Rules for Brainstorming
Tool: Brainstorm Ideas
Rules for brainstorming
Defer judgment
There are no bad ideas at this point. There will be plenty of time to judge ideas later.
Encourage wild ideas
It's the wild ideas that often create real innovation. It is always easy to bring ideas down to earth later!
Build on the ideas of others
Think in terms of 'and' instead of 'but.' If you dislike an idea. challenge yourself to build on it and make it better.
Stay focused on the topic
You will get better output if everyone is disciplined.
Be Visual
Try to engage the logical and the creative sides of the brain. A quick sketch can help make your idea more understandable to someone else.
One conversation at a time
Allow ideas to be heard and built upon.
Go for quantity
Set a big goal for number of ideas and surpass it! Remember there is no need to make a lengthy case for your idea since no one is judging. Ideas should flow quickly.