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Adding Firewall Rules as part of a workspace or service deployment


Creating firewall rules will in the future only be allowed through the firewall shared services #882.

A TRE service may require certain firewall rules to be opened in the TRE firewall. Examples include:

  • Access to an external authorisation endpoint
  • Access to an external data store
  • Access to an external API

Please be aware when opening firewall rules there is the potential for data to be leaked from the workspace to the external location.

Using Terraform to open firewall rules

Until a mechanism to update shared services has been implemented, firewall rule updates should be done using terraform as part of the service deployment. The aim is to create a firewall rule that grants access from the workspace's address space to the external location. A challenge with this is that the rule must use a priority that has not been used by any other rule.

  1. Create a file in the terraform directory of the workspace.

  2. Add the following code to the file to enable the TRE firewall and workspace network to be referenced:

    data "azurerm_firewall" "fw" {
        name                = "fw-${var.tre_id}"
        resource_group_name = "rg-${var.tre_id}"
    data "azurerm_virtual_network" "ws" {
        name                = "vnet-${var.tre_id}-ws-${var.workspace_id}"
        resource_group_name =
  3. Define a local variable that contains the locations that access should be allowed to, and the naming format for the service resources for example:

    locals {
        allowed_urls                     = ["*", "*"]
        service_resource_name_suffix    = "${var.tre_id}-ws-${var.workspace_id}-svc-${local.service_id}"
  4. Log into the Azure CLI using service principal details:

    resource "null_resource" "az_login" {
        provisioner "local-exec" {
            command = "az login --identity -u '${var.arm_client_id}'"
        triggers = {
            timestamp = timestamp()
  5. Call the script to find the next available priority:

    data "external" "rule_priorities" {
        program = ["bash", "-c", "./"]
        query = {
            firewall_name       =
            resource_group_name = data.azurerm_firewall.fw.resource_group_name
            service_resource_name_suffix = local.service_resource_name_suffix
        depends_on = [
  6. Save the script as a file in the terraform directory:

    set -e
    eval "$(jq -r '@sh "firewall_name=\(.firewall_name) resource_group_name=\(.resource_group_name) service_resource_name_suffix=\(.service_resource_name_suffix)"')"
    if NETWORK_RULES=$(az network firewall network-rule list -g $resource_group_name -f  $firewall_name --collection-name "nrc-$service_resource_name_suffix" -o json); then
        NETWORK_RULE_PRIORITY=$(echo $NETWORK_RULES | jq '.priority')
        NETWORK_RULE_MAX_PRIORITY=$(az network firewall network-rule collection list -f $firewall_name -g $resource_group_name -o json --query 'not_null(max_by([],&priority).priority) || `100`')
    if APPLICATION_RULES=$(az network firewall application-rule list -g $resource_group_name -f  $firewall_name --collection-name "arc-$service_resource_name_suffix" -o json); then
        APPLICATION_RULE_MAX_PRIORITY=$(az network firewall application-rule collection list -f $firewall_name -g $resource_group_name -o json --query 'not_null(max_by([],&priority).priority) || `100`')
    # Safely produce a JSON object containing the result value.
    jq -n --arg network_rule_priority "$NETWORK_RULE_PRIORITY" --arg application_rule_priority "$APPLICATION_RULE_PRIORITY" '{ "network_rule_priority":$network_rule_priority, "application_rule_priority":$application_rule_priority }'
  7. Create the firewall rule using a resource similar to the below:

    resource "azurerm_firewall_application_rule_collection" "apprulecollection" {
        name                = "arc-${local.service_resource_name_suffix}"
        azure_firewall_name =
        resource_group_name = data.azurerm_firewall.fw.resource_group_name
        priority            = data.external.rule_priorities.result.application_rule_priority
        action              = "Allow"
        rule {
            name = "allowServiceXRules"
            source_addresses =
            target_fqdns = local.allowed_urls
            protocol {
                port = "443"
                type = "Https"
            protocol {
                port = "80"
                type = "Http"