Class LeapMotionDeviceManagerProfile
The profile for the Leap Motion Device Manager. The settings for this profile can be viewed if the Leap Motion Device Manager input data provider is added to the MRTK input configuration profile.
Namespace: Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.LeapMotion.Input
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
[MixedRealityServiceProfile(typeof(LeapMotionDeviceManager), null)]
public class LeapMotionDeviceManagerProfile : BaseMixedRealityProfile
The distance between the index finger tip and the thumb tip required to enter the pinch/air tap selection gesture. The pinch gesture enter will be registered for all values less than the EnterPinchDistance. The default EnterPinchDistance value is 0.02 and must be between 0.015 and 0.1.
public float EnterPinchDistance { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Single |
The minimum distance between the index finger tip and the thumb tip required to exit the pinch/air tap gesture to deselect. The distance between the thumb and the index tip must be greater than the ExitPinchDistance to raise the OnInputUp event
public float ExitPinchDistance { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Single |
Adds an offset to the game object with LeapServiceProvider attached. This offset is only applied if the leapControllerOrientation is LeapControllerOrientation.Desk and is necessary for the hand to appear in front of the main camera. If the leap controller is on the desk, the LeapServiceProvider is added to the scene instead of the LeapXRServiceProvider. The anchor point for the hands is the position of the game object with the LeapServiceProvider attached.
public Vector3 LeapControllerOffset { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Vector3 |
The location of the leap motion controller. LeapControllerOrientation.Headset indicates the controller is mounted on a headset. LeapControllerOrientation.Desk indicates the controller is placed flat on desk. The default value is set to LeapControllerOrientation.Headset.
public LeapControllerOrientation LeapControllerOrientation { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Leap |
The VR offset mode determines the calculation method for Leap Motion Controller placement while in VR. LeapVRDeviceOffsetModes: Default - No offset is applied to the controller. Manual Head Offset - Three new properties with a range constraint control the offset, LeapVRDeviceOffsetY, LeapVRDeviceOffsetZ and LeapVRDeviceOffsetTiltX. Transform - The new Leap Controller origin is set to a different transform. The LeapVRDeviceOffsetMode property is only taken into account if the LeapControllerOrientation is Headset.
public LeapVRDeviceOffsetMode LeapVRDeviceOffsetMode { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Leap |
The X-axis tilt offset of the Leap Motion Controller if the LeapVRDeviceOffsetMode is Manual Head Offset and the LeapControllerOrientation is Headset. This property and the range constraints mirror the range specified in the LeapXRServiceProvider.
public float LeapVRDeviceOffsetTiltX { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Single |
The Y-axis offset of the Leap Motion controller if the LeapVRDeviceOffsetMode is Manual Head Offset and the LeapControllerOrientation is Headset. This property and the range constraints mirror the range specified in the LeapXRServiceProvider.
public float LeapVRDeviceOffsetY { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Single |
The Z-axis offset of the Leap Motion controller if the LeapVRDeviceOffsetMode is Manual Head Offset and the LeapControllerOrientation is Headset. This property and the range constraints mirror the range specified in the LeapXRServiceProvider.
public float LeapVRDeviceOffsetZ { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Single |
The origin the Leap Motion Controller if the LeapVRDeviceOffsetMode is Transform and the LeapControllerOrientation is Headset.
public Transform LeapVRDeviceOrigin { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Transform |