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Day 17


On Day 17, students explore how computing innovations use data. They discuss the different data types and various ways data is collected. They learn what an IPOS Structure Chart is and see how it can be used to evaluate the different way data is used. Students then work with a partner to analyze the computing innovations they have presented throughout the year to determine what data types are used in each innovation. Students share their findings with the class, and then each student presents their impact of computing findings for their next chosen innovation, including the type of data used and how it is used. When presentations are finished, the class will vote on the most important or noteworthy example of the day.

Day 17 will be about:

  • Data types.
  • Data collection devices.
  • Input, Processing, Output, Storage Structure Chart.
  • Beneficial and harmful effects of computing innovations.
  • The unintended consequences of computing innovations.
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