
This class is a specialized equivalent of the DeviceInformation WinRT class. It handles requesting all of the additional properties necessary for MIDI devices, and also goes a step further to retrieve parent device information so that applications can display the endpoints and parent devices in context.

We’ve heard from developers that we did not provide sufficient information about devices in the past, so we created this class and the associated properties to remedy that. We also heard that Async calls were a non-starter for most DAW applications, so everything in this class is synchronous.

Note: the MidiEndpointDeviceWatcher is a better way to retrieve devices because you can then keep the watcher open in a background thread, and be notified of property changes, device add/remove, etc.

When displaying endpoint devices to users, you’ll typically want to stick to the defaults: IncludeClientUmpFormatNative | IncludeClientByteFormatNative. You do not want to show the Diagnostic Ping ever, and you typically will not want to show the system-wide Diagnostic Loopback singletons. Finally, you don’t want to show the Virtual Device Responder endpoints because those should be reserved only for the “device” application in app-to-app MIDI.

In-protocol discovered information

When a device is first enumerated by the MIDI Service, if it is a UMP-native device, we will attempt endpoint discover and protocol negotiation. During that, we request all endpoint information and all function block information. The received data is then cached in the device properties so that applications do not need to perform this process themselves.


Property Source Description
EndpointDeviceId Windows The endpoint device interface id. This is sometimes called “the SWD” in short-hand because it’s the string that uniquely identifies the software device interface that represents the endpoint.
Name Various This is the name which should be displayed in any application. It calculates the correct name based on the hierarchy of possible names, including a user-specified name. Always respect the user’s choice here.
ContainerId Windows The device container
DeviceInstanceId Windows The device instance id without the interface information
EndpointPurpose Windows The purpose of the endpoint. This is used primarily for filtering.
DeclaredEndpointInfoLastUpdateTime Discovery The time of the last update for endpoint information discovered in-protocol
DeclaredDeviceIdentityLastUpdateTime Discovery The time of the last update for device identity information discovered in-protocol
DeclaredStreamConfigurationLastUpdateTime Protocol Negotiation The time of the last update from protocol negotiation
DeclaredFunctionBlocksLastUpdateTime Discovery The time of the last update of function blocks

Static Properties

Static Property Description
EndpointInterfaceClass The class GUID which appears at the end of the Endpoint Ids


Function Description
GetDeclaredEndpointInfo() Returns a MidiDeclaredEndpointInfo structure with the currently stored endpoint discovery information
GetDeclaredDeviceIdentity() Returns a MidiDeclaredDeviceIdentity structure with the currently stored device identity information
GetDeclaredStreamConfiguration() Returns a MidiDeclaredStreamConfiguration structure with the currently stored stream configuration
GetDeclaredFunctionBlocks() Returns a snapshot of the currently stored function blocks
GetGroupTerminalBlocks() Returns the currently stored group terminal blocks (USB devices only)
GetUserSuppliedInfo() Returns a MidiEndpointUserSuppliedInfo structure currently stored user-supplied information
GetTransportSuppliedInfo() Returns a MidiEndpointTransportSuppliedInfo with the currently stored transport-supplied information
GetParentDeviceInformation() Finds and then retrieves the parent DeviceInformation type with appropriate properties.
GetContainerInformation() Gets the device container information and returns its DeviceInformation with appropriate properties

Static Functions

Static Function Description
CreateFromId(id) Creates a new MidiEndpointDeviceInformation object from the specified id
FindAll() Searches for all endpoint devices and returns a list in the default sort order
FindAll(sortOrder) Searches for all endpoint devices and returns a list in the specified sort order
FindAll(sortOrder, endpointFilter) Searches for all endpoint devices which match the filter, and returns a list in the specified sort order.
DeviceMatchesFilter(deviceInformation, endpointFilter) A helper function to compare a device against the filter.
GetAdditionalPropertiesList() This returns the list of properties which must be requested during enumeration. Typically not needed for applications, as the watcher calls this function


MidiEndpointDeviceInformation IDL