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Azure TRE base workspace

The base workspace template is the foundation that all other workspaces and workspace services are built upon. Alternative workspace architectures could be used. However, the templates provided in this repository rely on the specific architecture of this base workspace.

The base workspace template contains the following resources:

  • Virtual Network
  • Storage Account
  • Key Vault
  • VNet Peer to Core VNet
  • Network Security Group
  • App Service Plan

Workspace Configuration

When deploying a workspace the following properties need to be configured.

Required Properties

Property Options Description
client_id Valid client ID of the Workspace App Registration. The OpenID client ID which should be submitted to the OpenID service when necessary. This value is typically provided to you by the OpenID service when OpenID credentials are generated for your application.
client_secret Valid client secret.

Azure Trusted Services

Azure Trusted Services are allowed to connect to both the key vault and storage account provsioned within the workspace. If this is undesirable additonal resources without this setting configured can be deployed.

Further details around which Azure services are allowed to connect can be found below: