
This information is populated by the Windows Service during the MIDI 2.0 endpoint discovery process.


Field Description
Name The name as provided by endpoint discovery
ProductInstanceId Product Instance Id (a type of unique identifier) from the endpoint
SupportsMidi10Protocol True if the endpoint is capable of using the MIDI 1.0 protocol in UMP. This does not indicate if it is configured to do so, only that it is capable.
SupportsMidi20Protocol True if the endpoint is capable of using the MIDI 2.0 protocol in UMP. This does not indicate if it is configured to do so, only that it is capable.
SupportsReceivingJitterReductionTimestamps True if the endpoint supports receiving JR timestamps. Applications should not send or process JR timestamps.
SupportsSendingJitterReductionTimestamps True if the endpoint supports receiving JR timestamps. Applications should not send or process JR timestamps.
HasStaticFunctionBlocks True if this device declares that the function blocks are static for the lifetime of its connection to Windows.
DeclaredFunctionBlockCount This is the number of function blocks the endpoint claims to have. Note that this should not be used as an upper bound when iterating through the collection of function blocks, because this is not the count of function blocks actually received by the Windows service.
SpecificationVersionMajor UMP specification version as described in the MIDI 2.0 UMP spec.
SpecificationVersionMinor UMP specification version as described in the MIDI 2.0 UMP spec.


MidiDeclaredEndpointInfo IDL