MidiMessageType Enumeration

The values correspond directly to the “mt” field in the MIDI UMP packet and may be cast as such if trimmed to 4 bits and shifted into place.


Namespace Microsoft.Windows.Devices.Midi2
Library Microsoft.Windows.Devices.Midi2


Property Value Description
UtilityMessage32 0x0 32-bit utility message
SystemCommon32 0x1 32-bit system common message
Midi1ChannelVoice32 0x2 32-bit MIDI 1.0 channel voice message
DataMessage64 0x3 64-bit data message (including MIDI 1.0 System Exclusive)
Midi2ChannelVoice64 0x4 64-bit MIDI 2.0 channel voice message
DataMessage128 0x5 128-bit Data Message
FutureReserved632 0x6 Reserved for future use by the MIDI standards bodies
FutureReserved732 0x7 Reserved for future use by the MIDI standards bodies
FutureReserved864 0x8 Reserved for future use by the MIDI standards bodies
FutureReserved964 0x9 Reserved for future use by the MIDI standards bodies
FutureReservedA64 0xA Reserved for future use by the MIDI standards bodies
FutureReservedB96 0xB Reserved for future use by the MIDI standards bodies
FutureReservedC96 0xC Reserved for future use by the MIDI standards bodies
FlexData128 0xD 128-bit Flex Data message including song file data messages
FutureReservedE128 0xE Reserved for future use by the MIDI standards bodies
Stream128 0xF 128-bit stream message, including endpoint discovery and function block messages


MidiMessageType IDL