- Day 7 PowerPoint deck
- Asphodel Follows Directions
- Note: More educator information regarding Asphodel's code can be found here.
- Robots in MakeCode Arcade Handout
- Robots in MakeCode Arcade Handout in Word
- Robot Drawing program
- Robot Practice Field
- Practice Robot Question
Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments
- Algorithm Review (5 minutes)
- Introduce the Robot on the AP CSP Exam (5 minutes)
- Robot Practice as a Class (30 minutes)
- Individual Robot Practice (10 minutes)
Learning Objectives
- AAP-1.B
- AAP-2.A
- AAP-2.B
- AAP-2.G
- AAP-2.H
- AAP-2.J
- AAP-2.K
- AAP-2.M
- AAP-3.A
- AAP-3.C
Essential Knowledge
- AAP-1.B.1
- AAP-1.B.2
- AAP-1.B.3
- AAP-2.A.1
- AAP-2.A.4
- AAP-2.B.1
- AAP-2.B.6
- AAP-2.G.1
- AAP-2.H.1
- AAP-2.H.2
- AAP-2.H.3
- AAP-2.J.1
- AAP-2.K.1
- AAP-2.K.2
- AAP-2.K.3
- AAP-2.M.2
- AAP-3.A.1
- AAP-3.A.2
- AAP-3.A.3
- AAP-3.A.4
- AAP-3.A.5
- AAP-3.C.1
0. Before class
- Use AP Classroom to curate some robot questions students can practice.
- Assign the questions to students so the questions will be available when it is time for students to practice independently.
- Print the Robot Practice Field document to give students:
- Students can use it to help them track the robot's path according to the code.
- If you have erasers or Lego people you can give students one to use as their robot.
1. Algorithm review (5 minutes)
- Remind students of the definition of an algorithm.
- Remind students of the existing algorithms you have already discussed:
- Determining the maximum or minimum value of two or more numbers.
- Computing the sum or average of two or more numbers.
- Identifying if an integer is or is not evenly divisible by another integer.
- Introduce a fourth example of existing algorithms:
- Determining a robot's path through a maze.
- Review the three types of programming constructs used in algorithmic implementations:
- Sequencing
- Iteration
- Selection
- Review Variables:
- Remind student of the definition of a variable.
- Discuss what an assignment operator does in a program.
- Explain that the value stored in a variable will be the most recent value assigned.
- Practice determining the value of a variable.
3. Introduce the Robot on the AP CSP Exam (5 minutes)
- Use the slides to demonstrate the movement of the robot.
- Discuss the instructions and explanations regarding robots on the Exam Reference Sheet.
- Remind students of the definition of iteration.
- Discuss the instructions and explanations regarding iteration on the Exam Reference Sheet.
4. Individual Robot practice (10 minutes)
- Direct students to either AP Classroom.
- Instruct them to complete the assignment you created.
- If students do not finish (and the assignment does not involve secure questions on AP Classroom), students can finish for homework.
5. Robots in MakeCode Arcade (10 minutes)
- Direct students to the Robots in MakeCode Arcade page.
- Instruct them to play the Asphodel Follows Directions game, and experiment with the Robot Drawing program.