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Using Games to Save the World



Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments

  1. Using Games for Good (15 minutes)
  2. Creating Simulations (20 minutes)
  3. Exploring COVID data visualizations (10)
  4. Homework

Learning Objectives

  • Students will develop an understanding about how games can be used to further social good causes
  • Students will create their own COVID social distancing simulation in MakeCode Arcade
  • Students will also explore various data visualization websites to visualize local data and see how data visualization apps work


1. Games for Good (15 minutes)

  • Introduce non-profit Games for Good
  • Have student explore the different types of social good games listed on the site
  • Lead a discussion about the types of games they saw and how those games tied into a social good theme

2. Creating Simulations (20 minutes)

  • Review what simulations do
  • Examine a simple simulation demonstrating the difference between social distancing and no social distancing for the COVID-19 virus
  • Task students to create their own COVID simulation using MakeCode Arcade
    • Students can choose whether they create a program that simulates what happens when people do not distance, when they do social distance, or both
    • Students can work independently or with a partner
    • Students have quite a lot of flexibility and freedom in how they represent their simulation (does not have to adhere to the example given)

3. Exploring Data Visualizations (10 minutes)

  • Discuss how data visualization helps people make decisions and tell stories
  • Direct students to the Exploring COVID Data Visualization Sites page and task them with completing the tasks and questions in Section A
  • Discuss how data can be used to create simulations that policy makers can use to make decisions
  • Direct students to the Exploring COVID Data Visualization Sites page and task them with completing the tasks and questions in Section B

4. Homework

  • Finish COVID simulation game
  • Finish responding to the COVID Data Visualization questions
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Exploring COVID Data Visualization Sites