Source code for qcodes.interactive_widget

"""This file contains functions to displays an interactive widget
with information about :func:`qcodes.dataset.experiments`."""

from __future__ import annotations

import io
import operator
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial, reduce
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal

from ipywidgets import (  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from ruamel.yaml import YAML

from qcodes.dataset import experiments, initialise_or_create_database_at, plot_dataset

    from import Callable, Iterable, Sequence

    from qcodes.dataset.data_set_protocol import DataSetProtocol
    from qcodes.dataset.descriptions.param_spec import ParamSpecBase

_META_DATA_KEY = "widget_notes"

def _get_in(nested_keys: Sequence[str], dct: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns dct[i0][i1]...[iX] where [i0, i1, ..., iX]==nested_keys."""
    return reduce(operator.getitem, nested_keys, dct)

def button(
    description: str,
    button_style: str | None = None,
    on_click: Callable[[Any], None] | None = None,
    tooltip: str | None = None,
    layout_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    button_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> Button:
    """Returns a `ipywidgets.Button`."""
    layout_kwargs = layout_kwargs or {}
    but = Button(
            height=layout_kwargs.pop("height", "auto"),
            width=layout_kwargs.pop("width", "auto"),
        tooltip=tooltip or description,
        **(button_kwargs or {}),
    if on_click is not None:
    return but

def button_to_text(title: str, body: str) -> Box:
    def _button_to_input(title: str, body: str, box: Box) -> Callable[[Button], None]:
        def on_click(_: Button) -> None:
            text_input = Textarea(
                placeholder="Enter text",
                layout=Layout(height="300px", width="auto"),
            back_button = button(
                on_click=_back_button(title, body, box),
            box.children = (text_input, back_button)

        return on_click

    def _back_button(title: str, body: str, box: Box) -> Callable[[Button], None]:
        def on_click(_: Button) -> None:
            box.children = (_changeable_button(title, body, box),)

        return on_click

    def _changeable_button(title: str, body: str, box: Box) -> Button:
        return button(
            on_click=_button_to_input(title, body, box),

    box = VBox([], layout=Layout(height="auto", width="auto"))
    box.children = (_changeable_button(title, body, box),)
    return box

def label(description: str) -> Label:
    """Returns a `ipywidgets.Label` with text."""
    return Label(value=description, layout=Layout(height="max-content", width="auto"))

def _update_nested_dict_browser(
    nested_keys: Sequence[str], nested_dict: dict[Any, Any], box: Box
) -> Callable[[Button | None], None]:
    def update_box(_: Button | None) -> None:
        box.children = (_nested_dict_browser(nested_keys, nested_dict, box),)

    return update_box

def _nested_dict_browser(
    nested_keys: Sequence[str],
    nested_dict: dict[Any, Any],
    box: Box,
    max_nrows: int = 30,
) -> GridspecLayout:
    """Generates a `GridspecLayout` of the ``nested_keys`` in ``nested_dict``
    which is put inside of ``box``.

        nested_keys: A sequence of keys of the nested dict. e.g., if
            ``nested_keys=['a', 'b']`` then ``nested_dict['a']['b']``.
        nested_dict: A dictionary that can contain more dictionaries as keys.
        box: An `ipywidgets.Box` instance.
        max_nrows: The maximum number of rows that can be displayed at once.
            Whenever the table has less than ``max_nrows`` rows, the table is
            displayed in 3 columns, otherwise it's 2 columns.


    def _should_expand(x: Any) -> bool:
        return isinstance(x, dict) and x != {}

    col_widths = [8, 16, 30]
    selected_table = _get_in(nested_keys, nested_dict)
    nrows = sum(len(v) if _should_expand(v) else 1 for v in selected_table.values()) + 1
    ncols = 3

    if nrows > max_nrows:
        nrows = len(selected_table) + 1
        ncols = 2

    grid = GridspecLayout(nrows, col_widths[-1])
    update = partial(_update_nested_dict_browser, nested_dict=nested_dict, box=box)

    # Header
    title = " ► ".join(nested_keys)
    grid[0, :-1] = button(title, "success")
    up_click = update(nested_keys[:-1])
    grid[0, -1] = button("↰", "info", up_click)

    # Body

    row_index = 1
    for k, v in selected_table.items():
        row_length = len(v) if _should_expand(v) and ncols == 3 else 1
        but = button(k, "info", up_click)
        grid[row_index : row_index + row_length, : col_widths[0]] = but
        if _should_expand(v):
            if ncols == 3:
                for k_, v_ in v.items():
                    but = button(k_, "danger", update([*nested_keys, k]))
                    grid[row_index, col_widths[0] : col_widths[1]] = but
                    if _should_expand(v_):
                        sub_keys = ", ".join(v_.keys())
                        but = button(sub_keys, "warning", update([*nested_keys, k, k_]))
                        but = label(str(v_))
                    grid[row_index, col_widths[1] :] = but
                    row_index += 1
                sub_keys = ", ".join(v.keys())
                grid[row_index, col_widths[0] :] = button(
                    sub_keys, "danger", update([*nested_keys, k])
                row_index += 1
            grid[row_index, col_widths[0] :] = label(str(v))
            row_index += 1
    return grid

[docs] def nested_dict_browser( nested_dict: dict[Any, Any], nested_keys: Sequence[str] = () ) -> Box: """Returns a widget to interactive browse a nested dictionary.""" box = Box([]) _update_nested_dict_browser(nested_keys, nested_dict, box)(None) return box
def _plot_ds(ds: DataSetProtocol) -> None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plot_dataset(ds) # might fail def _do_in_tab( tab: Tab, ds: DataSetProtocol, which: Literal["plot", "snapshot"] ) -> Callable[[Button], None]: """Performs an operation inside of a subtab of a `ipywidgets.Tab`. Args: tab: Instance of `ipywidgets.Tab`. ds: A qcodes.DataSet instance. which: Either "plot" or "snapshot". """ from IPython.display import clear_output, display assert which in ("plot", "snapshot") def delete_tab(output: Output, tab: Tab) -> Callable[[Button], None]: def on_click(_: Button) -> None: tab.children = tuple(c for c in tab.children if c != output) return on_click def _on_click(_: Button) -> None: assert which in ("plot", "snapshot") title = f"RID #{ds.captured_run_id} {which}" i = next( (i for i in range(len(tab.children)) if tab.get_title(i) == title), None, ) if i is not None: # Plot/snapshot is already in the tab tab.selected_index = i return out = Output() tab.children += (out,) i = len(tab.children) - 1 tab.set_title(i, title) with out: clear_output(wait=True) close_button = button( f"Close {which}", "danger", on_click=delete_tab(out, tab), button_kwargs=dict(icon="eraser"), ) display(close_button) try: if which == "plot": _plot_ds(ds) elif which == "snapshot": snapshot = ds.snapshot if snapshot is not None: display(nested_dict_browser(snapshot)) else: print("This dataset has no snapshot") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() tab.selected_index = i return _on_click def create_tab(do_display: bool = True) -> Tab: """Creates a `ipywidgets.Tab` which can display outputs in its tabs.""" from IPython.display import display output = Output() tab = Tab(children=(output,)) tab.set_title(0, "Info") if do_display: display(tab) with output: # Prints it in the Output inside the tab. print("Plots and snapshots will show up here!") return tab def editable_metadata(ds: DataSetProtocol) -> Box: def _button_to_input(text: str, box: Box) -> Callable[[Button], None]: def on_click(_: Button) -> None: text_input = Textarea( value=text, placeholder="Enter text", disabled=False, layout=Layout(height="auto", width="auto"), ) save_button = button( "", "success", on_click=_save_button(box, ds), button_kwargs=dict(icon="save"), layout_kwargs=dict(width="50%"), ) cancel_button = button( "", "danger", on_click=_save_button(box, ds, do_save=False), button_kwargs=dict(icon="close"), layout_kwargs=dict(width="50%"), ) subbox = HBox( [save_button, cancel_button], ) box.children = (text_input, subbox) return on_click def _save_button( box: Box, ds: DataSetProtocol, do_save: bool = True ) -> Callable[[Button], None]: def on_click(_: Button) -> None: text = box.children[0].value if do_save: ds.add_metadata(tag=_META_DATA_KEY, metadata=text) box.children = (_changeable_button(text, box),) return on_click def _changeable_button(text: str, box: Box) -> Button: return button( text, "success", on_click=_button_to_input(text, box), button_kwargs=dict(icon="edit") if text == "" else {}, ) text = ds.metadata.get(_META_DATA_KEY, "") box = VBox([], layout=Layout(height="auto", width="auto")) box.children = (_changeable_button(text, box),) return box def _yaml_dump(dct: dict[str, Any]) -> str: with io.StringIO() as f: YAML().dump(dct, f) return f.getvalue() def _get_parameters(ds: DataSetProtocol) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: independent = {} dependent = {} def _get_attr(p: ParamSpecBase) -> dict[str, Any]: return { "unit": p.unit, "label": p.label, "type": p.type, } for dep, indeps in ds.description.interdeps.dependencies.items(): attrs = _get_attr(dep) attrs["depends_on"] = [ for p in indeps] dependent[] = attrs for p in indeps: independent[] = _get_attr(p) return {"independent": independent, "dependent": dependent} def _get_experiment_button(ds: DataSetProtocol) -> Box: title = f"{ds.exp_name}, {ds.sample_name}" body = _yaml_dump( { ".exp_name": ds.exp_name, ".sample_name": ds.sample_name, ".name":, ".path_to_db": ds.path_to_db, ".exp_id": ds.exp_id, } ) return button_to_text(title, body) def _get_timestamp_button(ds: DataSetProtocol) -> Box: start_timestamp = ds.run_timestamp_raw end_timestamp = ds.completed_timestamp_raw if start_timestamp is not None and end_timestamp is not None: total_time = str( datetime.fromtimestamp(end_timestamp) - datetime.fromtimestamp(start_timestamp) ) else: total_time = "?" start = ds.run_timestamp() body = _yaml_dump( { ".run_timestamp": start, ".completed_timestamp": ds.completed_timestamp(), "total_time": total_time, } ) return button_to_text(start or "", body) def _get_run_id_button(ds: DataSetProtocol) -> Box: title = str(ds.run_id) body = _yaml_dump( { ".guid": ds.guid, ".captured_run_id": ds.captured_run_id, ".run_id": ds.run_id, } ) return button_to_text(title, body) def _get_parameters_button(ds: DataSetProtocol) -> Box: parameters = _get_parameters(ds) title = ds._parameters or "" return button_to_text(title, _yaml_dump(parameters)) def _get_snapshot_button(ds: DataSetProtocol, tab: Tab) -> Button: return button( "", "warning", tooltip="Click to open this DataSet's snapshot in a tab above.", on_click=_do_in_tab(tab, ds, "snapshot"), button_kwargs=dict(icon="camera"), ) def _get_plot_button(ds: DataSetProtocol, tab: Tab) -> Button: return button( "", "warning", tooltip="Click to open this DataSet's plot in a tab above.", on_click=_do_in_tab(tab, ds, "plot"), button_kwargs=dict(icon="line-chart"), ) def _experiment_widget( data_sets: Iterable[DataSetProtocol], tab: Tab ) -> GridspecLayout: """Show a `ipywidgets.GridspecLayout` with information about the loaded experiment. The clickable buttons can perform an action in ``tab``. """ header_names = [ "Run ID", "Experiment", "Name", "Parameters", "MSMT Time", "Notes", "Snapshot", "Plot", ] header = {n: button(n, "info") for n in header_names} rows = [header] for ds in data_sets: row = {} row["Run ID"] = _get_run_id_button(ds) row["Experiment"] = _get_experiment_button(ds) row["Name"] = label( row["Notes"] = editable_metadata(ds) row["Parameters"] = _get_parameters_button(ds) row["MSMT Time"] = _get_timestamp_button(ds) row["Snapshot"] = _get_snapshot_button(ds, tab) row["Plot"] = _get_plot_button(ds, tab) rows.append(row) grid = GridspecLayout(n_rows=len(rows), n_columns=len(header_names)) empty_label = label("") for i, row in enumerate(rows): for j, name in enumerate(header_names): grid[i, j] = row.get(name, empty_label) grid.layout.grid_template_rows = "auto " * len(rows) grid.layout.grid_template_columns = "auto " * len(header_names) return grid
[docs] def experiments_widget( db: str | None = None, data_sets: Sequence[DataSetProtocol] | None = None, *, sort_by: Literal["timestamp", "run_id"] | None = "run_id", ) -> VBox: r"""Displays an interactive widget that shows the :func:`qcodes.dataset.experiments`. With the edit button in the column ``Notes`` one can make persistent changes to the :class:`qcodes.dataset.DataSetProtocol`\s attribute ``metadata`` in the key "widget_notes". Expanding the coordinates or variables buttons, reveals more options, such as plotting or the ability to easily browse the :class:`qcodes.dataset.DataSetProtocol`\s snapshot. Args: db: Optionally pass a database file, if no database has been loaded. data_sets: Sequence of :class:`qcodes.dataset.DataSetProtocol`\s. If datasets are explicitly provided via this argument, the ``db`` argument has no effect. sort_by: Sort datasets in widget by either "timestamp" (newest first), "run_id" or None (no predefined sorting). """ if data_sets is None: if db is not None: initialise_or_create_database_at(db) data_sets = [ds for exp in experiments() for ds in exp.data_sets()] if sort_by == "run_id": data_sets = sorted(data_sets, key=lambda ds: ds.run_id) elif sort_by == "timestamp": data_sets = sorted( data_sets, key=lambda ds: ds.run_timestamp_raw if ds.run_timestamp_raw is not None else 0, reverse=True, ) title = HTML("<h1>QCoDeS experiments widget</h1>") tab = create_tab(do_display=False) grid = _experiment_widget(data_sets, tab) return VBox([title, tab, grid])
__all__ = ["experiments_widget", "nested_dict_browser"]