

The MidiUniqueId class is used to provide formatting and data validation for MIDI-CI MUID (MIDI Unique Id) types used in Function Blocks and MIDI CI transactions.

In the specification, Byte1 is the LSB and Byte4 is the MSB. We follow that convention here.


MidiUniqueId() Constructs an empty MidiUniqueId
MidiUniqueId(UInt32) Constructs the MidiUniqueId from the given 28 bit integer
MidiUniqueId(UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8) Constructs a MidiUniqueId with the specified seven-bit bytes


Byte1 The data value for byte 1 of the MUID (LSB)
Byte2 The data value for byte 2 of the MUID (second-most LSB)
Byte3 The data value for byte 3 of the MUID (second-most MSB)
Byte4 The data value for byte 4 of the MUID (MSB)
AsCombined28BitValue The data value converted to a 28 bit integer
IsBroadcast True if this is the broadcast MUID value from the MIDI CI specification
IsReserved True if this is the reserved MUID value from the MIDI CI specification

Static Properties

ShortLabel Returns the localized abbreviation for use in UI.
LongLabel Returns the localized full name for use in UI.

Static Methods

CreateBroadcast() Constructs a broadcast MidiUniqueId per the MIDI CI specification
CreateRandom() Constructs a random MidiUniqueId per the MIDI CI specification

See also

MidiUniqueId IDL