
This class acts as a filter. Incoming messages with the specified group and channel will be provided through the MessageReceived event. Other messages will be ignored.

In addition to the properties and methods in IMidiEndpointMessageProcessingPlugin, and the MessageReceived event from IMidiMessageReceivedEventSource the class provides the following:


Property Description
IncludedGroup The MidiGroup that this listener will listen to.
IncludedChannels The channels that this listener will listen to on the group.
PreventCallingFurtherListeners True if this plugin should prevent further listeners from processing a message that is in-scope for this processor.
PreventFiringMainMessageReceivedEvent True if this plugin should prevent the endpoint’s MessageReceived event from firing if the message was in-scope for this plugin.


Property Description
MidiChannelEndpointListener() Construct a new instance of this type


// set up your message receive handler and create your connection
// before setting up the individual message listeners. The event
// handler has the same signature as the main message received
// event on the connection.

midi2::MidiChannelEndpointListener channelsListener;

// listening to channels generally only makes sense if you also
// specify the group you are listening to.

// add the channels you are listening to. Any messages which do 
// not have channels will not be raised through the event here.

// set this if you don't want the main message received event on the
// connection to fire for any messages this plugin handles.

auto channelMessagesReceivedEventToken = channelsListener.MessageReceived(MyMessageReceivedHandler);


// open after setting up the plugin so you don't miss any messages

// ...
// set up your message receive handler and create your connection
// before setting up the individual message listeners. The event
// handler has the same signature as the main message received
// event on the connection.

var channelsListener = new MidiChannelEndpointListener();

// listening to channels generally only makes sense if you also
// specify the group you are listening to.
channelsListener.IncludedGroup = new MidiGroup(5);

// add the channels you are listening to. Any messages which do 
// not have channels will not be raised through the event here.
channelsListener.IncludedChannels.Add(new MidiChannel(3));
channelsListener.IncludedChannels.Add(new MidiChannel(7));

// set this if you don't want the main message received event on the
// connection to fire for any messages this plugin handles.
channelsListener.PreventFiringMainMessageReceivedEvent = true;

channelsListener.MessageReceived += MyMessageReceivedHandler;


// open after setting up the plugin so you don't miss any messages

// ...


MidiChannelEndpointListener IDL