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Day 5


In Day 5, we will cover the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web and fault tolerant systems. First, students will write a short explanation of the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet and share their summaries. Then, students will learn about fault tolerant systems. We will discuss the types of faults that can occur in a system and the ways we can prevent, mitigate, or recover from faults. We will then discuss single point failure and redundancy. Students will learn how the Internet is engineered to be fault tolerant and learn how data centers create redundancy. Students will then play a quick game where they strategize to either protect against malicious attacks or create them. Finally, students will learn about DDoS attacks.

Day 5 will be about:

  • The difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web.
  • Fault Tolerance:
    • Types of faults
    • Ways to prevent, mitigate, or recover
    • Single point failure
    • Redundancy
    • DDoS
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