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Debate Topics

You can share these topics with your students on the first day of the unit, or you can choose to wait until later in the unit to share them. If you share them in advance, it would be beneficial to have them displayed in the classroom (and/or on your class website or LMS) so students can see them throughout the unit.

  1. The convenience of online shopping, discounts with loyalty programs, and staying connected to family and friends through social media outweighs the hazards associated with sharing your personal data via computing devices.

  2. Face recognition software should be impermissible in criminal investigations.

  3. Because of the digital divide, schools should not create remote learning environments.

  4. When using the Internet, our constitutional right to free speech and information liberty outweighs the need to protect children and international money-making opportunities.

  5. Contact tracing applications are necessary in a time of a pandemic and, therefore, privacy concerns do not matter.

  6. The use of encryption to protect our privacy, free expression, and human liberty outweigh the costs to law enforcement and national intelligence who will be unable to eavesdrop and wiretap our communications.

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