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Extensions: Investigate and Learn


These extension activities may be included at the end of the unit or added into the mix.

The first extension requires the use of Micro:bit boards. While the code activity can be completed in MakeCode, it is more satisfying if students are able to create their physical tracker and take it with them. This first activity is tied to the WE pillar of Health and focused on personal health and well-being by teaching students how to code an activity picker on a Micro:bit to increase their movement habits. This activity is best completed individually.

The second extension requires the use of Minecraft: Education Edition. The app can be downloaded for free and the two Hour of Code lessons included here can both be accessed without an account. The first lesson (from 2019) is focused on how to use AI for good and the second lesson (from 2020) is focused on diversity and inclusion. Both of these topics relate to several WE pillars and are most closely related to Opportunity and Health. This activity is best completed individually.

The final extension is an organizational or connection mapping activity called a Heartbreak Map. Students will consider the issues in our world that "break their hearts" and how they might be able to address these problems. This activity does not require any specific hardware or software and can be completed as individuals or in groups.

The extensions consist of the following activities:

  1. Students will explore how computing can help support making difficult decisions. coding an activity picker using MakeCode.

  2. Students will use Minecraft: Education Edition to develop further understanding of how AI can help solve world needs. Students will code in M:EE to create a reconciled group of communities.

  3. Students will identify a something important to them that "breaks" their heart. They will create heartbreak maps to facilitate brainstorming actions they can take to resolve the heartbreak.

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