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Sustainable Development Goals



  • Day 1 PowerPoint deck


Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments

  1. Introduce WE Five Pillars of Impact (5 minutes)
  2. Introduce Sustainable Development Goals (5 minutes)
  3. Activity: What Do You Know About the SDGs? (10 minutes)
  4. Activity: Dig Deeper (25 minutes)
  5. Reflection/Homework (5 minutes)

Learning Objectives

  • Students will assess their connections to the UN's SDGs and select one that resonates with them.
  • Students will employ critical thinking and comprehension skills to gain a deeper understanding of the SDGs.
  • Students will make real-life connections to the SDGs.


1. Introduction to WE 5 Pillars (5 minutes)

  • In this Unit, we’ll be using frameworks established by 2 important non-profit organizations:
  • WE and the United Nations
  • WE Charity is an international development charity and youth empowerment movement
  • The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization that aims to maintain world peace, protect human rights, and promote sustainable development
  • This video introduces the 5 Pillars of Impact that WE has chosen to focus on
  • As you learn about the Pillars and then the Sustainable Development Goals, you'll notice the connections between them
  • Play the WE Villages video

2. Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (5 minutes)

  • Did you know that there are global goals that nearly 200 countries have promised to achieve by the year 2030?
  • These goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change.
  • They were created and agreed upon by the 193 member countries of the United Nations in 2015, and are called the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The goals are a guideline for all of us, governments, businesses, civil society, and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.
  • Let’s learn more about the SDGs.

3. Activity: What Do You Know About the SDGs? (10 minutes)

  • Show the World's Largest Lesson video (6:34)

Malala introducing the The Worlds Largest Lesson

Accessible WLL Animation (International Sign, CC, Audio description)


Questions to ask after or during the video: (times are for accessible video)

  1. 2:04 What basic things do we all need?
    Fresh water, clean air, healthy food
  2. 3:03 What are some of the problems the world is facing? (ask general question at the end of section or specific questions throughout)
    Climate change, inequality, healthcare, education
  3. 2:45 What is the problem when some people have more than they need, and others do not?
  4. 2:54 Can everyone go to the doctor when they are sick?
    Not everyone can get the medicine or healthcare they need
  5. 3:03 Does everyone go to school?
    In some places, millions of kids cannot go to school
  6. 4:09 What organization represents the people of the world?
    United Nations
  7. How many countries does the UN represent?
  8. What is the purpose of the UN?
    Keep us peaceful and working together
  9. 4:27 What did the United Nations announce?
    Goals for Sustainable Development
  10. How many goals are there?
  11. When do we need to achieve them?
  12. 5:13 How can we start to achieve the SDGs?
    Make them famous- tell everyone!
    Do something, anything!
  13. What connections do you see between the WE 5 Pillars and the SDGs?

4. Activity: Dig Deeper (25 minutes)

  • Have students select a Sustainable Development Goal that they would like to learn more about (or assign one of the 17 SDGs to each student). They can read more about the SDG's here.
  • Open the Comics Uniting Nations site and have the students select and read a comic that aligns with the SDG they picked
  • Organize students into groups of 4-5 to discuss their responses to the following questions:
    • What was the story or scenario that your comic was about?
    • How did it relate to the SDG that you picked?
    • Why did you select this SDG?
    • How will making an impact with this SDG improve your community and your life?

5. Reflection/Homework (5 minutes)

If you run out of time, you may also assign this as individual homework.

Sustainable Development Goals Chart

Answer the following questions about the United Nations:

  1. How many countries does the UN represent?
  2. What is the purpose of the UN?
  3. What did the United Nations announce in 2015?
  4. How many goals are there?
  5. When do we need to achieve them by?

Review the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals then answer the following questions.

  1. Do any of these goals affect you or the community you live in? Explain.
  2. When thinking of working on solutions, what are the top 3 goals that interest you the most?
  3. If you were to choose one goal to focus on to solve with a computing innovation, which one would it be Why?
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