Source code for qcodes.utils.deprecate

import types
import warnings
from import Callable
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast

import wrapt  # type: ignore[import-untyped]

    from import Iterator

[docs] class QCoDeSDeprecationWarning(RuntimeWarning): """ A DeprecationWarning used internally in QCoDeS. This fixes `DeprecationWarning` being suppressed by default. """
def deprecation_message( what: str, reason: str | None = None, alternative: str | None = None ) -> str: msg = f"The {what} is deprecated" if reason is not None: msg += f", because {reason}" msg += "." if alternative is not None: msg += f' Use "{alternative}" as an alternative.' return msg
[docs] def issue_deprecation_warning( what: str, reason: str | None = None, alternative: str | None = None, stacklevel: int = 3, ) -> None: """ Issue a `QCoDeSDeprecationWarning` with a consistently formatted message """ warnings.warn( deprecation_message(what, reason, alternative), QCoDeSDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel, )
[docs] def deprecate( reason: str | None = None, alternative: str | None = None ) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ A utility function to decorate deprecated functions and classes. Note that this is not recommended to be used for deprecation any new code. It is recommended to use typing_extensions.deprecated (which will be added to the std lib as warnings.deprecated in python 3.13) Args: reason: The reason of deprecation. alternative: The alternative function or class to put in use instead of the deprecated one. """ @wrapt.decorator # type: ignore[misc] def decorate_callable( func: Callable[..., Any], instance: object, args: Any, kwargs: Any ) -> Any: t, n = ( ("class", instance.__class__.__name__) if func.__name__ == "__init__" else ("function", func.__name__) ) issue_deprecation_warning(f"{t} <{n}>", reason, alternative, stacklevel=3) return func(*args, **kwargs) def actual_decorator(obj: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(obj, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)): func = cast(Callable[..., Any], obj) return decorate_callable(func) # pyright: ignore[reportCallIssue] else: # this would need to be recursive for m_name in dir(obj): m = getattr(obj, m_name) if isinstance(m, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)): # skip static methods, since they are not wrapped correctly # by wrapt. # if anyone reading this knows how the following line # works please let me know. # wrapt cannot wrap class methods in 3.11.0 # see if isinstance( obj.__dict__.get(m_name, None), (staticmethod, classmethod) ): continue setattr( obj, m_name, decorate_callable(m), # pyright: ignore[reportCallIssue] ) return obj return actual_decorator
@contextmanager def _catch_deprecation_warnings() -> "Iterator[list[warnings.WarningMessage]]": with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: warnings.simplefilter("ignore") warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=QCoDeSDeprecationWarning) yield ws @contextmanager def assert_not_deprecated() -> "Iterator[None]": with _catch_deprecation_warnings() as ws: yield assert len(ws) == 0 @contextmanager def assert_deprecated(message: str) -> "Iterator[None]": with _catch_deprecation_warnings() as ws: yield assert len(ws) == 1 recorded_message = ws[0].message assert isinstance(recorded_message, Warning) assert recorded_message.args[0] == message