How to Enumerate UMP Endpoints

Sometimes, an application wants to get a snapshot of active endpoints. For example, the MIDI console application does this when it presents a list of devices to pick from. This process is called enumeration.

Enumerating endpoints one time is good only for a brief snapshot listing. If you want to have a list of devices that is always up to date when devices are plugged/unplugged, come into range, have property updates, etc., see the how to watch endpoints topic.

auto endpointList = MidiEndpointDeviceInformation::FindAll();

That is the equivalent of passing in a sort order of the name, and a filter of the two types of UMP endpoints that an application will work with. (All endpoints are presented through the API/SDK as UMP, but their native data format is part of the device information and part of the filter options.)

auto endpointList = MidiEndpointDeviceInformation::FindAll(

The application may then iterate through the list, reading the properties as needed.

UMP Endpoint properties

Windows MIDI Services has a very rich set of properties available for a UMP Endpoint. This information includes hardware and other transport information, parent device information, user-supplied information, and in the case of a MIDI 2.0 UMP Endpoint, declared information from endpoint discovery and protocol negotiation carried out within the Windows service.

For more details, see the MidiEndpointDeviceInformation class documentation. You may also use the MIDI Console application to see all of the properties (including the raw property data if you choose to) for an endpoint.

Sample Code