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logoMakeCode AP CSP

Computing Systems and Networks


In Unit 2, students will learn about computing systems and networks. Students will learn how computers work, how the Internet works, the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web, how data is sent through the Internet via packets, and what fault-tolerant systems are. Additionally, students will learn about parallel and distributed computing, comparing the solutions, determining the efficiencies of solutions, and describing the benefits and challenges of parallel and distributed computing. Students will then synthesize the knowledge they learn and create a static webpage teaching someone else about a component of computing systems and networks.

The questions students will explore in this unit include:

  • Why are long text messages sometimes delivered out of order?
  • When an Internet service outage occurs in a different part of your town or city, how are you still able to access the Internet?
  • What are the benefits of dividing tasks among group members?
  • Is there a point where adding another group member would not make completing the task faster? Why?

Estimated Time:

12 days (45-50 minute classes)
1 day optional extension activity

Computational Thinking Practices

Computing Innovations

  • 5.A Explain how computing systems work.

Responsible Computing

  • 6.B Use safe and secure methods when using computing devices.

Big Ideas

Big Idea 4: Computing Systems and Networks (CSN)

Computer systems and networks are used to transfer data. One of the largest and most commonly used networks is the Internet. Through a series of protocols, the Internet can be used to send and receive information and ideas throughout the world.Transferring and processing information can be slow when done on a single computer; but leveraging multiple computers to do the work at the same time can significantly shorten the time it takes to complete tasks or solve problems.

Enduring Understandings

CSN-1 Computer systems and networks facilitate the transfer of data.

CSN-2 Parallel and distributed computing leverage multiple computers to move quickly to solve problems or process large data sets.

Projects and Major Assessments

  • Educational Presentation
  • Reflections on learning outcomes for the unit
  • Impact of Computing bi-weekly report

Materials Needed

  • Unit 2 Educator PowerPoint decks
  • Unit 2 Videos
  • Unit 2 Student Activities and Homework Assignments
  • 5 to 6 decks of cards, depending on the size of your class

Internet access to these sites:


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