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String Variables



Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments

  1. Integers Review (5 minutes)
  2. Introduce string variables (10 minutes)
  3. Sprite Greets You By Name Program (15 minutes)
  4. Parts of Speech Program (20 minutes)
  5. Homework

Learning Objectives

  • CRD-2.B Explain how a program or code segment functions. 4.A
  • CRD-2.G Describe the purpose of a code segment or program by writing documentation. 4.A
  • AAP-1.A Represent a value with a variable. 3.A AAP-1.C Represent a list or string using a variable. 3.A AAP-2.A Express an algorithm that uses sequencing without using a programming language. 2.A AAP-2.D Evaluate expressions that manipulate strings. 4.B

Essential Knowledge

  • CRD-2.A.1 The purpose of computing innovations is to solve problems or to pursue interests through creative expression.
  • CRD-2.B.2 A code segment is a collection of program statements that is part of a program.
  • CRD-2.G.3 Programmers should document a program throughout its development.
  • AAP-1.A.1 A variable is an abstraction inside a program that can hold a value. Each variable has associated data storage that represents one value at a time, but that value can be a list or other collection that in turn contains multiple values.
  • AAP-1.A.2 Using meaningful variable names helps with the readability of program code and understanding of what values are represented by the variables.
  • AAP-1.C.4 A string is an ordered sequence of characters.
  • AAP-2.A.2 Beyond visual and textual programming languages, algorithms can be expressed in a variety of ways, such as natural language, diagrams, and pseudocode.
  • AAP-2.D.1 String concatenation joins together two or more strings end-to-end to make a new string.


1. Integers Review (5 minutes)

  • What is an expression? It can consist of a value, a variable, an operator, or a procedure call that returns a value.
  • How many values can an expression evaluate to? 1
  • What is the order of operations for math operators? PEDMAS
  • How is working with integers different than working with sprites? Sprites have properties.
  • Did you use any of the Math blocks you researched?

2. Introduce String Variables (10 minutes)

  • Define characters in programming.
  • Define string in programming.
  • Discuss where we see strings when we:
    • Use computers
    • Play computer game
  • Define string variables further.
  • Lead students through creating a program where a sprite uses a string.
  • Introduce string concatenation.
  • Change program so sprite says "Hello World."

3. Sprite Greets You By Name Program (15 minutes)

  • Lead students through creating a program where a sprite greets you by name:
    • With direction, students will first create the program to greet you by your first name.
  • Task students to then create a program where the sprite greets you by first and last name.
  • Debrief:
    • How did you know what to do?
    • Were your first and last name joined together without any separation?
    • How did you fix it?
  • Ask students to share their code, copy the link, and paste it to "My Code Segments for String Activities" page.

4. Parts of Speech Program (20 minutes)

  • Introduce substring.
  • Lead students through creating a program that pulls out the nouns from a sentence.
  • Task students to then create a program each sprite pulls out a different part of speech from the sentence.
  • Students must:
    • Use the substring block.
    • Optionally use the join block if there is more than one word.
  • When students are finished:
    • Create a link to their program using the Share button.
    • Add their link to their "My Code Segments for String Activities" page.
    • Depending on your class collaboration system, you can have students copy and paste their program links in an email, LMS system, Class OneNote, or other tool.
    • Alternately, they can download their programs as .png files on their local computers or on a shared file system.
    • Note - by default most browsers will download files to the "Download" folder on a computer.β€― You can change this behavior if you want by configuring the browser settings (instructions in PowerPoint deck).

5. Homework

  • How is working with strings different that working with integers or sprites?
  • Think of all the places in real life you enter a string and it triggers an action
  • Research some of the text blocks by hovering, right click, and select help
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My Code Segments for String Activities