

Field Description
Name The endpoint name as provided by the transport
Description The description, if any, as provided by the transport
SerialNumber Any unique serial number (iSerial in USB, for example) form the transport
VendorId If the device is connected to the new UMP USB driver, this is the USB VID
ProductId If the device is connected to the new UMP USB driver, this is the USB PID
ManufacturerName If the device is connected to the new UMP USB driver, this is the manufactruer name from the USB headers
SupportsMultiClient True if the endpoint supports multi-client use through Windows MIDI Services
NativeDataFormat The MidiEndpointNativeDataFormat indicating if this device natively uses the MIDI 1.0 byte format, or the UMP format
TransportId GUID identifying the transport in use
TransportAbbreviation Short identifier for the transport, such as KS or BLE


MidiEndpointTransportSuppliedInfo IDL