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GED VIZ - Tell Your Own Story

Choose a topic to explore using GED VIZ

You can pick a topic on your own, or you can choose one from the list:

  • How did Country X turn into the world's foremost exporter of Y? (choose two countries to explore)
  • Why is the relationship between the US and China so important?
  • Are countries geographically close more likely to trade with each other?
  • Why are trade relations so important?
  • Which countries are most dependent on others for financing?
  • Why does the United States owe so much money to other countries?
  • Why did Country X have a large number of immigrants from Country Y? (choose two countries to explore)
  • Why did Country X have immigrants from the majority of the other countries?

Record your group's GED VIZ story

Group members:

URL for your GED VIZ slide show:

What does the slide show depict?

What do you believe the data is telling us?

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