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logoMakeCode AP CSP

Day 6


In Day 6, we will examine the risks to privacy we experience when we use computing devices and when we give our information to others who store our information on computer systems. Students will examine what it feels like to have their personal information "stolen" and discuss what personally identifiable information (PII) is and how it is unknowingly given to businesses, marketers, and even scammers. Students will then discuss what they learned from reading Chapter 2 of Blown to Bits and how they feel the digital explosion impacts our lives in ways that we do not (or cannot) anticipate.

Day 6 will be about:

  • Our risks to privacy from collecting and storing personal data on a computer system.
  • How devices, websites, and networks can collect information about a user's location, search history, as well as PII.
  • How our PII can be used to influence or enhance our future shopping and browsing experience.
  • How we accept our loss of privacy to save time, for convenience, and for enjoyment.
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