlagSet") for flgind, flg in enumerate(["A", "B", "C", "D"]): temp_elem = ET.SubElement(flagset, "Flag") temp_elem.set("name", flg) if flags is None: # no flags were passed to the function temp_elem.text = "NoChange" else: temp_elem.text = flaginputs[flags[chan][n - 1][flgind]] temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datasets, "ProductSpecific") temp_elem.set("name", "") temp_elem = ET.SubElement(datafile, "Setup") # the tostring() call takes roughly 75% of the total # time spent in this function. Can we speed up things? # perhaps we should use lxml? xmlstr = ET.tostring(datafile, encoding="unicode") xmlstr = xmlstr.replace("><", ">\r\n<") # As the final step, count the length of the header and write this # in the DataFile tag attribute 'offset' xmlstr = xmlstr.replace( "0" * offsetdigits, "{num:0{pad}d}".format(num=len(xmlstr), pad=offsetdigits), ) return xmlstr
@deprecated( "Base class renamed TektronixAWG70000Base", category=QCoDeSDeprecationWarning ) class AWG70000A(TektronixAWG70000Base): pass