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Create Your Own Webpage



  • Day 8 PowerPoint deck

Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments

  1. Create a Glitch account
  2. Create Your Own Webpage
  3. Homework

Learning Objectives

HTML is not a programming language represented on the exam.

Essential Knowledge

HTML is not a programming language represented on the exam.


1. Create a Glitch account (5 minutes)

  1. Go to
  2. Create an account:
    • If students have a GiHub account, they should use that account.
    • If they don't have a GitHub account, recommend using school email address.
      1. Use the email magic link option

2. Create Your Own Webpage (45 minutes)

  1. Pick a topic for your webpage.
  2. Select "hello-webpage" to get started.
  3. Give students an overview of the files associated with the webpage:
    • file
    • Index.html file
    • Style.css file
    • Script.js file
    • Assets folder
  4. Show students how to see the webpage as they edit
  5. Remind students of basic HTML code.
  6. Begin editing on the index.html page.
  7. Show students how to add an image to their webpage.
  8. Show students how to create a second page and then link it to the index.html page.
  9. Show students how to create ordered lists.
  10. Show students how to create unordered lists.
  11. Show students how to create tables.
  12. Students should refer back to HTML reference if they need

3. Homework

  1. Encourage students to develop their webpage further.
  2. Remind students to refer back to to see what else they can add to their page.
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