FinOps toolkit deployment options Explore the different options to deploy FinOps toolkit solutions. Deploy from the portal, make small tweaks, or download for a fully customized deployment.

On this page

The FinOps toolkit includes multiple ARM templates. Prerequisites, parameters, and post-deployment setup steps differ per template. Please refer to the template details for more information:

Note Bicep Registry modules can be referenced directly from your Bicep code and are not deployed using the steps below.

🗺️ Where to find FinOps toolkit templates

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🚀 Deploy a FinOps toolkit template

  1. Select the Deploy to Azure button for the desired template:

    Template Azure Commercial Azure Gov Azure China
    FinOps hub
    Optimization workbook
    Governance workbook
  2. Specify the desired values for each parameter. See the template details for more information.

    Use the Edit parameters link to use a saved parameters file or to download a new parameters file for future use.

  3. Select the Review + create button.
  4. Select the Create button.

Screenshot of the FinOps hub create form

🎛️ Using custom deployment in the Azure portal

Screenshot of the custom deployment form

The Azure portal includes a Custom deployment option that supports all templates available in the Azure Quickstart Templates repository. To deploy a quickstart template:

  1. Open Custom deployment
  2. In the Quickstart template dropdown, select quickstarts/microsoft.costmanagement/<template>.
  3. Select the Select template button.
  4. Are you updating an existing deployment?
    1. If so, use a parameters file:
      1. Select the Edit parameters link at the top of the form.
      2. Select the Load file command at the top of the page to upload your existing parameters file or copy and paste the file contents directly.
      3. Select the Save button at the bottom of the page.
    2. If this is a new deployment, specify the desired values for each parameter. See the template details for more information.
  5. Select the Edit parameters link at the top of the form.
  6. Select the Download command at the top of the page to save your parameters file. Keep this for your next deployment.
  7. Select the Save button at the bottom of the page.
  8. Select the Review + create button.
  9. Select the Create button.

If you received any validation errors, fix those and attempt to create the resources again.

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