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Day 19-22


On Days 19-22, students demonstrate their understanding of algorithm implementations by creating a program that includes (1) sequencing, (2) selection, and (3) iteration. Students are tasked with creating a program that seeks user input, uses strings and/or integer variables, and includes a visible output. Students can choose whether their program incorporates sprites and projectiles, or calculations.

Day 19 is about brainstorming, selecting an idea, formulating a plan, and completing a design document:

  • Introduction to Unit 3 project.
  • Brainstorm ideas for the project.
  • Decide on the purpose of the program they will create.
  • Write the pseudocode for the program they plan to create.

Days 20 and 21 are:

  • Workdays
  • Pair and Share to receive feedback from a classmate

Day 22:

  • Finalize programs
  • Response to prompts
  • Submit your project
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