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Privacy and Security in Computing Innovations

Consult your Impact of a Computing Innovation - Recurring Assignment page to complete this assignment.

With a partner, enter the computing innovations you have included on your page and presented to the class in the second column, including the one you plan to present today. (Put the name of the person who presented that innovation to the class in the first column.) Then, for the third column, list potential privacy concerns related to each of your computing innovations. In the fourth column, list potential security concerns, and, in the fifth column, list potential storage concerns for each innovation. If you need to conduct research to identify the privacy, security, and storage policies of the computing innovation you are analyzing, please do so.

Team memberComputing innovationPrivacy concernsSecurity concernsStorage concerns
Student ASocial mediaSocial media companies are collecting data on us as we use the site and our location as we use the site. If this data is not protected and destroyed properly, it could be misused. Additionally, social media platforms can sell your data to other companies.People can hijack your account and communicate with your friends to trick them into thinking that you sent a link they should open. The link, however, is malware and harmful to your friend's account. Unless a person uses a strong password and two-factor authentication, they are more vulnerable to security breaches.With social media sites, when you post something, you are giving the site "a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free and worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate and create derivative works of your content". While you still own the image, etc., the social media site can reuse it, even if you decide you no longer want it displayed for viewing.
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