Source code for qcodes.logger.logger

This module defines functions to setup the logging of QCoDeS.
Calling :func:`start_all_logging` will setup logging according to
the default configuration.


import io
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import copy
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from typing_extensions import deprecated

    from import Iterator, Sequence
    from types import TracebackType

import qcodes as qc
from qcodes.utils import (

AzureLogHandler = Any
Envelope = Any

log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

LevelType = int | str

LOGGING_DIR = "logs"
""":data:`LOGGING_SEPARATOR` defines the str used to separate parts of the log
HISTORY_LOG_NAME = "command_history.log"
PYTHON_LOG_NAME = "qcodes.log"

        ("asctime", "s"),
        ("name", "s"),
        ("levelname", "s"),
        ("module", "s"),
        ("funcName", "s"),
        ("lineno", "d"),
        ("message", "s"),
""":data:`FORMAT_STRING_DICT` defines the format used in logging messages.

# The handler of the root logger that get set up by `start_logger` are globals
# for this modules scope, as it is intended to only use a single file and
# console hander.
console_handler: logging.Handler | None = None
file_handler: logging.Handler | None = None
telemetry_handler: AzureLogHandler | None = None

_opencensus_filter = logging.Filter(name="opencensus")
_urllib3_connection_filter = logging.Filter(name="urllib3.connection")
_azure_monitor_opentelemetry_exporter_filter = logging.Filter(

    "filter_out_telemetry_log_records is deprecated and will be removed",
def filter_out_telemetry_log_records(record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool:
    here we filter any message that is likely to be thrown from
    opencensus/opentelemetry so it is not shown in the user console
    return (
        not _opencensus_filter.filter(record)
        and not _urllib3_connection_filter.filter(record)
        and not _azure_monitor_opentelemetry_exporter_filter

def get_formatter() -> logging.Formatter:
    Returns :class:`logging.Formatter` according to
    format_string_items = [
        f"%({name}){fmt}" for name, fmt in FORMAT_STRING_DICT.items()
    format_string = LOGGING_SEPARATOR.join(format_string_items)
    return logging.Formatter(format_string)

def get_formatter_for_telemetry() -> logging.Formatter:
    Returns :class:`logging.Formatter` with only name, function name and
    message keywords from FORMAT_STRING_DICT
    format_string_items = [
        for name, fmt in FORMAT_STRING_DICT.items()
        if name in ["message", "name", "funcName"]
    format_string = LOGGING_SEPARATOR.join(format_string_items)
    return logging.Formatter(format_string)

[docs] def get_console_handler() -> logging.Handler | None: """ Get handle that prints messages from the root logger to the console. Returns ``None`` if :func:`start_logger` has not been called. """ global console_handler return console_handler
[docs] def get_file_handler() -> logging.Handler | None: """ Get a handle that streams messages from the root logger to the qcodes log file. To setup call :func:`start_logger`. Returns ``None`` if :func:`start_logger` has not been called. """ global file_handler return file_handler
[docs] def get_level_name(level: str | int) -> str: """ Get a logging level name from either a logging level code or logging level name. Will return the output of :func:`logging.getLevelName` if called with an int. If called with a str it will return the str supplied. """ if isinstance(level, str): return level elif isinstance(level, int): return logging.getLevelName(level) else: raise RuntimeError( "get_level_name: " f"Cannot to convert level {level} of type " f"{type(level)} to logging level name. Need " "string or int." )
[docs] def get_level_code(level: str | int) -> int: """ Get a logging level code from either a logging level string or a logging level code. Will return the output of :func:`logging.getLevelName` if called with a str. If called with an int it will return the int supplied. """ if isinstance(level, int): return level elif isinstance(level, str): if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): return logging.getLevelNamesMapping()[level] else: # The `getLevelNamesMapping` function was introduced in Python 3.11. # It is possible to get the level code from the # `getLevelName` call due to backwards compatibility to an earlier # bug: # >>> import logging # >>> print(logging.getLevelName('DEBUG')) # but this is now deprecated # remove this else block when we drop support for Python 3.10 return logging.getLevelName(level) # pyright: ignore[reportDeprecated] else: raise RuntimeError( "get_level_code: " f"Cannot to convert level {level} of type " f"{type(level)} to logging level code. Need " "string or int." )
def generate_log_file_name() -> str: """ Generates the name of the log file based on process id, date, time and PYTHON_LOG_NAME """ pid = str(os.getpid()) dt_str ="%y%m%d") python_log_name = "-".join([dt_str, pid, PYTHON_LOG_NAME]) return python_log_name
[docs] def get_log_file_name() -> str: """ Get the full path to the log file currently used. """ return os.path.join(get_qcodes_user_path(), LOGGING_DIR, generate_log_file_name())
[docs] def flush_telemetry_traces() -> None: """ Flush the traces of the telemetry logger. If telemetry is not enabled, this function does nothing. """ global telemetry_handler if qc.config.telemetry.enabled and telemetry_handler is not None: telemetry_handler.flush()
[docs] def start_logger() -> None: """ Start logging of messages passed through the python logging module. This sets up logging to a time based logging. This means that all logging messages on or above ``filelogginglevel`` will be written to `pythonlog.log` All logging messages on or above ``consolelogginglevel`` will be written to stderr. ``filelogginglevel`` and ``consolelogginglevel`` are defined in the ``qcodesrc.json`` file. """ global console_handler global file_handler global telemetry_handler # set loggers to the supplied levels for name, level in qc.config.logger.logger_levels.items(): logging.getLogger(name).setLevel(level) root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) # remove previously set handlers for handler in (console_handler, file_handler, telemetry_handler): if handler is not None: handler.close() root_logger.removeHandler(handler) # add qcodes handlers # console console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(qc.config.logger.console_level) console_handler.setFormatter(get_formatter()) root_logger.addHandler(console_handler) # file filename = get_log_file_name() os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) file_handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( filename, when="midnight", encoding="utf-8" ) file_handler.setLevel(qc.config.logger.file_level) file_handler.setFormatter(get_formatter()) root_logger.addHandler(file_handler) # capture any warnings from the warnings module logging.captureWarnings(capture=True) if qc.config.telemetry.enabled: log.warning("Enabling telemetry in QCoDes config has no effect.")"QCoDes logger setup completed") log_qcodes_versions(log) print(f"Qcodes Logfile : {filename}")
[docs] def start_command_history_logger(log_dir: str | None = None) -> None: """ Start logging of the history of the interactive command shell. Works only with IPython and Jupyter. Call function again to set new path to log file. Args: log_dir: directory where log shall be stored to. If left out, defaults to ``~/.qcodes/logs/command_history.log`` """ # get_ipython is part of the public api but IPython does # not use __all__ to mark this from IPython import get_ipython # type: ignore[attr-defined] ipython = get_ipython() if ipython is None: log.warning("Command history can't be saved outside of IPython/Jupyter") return log_dir = log_dir or os.path.join(get_qcodes_user_path(), LOGGING_DIR) filename = os.path.join(log_dir, HISTORY_LOG_NAME) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) ipython.magic("%logstop") ipython.magic("%logstart -t -o {} {}".format(filename, "append"))"Started logging IPython history")
def log_qcodes_versions(logger: logging.Logger) -> None: """ Log the version information relevant to QCoDeS. This function logs the currently installed qcodes version, whether QCoDeS is installed in editable mode, the installed versions of QCoDeS' requirements, and the versions of all installed packages. """ qc_version = qc.__version__ qc_e_inst = is_qcodes_installed_editably() ipvs = get_all_installed_package_versions()"QCoDeS version: {qc_version}")"QCoDeS installed in editable mode: {qc_e_inst}")"All installed package versions: {json.dumps(ipvs)}")
[docs] def start_all_logging() -> None: """ Starts python log module logging and ipython command history logging. """ start_command_history_logger() start_logger()
def conditionally_start_all_logging() -> None: """Start logging if qcodesrc.json setup for it and in tool environment. This function will start logging if the session is not being executed by a tool such as pytest and under the following conditions depending on the qcodes configuration of ``config.logger.start_logging_on_import``: For ``never``: don't start logging automatically For ``always``: Always start logging when not in test environment For ``if_telemetry_set_up``: Start logging if the GUID components and the instrumentation key for telemetry are set up, and not in a test environment. """ def start_logging_on_import() -> bool: config = qc.config if config.logger.start_logging_on_import == "always": return True elif config.logger.start_logging_on_import == "never": return False elif config.logger.start_logging_on_import == "if_telemetry_set_up": return ( config.GUID_components.location != 0 and config.GUID_components.work_station != 0 and config.telemetry.instrumentation_key != "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ) else: raise RuntimeError("Error in qcodesrc validation.") def running_in_test_or_tool() -> bool: import sys tools = ( "", "pytest", r"sphinx\", # Sphinx docs building "", # Jetbrains Pycharm "", # VSCode ) return any(sys.argv[0].endswith(tool) for tool in tools) if not running_in_test_or_tool() and start_logging_on_import(): start_all_logging()
[docs] @contextmanager def handler_level( level: LevelType, handler: "logging.Handler | Sequence[logging.Handler]" ) -> "Iterator[None]": """ Context manager to temporarily change the level of handlers. Example: >>> with logger.handler_level(level=logging.DEBUG, handler=[h1, h1]): >>> root_logger.debug('this is now visible') Args: level: Level to set the handlers to. handler: Handle or sequence of handlers which to change. """ if isinstance(handler, logging.Handler): handler = (handler,) original_levels = [h.level for h in handler] for h in handler: h.setLevel(level) try: yield finally: for h, original_level in zip(handler, original_levels): h.setLevel(original_level)
[docs] @contextmanager def console_level(level: LevelType) -> "Iterator[None]": """ Context manager to temporarily change the level of the qcodes console handler. Example: >>> with logger.console_level(level=logging.DEBUG): >>> root_logger.debug('this is now visible') Args: level: Level to set the console handler to. """ global console_handler if console_handler is None: raise RuntimeError("Console handler is None. Cannot set the level on it") with handler_level(level, handler=console_handler): yield
[docs] class LogCapture: """ Context manager to grab all log messages, optionally from a specific logger. Example: >>> with LogCapture() as logs: >>> code_that_makes_logs(...) >>> log_str = logs.value """ def __init__( self, logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(), level: LevelType | None = None, ) -> None: self.logger = logger self.level = level or logging.NOTSET self.stashed_handlers = copy(self.logger.handlers) for h in self.stashed_handlers: self.logger.removeHandler(h) def __enter__(self) -> "LogCapture": self.log_capture = io.StringIO() self.string_handler = logging.StreamHandler(self.log_capture) self.string_handler.setLevel(self.level) self.logger.addHandler(self.string_handler) self._stashed_logger_level = self.logger.getEffectiveLevel() self.logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) return self def __exit__( self, exception_type: type[BaseException] | None, exception_value: BaseException | None, traceback: "TracebackType | None", ) -> None: self.logger.removeHandler(self.string_handler) self.value = self.log_capture.getvalue() self.log_capture.close() for h in self.stashed_handlers: self.logger.addHandler(h) self.logger.setLevel(self._stashed_logger_level)